Do you have episodes of wanting to eat something even though you are not hungry? Maybe you are suffering from a false hunger. This phenomenon is especially dangerous now that we spend more time at home. What is false hunger? Learn 3 simple tricks to help you get rid of this problem.
Eating when we do not feel physiological hunger can be based on emotions. The most common cause of this phenomenon is fatigue and stress. To relieve ourselves, we choose the easiest solution, i.e. we eat our sorrows, but to satisfy your appetite, you do not always have to reach for another meal.
False Hunger:
- appears suddenly,
- it is felt mainly in the mouth and head, which is related to the need for taste,
- occurs in the presence of emotions, e.g. severe stress, tension, sadness,
- causes remorse and guilt,
- is usually associated with unhe althy eating, the so-called comfort food.
Finding, or rather regaining control over, your food doesn't require big changes, but you need to consider what motivates you to emotionally eat and find alternatives that are right for you.
Check out what 3 simple tricks will help you deal with the problem of false hunger.

How to Avoid False Hunger?
Solving the problem of emotional eating will transfer many benefits. First of all, it can help you lose a few extra pounds, because eating your emotions will ruin any diet. Rational nutrition is important for the he alth, condition of hair and skin, as well as self-esteem. To avoid false hunger situations, try:
- spend as much time outdoors as possible,
- remember about physical activity,
- not to work too much so as not to overexert yourself,
- avoid stressful situations.
If, despite the changes, you still have problems with emotional eating, seek the help of a psycho-dietician or therapist who will certainly help you get rid of this bothersome habit.
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