Hypertension is a disease of civilization, and according to statistics, every third adult in Poland suffers from it. The data are very disturbing, especially that the disease can lead to atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke. Home remedies for high blood pressure support treatment and sometimes can even replace medications. Learn simple methods to help lower high blood pressure.
Optimal blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg, and we talk about hypertension when systolic blood pressure is above 140 mm Hg, and diastolic blood pressure is above 90 mm Hg. With elevated blood pressure, it is imperative to see a doctor and start drug treatment. However, home remedies often help reduce it and improve your well-being.
Take care of physical activity
People struggling with high blood pressure should motivate themselves to physical activity and sports. The best choice will be aerobic exercises, i.e. those oxygenating the body. It is them that affect the proper functioning of the body, reduce stress, anxiety and anxiety. While breathing, remember about conscious breathing - the one from the diaphragm.
A walk will work for some people, running for others, and a bike ride for others. In fact, the type of sport is not important, but regular activity (at least 30 minutes a day), which will strengthen the heart, oxygenate the body and help lower blood pressure. Patients struggling with pressure surges should consult a physician before exercising.
Fight overweight
A common cause of high blood pressure is overweight or obesity. People with an elevated BMI index should start fighting the extra pounds. Combining physical activity with a proper diet often brings the desired result. However, when losing weight proves to be a difficult task, it is worth enlisting the help of a dietitian and personal trainer.
Take care of a proper diet
One of the key issues in the fight against high blood pressure is a diet rich in vitamins and minerals. The daily menu should include foods rich in potassium, which regulates blood pressure. The source of potassium are, among others tomatoes,bananas, beets and beans.
Other blood pressure lowering products also include garlic, chives, fruit, green vegetables, oat bran, grains, and fish. Limit your consumption of s alt, sugar, red meat, caffeine, alcohol, and energy drinks.
Drink herbal teas
Herbs effectively reduce blood pressure. Tea from hawthorn, which is a component of many preparations for strengthening the heart, lowers blood pressure, supports circulation, oxygen flow in the heart and circulation of peripheral blood. Hibiscus tea has a similar effect, supporting the work of the heart and normalizing blood pressure. In turn, the infusion of hop cones soothes the nerves, has a calming and relaxing effect, which is why it is especially recommended for nervous and stressed people.
Garlic - eat regularly
Another home remedy to lower blood pressure is garlic, known as a natural antibiotic. It turns out that it not only strengthens immunity and helps fight colds, but also has other healing properties. It prevents the formation of blood clots in the walls of arteries that are hazardous to he alth. Garlic lowers blood pressure, reduces the level of bad cholesterol, and thus reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Eat chocolate
Chocolate, but only bitter (min. 70% cocoa), contains flavonols, which are directly responsible for the elasticity of blood vessels and prevent their contractions. Additionally, dark chocolate reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
Give up cigarettes
Nicotine is one of the most harmful and adversely affecting our he alth. It is especially dangerous for people with hypertension, as it significantly raises blood pressure. That is why it is so important for patients with hypertension to give up smoking.
Take care of your rest
It has been known for a long time that stress, nerves and too fast lifestyle increase blood pressure. People with hypertension, but of course not only, should take care of the regeneration of the body. Sometimes nerves and stress are unavoidable, but it's important to find a way to deal with them and learn to deal with them. Getting enough sleep also plays an important role.