Clove tincture helps fight pain, is also anti-inflammatory and has a positive effect on digestion. Make it extremely simple, but be careful - you have to wait before it is ready to eat.
Clove tinctureis an easy-to-prepare tincture with anti-inflammatory and digestive properties. The only downside to the tincture is the waiting time for its readiness. After making the tincture, you should wait six months before consuming it.
Cloves, and therefore the clove tincture, helps lower cholesterol, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, and therefore can also protect us against heart attack and stroke. Clove tincture helps with dental problems (reduces toothache) as well as infections - it relieves cough, sore throat and headache.
Clove tincture is considered an aphrodisiac, as are the cloves themselves.
Recipe for clove tincture:
- 15 carnations,
- vanilla pod,
- a piece of cinnamon,
- 750 ml spirit,
- 250 ml of cognac,
- 250 g sugar,
- 500 ml of water.
Toss the cloves with spices into the pot and cook, covered, for 10 minutes. Set aside the pot of water for a day. After this time, filter and combine with alcohol. After two days, pour into bottles and set aside in a dark place for 6 months. The tincture will have a spicy flavor and a brown color.
Important:Fresh cloves float vertically to the surface of the water.
Clove tincture, because it contains alcohol, is not recommended for minors and pregnant women.
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