Not every dog is suitable for grandma or grandpa. So, if the senior - or his relatives - decide to adopt a four-legged friend, it is worth knowing which dogs are best for the elderly and which are better to avoid.
Older people are ideal dog owners. They are generally calm, they also have a lot of free time that they are able to devote to their four-legged pet. However, each medal has two sides: sometimes it is age that is an obstacle to having pets - it is difficult to care for a pet when he alth is troubling, or when a modest retirement is not enough to buy recommended food for a delicate animal.
This does not mean, however, that the senior should not have a dog. On the contrary - animals have a very positive effect on people of mature age, among other things because contact with them lowers the level of cortisol - the stress hormone, which has a good effect, among others. on the heart.
However, not every dog is suitable for a person who is retired or on pension. The fact that dogs are different can be seen at first glance - some have more energy and have to find an outlet for it several times a day, others are more sedate and, to be fully happy, they need long, daily contacts with the owner.
Many breeds also have specific grooming requirements: they lose hair, need regular brushing or bathing. There are animals that require a firm hand and a lot of parenting, otherwise it will be difficult to control them - and those that willingly recognize human leadership.
It is worth taking all this into account when looking for a dog for an elderly person - especially one whose he alth condition does not allow to look after an exuberant animal.
Choosing a dog for a senior: important tips
When looking for a dog for a senior, you should follow certain rules. The best dogs for older people are dogs that:
- They are small in size
It is easier to take them on your hands, and also easier to keep them on a leash so that they will not run after another animal and knock their owner over. It is hard to imagine that a fragile old lady would be able to keep up with a Fila Brasiliero or German Shepherd dog or one of the other popular breeds of large dogs, such as the Alaskan Malamute or the Great Dane - a much better choice would beyork, m altese or dachshund.
- They don't burst with excess energy
There are breeds that require a daily - large - dose of walks, because without them they are bursting with excess energy that they have to spend somewhere, and most often they go crazy at home. Therefore, for older people who do not have the strength or the desire to go for long daily walks, Dalmatian or Beagles are not recommended - chow chow or spaniel dogs will be a better choice.
- They do not require frequent and expensive care treatments
Caring for a pet's fur can be troublesome - not everyone has the strength to brush their dog every day, and when there are tangles, attempts to untangle them may end up biting. In addition, at times when the dog loses this hair, you need to clean more often - and not every senior has the strength to do it.
At a certain age, it is difficult to put a dog in a bathtub, bathe him, and then take him out of it - so many people give it up, which results in later problems with the hair and skin, requiring expensive treatments at the dog's hairdresser. Pugs, German Shepherds and Golden Retrivers, in particular, require frequent brushing. Dogs like a poodle or a Mexican naked dog will be a better choice.
- They are socialized
When considering the choice of a dog, it is worth paying attention to adult animals from the shelter: of course, they have more than one - sometimes difficult - baggage of experiences and habits, but at the same time they are not bursting with excess energy, they do not need to be given so much attention what puppies, and because they want human love, they will quickly give the new owner a strong affection.
Best Dog Breeds for Older People
Taking into account the above guidelines, it is worth considering the choice of a dog for a senior - and it is best to limit the choice to breeds that are considered by many dog experts as the most suitable for people of mature age. We present the most popular ones.
- Chichuahua
This is one of the smallest breeds in the world. They are cheerful, lively (but without exaggeration) and very friendly. Typical companion dogs - they have little need for exercise, which they can satisfy during a walk (as long as it does not last too long) and at home, while playing with the owner.
So they are the perfect companionship for elderly homeowners. The small size and weight that dogs of this breed reach - a maximum of 2-3 kg - make it easy to take them on your hands and carry them if necessary. They also do not need special care - both the short-haired and long-haired varieties should be combed once a week.
- Brabantczyk
Small dog,intelligent, sensitive - also to the needs of the owner. She adapts to the conditions in which she lives - she can live in the city and in the countryside. It also easily adapts to the amount of exercise that its owner can provide - he can go for long walks, but he will also be content with short trips outside. Needs a lot of attention and long games with the owner. For older people, the smooth-haired variety of this breed is better, as it requires minimal care - one brushing a week is enough.
- Yorkshire Terrier
Another name - york. It weighs no more than 3.2 kg and is the perfect companion for active elderly people - because it needs the owner to spend a lot of time and entertainment on it (otherwise it gets boring and can become unbearable). For a dog of this breed to keep in good condition, two short walks a day are enough.
Its care is quite demanding - longhair Yorkies need to be brushed every day to prevent the formation of tangles. That is why many owners decide to keep their pets' hair short. Dogs of this breed do not destroy things and easily adapt to the conditions they found.
- Dachshund
Dogs of this breed are quite stubborn, but also cute. They become attached to their owners, always want to be close and are the perfect company for older people who have the time and willingness to train them properly, as well as the willpower not to succumb to all the whims of their pet.
Dachshunds need two half-hour walks a day. Smooth-haired dachshunds are the least troublesome to care for - weekly brushing is enough. Longhair and wirehaired dachshunds need to be combed and brushed two or three times a week.
- Papillon
Another name is the Miniature Continental Spaniel. It weighs up to 4.5 kg, and due to the fact that it loves petting and must feel loved, it will be the perfect companion for an elderly person who likes to show affection and play with animals.
He doesn't need a lot of exercise - short walks are enough for him. He is also easy to train. It has a silky coat that you need to brush and comb for a few minutes every day to prevent tangles.
- Miniature Spitz - Pomeranian
It weighs no more than 3 kg. When it comes to physical activity, there are no special requirements - three walks a day are enough for him: he will spend the rest of his energy playing in the apartment. It needs a lot of attention from the owner, so it will be suitable for an elderly person who rarely leaves the house for a long time.
It is worth remembering, however, that a dog of this breed loves to bark - too muchdid not make noise, must be properly trained. The downside is that Miniature Spitz shed a lot and you have to vacuum the apartment every day during the shedding period.
- Pug
They are good-natured, affectionate dogs weighing no more than 8 kg. They are not suitable for lovers of long hikes - they tire quickly, especially in hot weather. They do not require special care treatments - it is enough to brush them regularly, otherwise they will leave their hair everywhere.
You also need to clean the folds on the muzzle, otherwise food residues accumulate in them and cause infection. They are very intelligent and can learn everything, but they do not always react enthusiastically to commands - they often prefer to simply walk away towards their lair and go to sleep.