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Here you will be rubbing your eyes in amazement. A wild forest, dangerous animals, and around … dwarfs, a fisherman with a goldfish and a magic mill. All this is only possible in the oldest forest in Europe.

The Białowieża Forest is the last place in Europe where nature has its own rules for centuries. Here trees grow until old age, animals find food themselves, and the stronger ones overcome the weaker ones. From the time when the pedestrian border crossing Białowieża - Piererow was opened, it is worth going to the other side of the forest, where history intertwines with modernity, and the real world with a fairy-tale.

The oldest forest in Europe

The State National Park "Puszcza Białowieska" is located in the west of the Republic of Belarus, within the borders of the Grodno and Brest voivodeships. It takes 87.36 thousand. ha. After crossing the border, on the way to the village of Kamieniaki, you pass Lake Ladzkie. It is one of ten artificial water reservoirs created in the backwaters of rivers in the forest. The sparkling water surrounded by ancient trees makes an amazing impression. The Belarusian part of the Białowieża Primeval Forest is the oldest forest on the European continent. More than 1,000 trees - giants - grow here. Oaks, ash and pines are several hundred years old. The oldest, 600-year-old tsar oak and 350-year-old pine queen have witnessed many hunts. Fortunately, hunting is no more today. Now this virgin forest is primarily a we alth of wild animals. They live here in natural conditions, next to the bison called the king of the forest, as well as elks, deer, roe deer, wild boars, wolves, lynxes and many other animals. In the nineteenth century, the most dangerous inhabitants of the forest were brown bears. However, due to the need to protect the bison, they were relocated to other areas.

Eye to eye with a bison

Today, 54 species of mammals, 252 species of birds, 7 species of reptiles and 11 species of amphibians live in the forest. There are only 300 bison.
Animals don't care about inter-state borders. When it's time for estrus, and the chosen one lives on the other side of the forest - wolves do digging, lynxes jump over the fence, and elks and bison simply ram it. The forest also plays an important role in modern history. It is here, in the "Wiskule" complex, that in 1991 an agreement was signed on the dissolution of the USSR and the creation of the Commonwe alth of Independent States. Bialowieza faunaand flora can be admired in nature at the National Park Museum in Kamieniuki. So if you fail to meet face to face with a bison or a moose on a walk, you will definitely see it here. Both in the open air and in the form of museum exhibits.

Worth knowing

The name of the Białowieża Forest probably comes from the White Tower. It is located about 20 km from Kamieniuki in the town of Kamieniec, founded in the 13th century by Prince Włodzimierz Wołyński. A 30-meter-high defensive tower rises on a hill on the bank of the Leśna River. In the past, local residents called it "white", which meant unconquered.

Grandpa Frost lives here

Since 2003, the Białowieża Forest has had a new tenant. Kamieniuk took a liking to the residence of Grandfather Mróz, i.e. the Belarusian Saint Nicholas. Until now, he had lived in the deep forest, and he only came to visit his children on New Year's Day. Now, every day you can greet him personally and meet the heroes of fairy tales from childhood. Not only Belarusian or Russian, because most of the fairy tales are known all over Europe. The peace of the Land of Fairy Tales is guarded by the legendary brothers - the twins Dub - Dubowicz and Wiaz-Wiazowicz, more commonly known as Wyrwidąb and Waligóra. Once upon a time, there were two large trees that grew in the forest. However, under the chisel of Aleksander Masło (one of the greatest Belarusian sculptors), the Master of the Golden Hand, they turned into the guards of his residence. Before you find yourself in front of Grandfather Frost, you must ask their permission. And behind the gate, a fairy-tale land awaits. There is Snow White with the Seven Dwarfs, the Fisherman with the Golden Fish and the Twelve Months (carved in wood). Grandfather Mróz comes out of the wooden house, who, regardless of the weather and time of year, welcomes guests and willingly poses for photos. In winter, he is accompanied by his granddaughter Śnieżynka. The Treasury evokes the most emotions. This is Dziadek Mróz's workplace. There are drawings and letters of children from all over the world and, of course, gifts. And the fairy-tale charm is also given to adults who touch the magic mill to make all worries disappear or sit on a magic sleigh to provide a we alth of gifts in the new year.

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