Does chocolate have nutritional value? It turns out that it is. Even a small piece of chocolate provides the body with a lot of energy. Chocolate contains simple carbohydrates, which are the most easily digestible source of energy for humans.

Chocolateis especially recommended for people who practice sports intensively, work hard physically, go on long hikes and children. Always have a bar of chocolate with you. It does not take up much space in a backpack or purse, but if necessary (e.g. when we cannot eat a normal meal), it normalizes the glucose level in the body. It prevents you from fainting or fainting. Chocolate also has many minerals: 10 g of chocolate contains 2 - 6 mg of iron, 400 mg of potassium, 100 - 140 mg of magnesium, 180 - 250 mg of phosphorus, 40 - 60 mg of calcium and vitamins A, D, E and B group.

Should I choose dark or milk chocolate? An answer by Dr. Ania [TOWIDEO]

What is chocolate made of

The basic ingredient of this delicacy is cocoa liquor, obtained as a result of a long process of fermenting, roasting, grinding and pressing the fruit of the cocoa tree. The more pulp, the higher the quality of the chocolate. Inmilk chocolatea significant portion of the pulp is replaced with powdered milk. White chocolate is completely devoid of cocoa liquor. It owes its specific taste only to the content of cocoa butter. The most valued are dark and dark chocolates, which contain 50 to 70 percent. pulp. The other ingredients are cocoa butter and sugar, and various flavor additives.

Chocolate and wine improve mood and he alth

How is it made and how is it served?


Nutritionists warn against eating chocolate, mainly because it is quite caloric, and 30 percent. its mass is fat. People suffering from cardiovascular diseases should give up milk and white chocolate. They contain fatty acids derived from milk fat, lauric and myristic, which adversely affect the condition of blood vessels. Fortunately, the so-called real chocolates only have saturated stearic fatty acid, which turns into oleic acid in the liver and this does not increaseblood cholesterol. The real ones include dark chocolates with a pulp content slightly above 50%, and dessert chocolates with a pulp content of less than 50%. and coffee with a similar level of cocoa mass.

Chocolate gives energy

Yes. It contains alkaloids: theobromine and caffeine. These substances increase our vigilance and at the same time give us energy. A bar of dark chocolate contains more caffeine than a cup of coffee. Chocolate eaten before going to bed can therefore cause insomnia and headache. Recent studies have also confirmed that thanks to the content of pyrazine, a compound long known to increase intellectual performance, chocolate has a positive effect on concentration and intellectual performance.

Chocolate improves your mood

Yes, for two reasons. After eating chocolate, the level of the neurotransmitters serotonin and endorphins increases in the brain. Serotonin counteracts depression and reduces the susceptibility to diseases of the nervous system, e.g. schizophrenia. Endorphins improve the mood and increase the feeling of pleasure. Chocolate also contains large amounts of magnesium. This element not only improves the functioning of the muscles and facilitates the absorption of calcium, but similarly to serotonin, it counteracts stress. It also reduces the discomfort of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). This is why so many premenstrual women have an appetite for chocolates. However, it is worth knowing that the beneficial effects of chocolate will be felt only by people who use it occasionally. Those who eat it very often become resistant to its effects, so not only do they not feel the beneficial effects of magnesium and serotonin, but they may also suffer from migraines and headaches.

Who is harmed with chocolate

Due to the large amount of calcium (especially in milk chocolates), it is not suitable for people suffering from urolithiasis. Chocolate is also not recommended for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and hypertension, because it contains purines, sodium and saturated fatty acids. Also, people with diabetes should forget about chocolate. This treat can also sensitize. Cocoa, milk, wheat and nuts can be an allergen. Milk chocolate is also harmful to people who are lactose (milk sugar) intolerant. Therefore, we advise you to carefully read the information provided by the manufacturer on the packaging. Chocolate has a beneficial effect on the heart. Is it true? Yes, as long as it is dark chocolate. The results of a recent study in the USA showed that the polyphenols contained in cocoa beans destroy free radicals that are dangerous to he althy cells. So they play a roleantioxidants, thus preventing the formation of tumors and atherosclerotic deposits accumulating in the blood vessels (as a result, among others, they prevent heart attack and stroke). Due to their properties, polyphenols protect the cardiovascular system against the harmful effects of a fatty diet rich in cholesterol. That is why it is worth eating a piece of dark chocolate after a heavy meal.

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