Scientists from the University of Cairo (Egypt) investigated the relationship between a woman's body weight and the successful completion of the in vitro fertilization procedure. Research published in the International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics has shown that a woman who is overweight or obese reduces the chances of successful in vitro fertilization.

The study involved 185 women from couples who struggle with the problem of infertility. All ladies were divided into 3 groups depending on BMI - body mass index. The first group included women with normal BMI, the second group was overweight women, and the third group was obese. In each group, the same parameters of gonadotropin doses to stimulate ovulation (ovulation) were used, the duration of stimulation, the number of collected and fertilized ova as well as the number of transferred and frozen embryos.

The research showed that the number of implantations of the transferred embryos decreased with the increase of the woman's body weight. In the group of obese women it was only 3%, while in women with normal BMI - 14%. Moreover, among women with successful implantation, the number of pregnancies diagnosed up to 5-6 weeks was for each of the three groups, respectively: 42%, 30%. and 12 percent and the number of clinically diagnosed pregnancies, i.e. after USG after 5-6 weeks: 31%, 22% and 11 percent.

Worldwide, infertility affects 8 to 12 percent. couples of reproductive age. In vitro fertilization is sometimes the only chance for biological offspring for them. The application of the in vitro procedure is not always successful, and in overweight and obese women the chances are even smaller. For women who want to undergo in vitro fertilization, scientists have recommended normalizing their body weight beforehand.

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