Cerebral palsy (MPD) is the result of damage to the central nervous system. The reasons for this are multifactorial, but the first to mention is prematurity and fetal hypoxia, which are often the result of improperly conducted labor. What else are the causes of cerebral palsy (MPD)?
The causes of cerebral palsy( MPD ) are multifactorial. Brain injuries can result from developmental abnormalities already taking place in the womb. Brain damage can also happen during childbirth, especially if it is very long and complicated.Cerebral Palsycan also be acquired after birth, in the first few months of a baby's life.
Cerebral Palsy (MPD) - causes. Fetal pathologies
1. Genetic factors (mainly chromosomal aberrations, i.e. changes in the structure or number of chromosomes).
2. Damage to the egg and sperm cells by ionizing radiation.
3. Enzymatic defects (problems with the absorption of folic acid).
4. Developmental disorders resulting from the interaction of pathogenic factors during pregnancy (e.g. pathogenic microorganisms, toxic substances):
- embryopathies (disturbance of the organ formation process occurring between the 3rd and 8th week after conception)
- fetopathies (developmental disorder arising in the fetal period, i.e. after the 8th week of pregnancy)
5. Viral and bacterial infections, e.g. rubella, toxoplasmosis, cytomegaly.
Other factors:
- serological conflict
- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
- vitamin and micronutrient deficiencies
- diabetes
- brain injuries
Cerebral Palsy (MPD) - causes. Perinatal injuries
1. Premature labor
2. Long and complicated labor (e.g. gluteal, forceps), during which the child became hypoxic and ischemic, and thus - brain damage.
3. Bleeding around - and intraventricular (often accompanying prematurity).
Other factors:
- bearing anomalies
- tonic uterine contractions (too much tension(idle)
- narcosis
Cerebral Palsy (MPD) - causes. Postpartum damage
- head injuries
- meningitis (especially bacterial inflammation)
- congestion and clots in the cerebral vessels
- drug-induced damage
- low blood and brain sugar