Good morning! At the moment I am in the 30th week of pregnancy - long awaited, but unfortunately at risk. Due to the risk, I had to quit my job (I am a teacher) and the home is the only area where I move. I would like to add that before pregnancy, I practiced sports, I was eager to learn and spent a lot of time with various people. 4 months ago my husband entered the so-called politics, and also developed his company, which changed his working hours from 8 to 14-16 a day. I spend most of the day alone and this is probably the main reason for my stupid suspicions towards my husband (an affair with a business associate), and the lack of contact with people means that I have no topic to talk to with people who visit me. My main topic of the day is pregnancy, dreams about a baby, the future. Sometimes I even get the impression that I am tiring in conversation, and worst of all, I can't change it. I also find myself analyzing my words after each conversation (even on the phone) and wondering if I have offended someone or if I fell out stupidly. Each situation is analyzed and assessed by me (usually I look terrible in my eyes). I also have the impression that every person sees me as a worthless listener. I have lost my desire for further training, I do not even want to reach for professional literature ( although I know that I should not retreat). I am afraid that my behavior and manner of behavior will destroy not only my contacts with friends, but also my marriage (I flood my husband with questions and suspicions, and I have nothing to offer myself). Is it only temporary? Can such a condition still reverse? I am afraid that the child will limit me even more.

hello! This is perfectly normal behavior during pregnancy! You are now focused on your inner self - both physically and mentally. Even if you try to protect yourself from it somehow, your body knows that now the most important thing is the baby, its safety and maximizing the success of the whole mission of happily term pregnancy. And that's how it should be !!! Believe me, I have three children myself and I have had similar symptoms each time. It is normal that you "look after" your husband - after all, he will be the only provider of material goods for you and your child for some time. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that these goods are actually therehome worn, not wasted somewhere outside - pure biology speaks through us. It is important that you don't get crazy about it. Keep your home in a good mood, do not give in to doubt and believe what your husband says. I know it's hard, but do try though. Now you have time - so think about how you can make good use of these short moments spent together. This way you will do two things - firstly, you will encourage your husband to come and visit you (so he is unlikely to look for impressions elsewhere), and secondly, you will do something and you will not be mixed up. When it comes to meeting people - try to relax - it's not only you who should take care of the mood, topic for conversation, etc. - also your interlocutor. Besides, you can always blame everything on your condition for now - pregnant women are forgiven for almost everything. I have the impression that you are a very ambitious person and that you set yourself very high expectations. Maybe it is worth considering at the beginning? Now you have a great opportunity to make a difference in your life and be a little more comfortable with what is not most important. Treat this time as a vacation from normalcy. Now it will be different and you can prepare for it. You can't do EVERYTHING perfectly … And when the baby shows up, it's going to be even harder. But it can be as beautiful as it has never been - do not waste this chance on unnecessary depression. I wish you an easy solution and a he althy baby.

Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.

Tatiana Ostaszewska-Mosak

He is a clinical he alth psychologist.

Graduated from the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Warsaw.

She has always been particularly interested in the issue of stress and its impact on human functioning.

She uses her knowledge and experience at and at the Fertimedica Fertility Center.
She completed a course in integrative medicine with the world-famous professor Emma Gonikman.

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