Genital herpes (genital herpes) is very painful. The first symptoms of genital herpes are tingling, itching around the genitals, sometimes pain in the legs and buttocks, as well as painful blisters that burst after a few days, which form painful skin ulcers. Find out about the treatment of genital herpes.

Genital herpesbelongs to the group ofsexually transmitted diseases. In men,is most often found on the glans and shaft of the penis, but also in the perineum, buttocks, anus and thighs.In women, genital herpesmost often occurs on the labia, clitoris, at the entrance to the vagina, on the thighs, navel, and at the anus. Occasionally, vesicles can develop on the hands and mouth if they become infected during intercourse.

Herpes is caused by herpes viruses (HSV). Genital herpes is caused by type II (type I of the herpes virus causes labial herpes).

Genital herpes - symptoms

Sexual herpes usually begins with itching and burning, then blisters form in the intimate area, which grow for about 2 weeks, and then burst, leaving ulcerations. These symptoms may be accompanied by:

  • painful urination
  • lymph nodes enlargement
  • fever
  • feeling of general breakdown

How do you get infected with genital herpes?

Genital herpes spreads mainly through sexual contact - during intercourse:

  • vaginal
  • oral
  • anal

with the person in whom the disease became active. It can also spread from the mouth to the genitals or eyes, through the fingers, or through sharing sex toys.

Herpes is the most contagious in the period from the onset of symptoms (2 to 20 days after contact with an infected person), butcan also be transmitted in the asymptomatic period , thus poses more risk to the partner. Most cases of infection are recorded in the period when no symptoms have yet appeared.

Genital herpes treatment

Genital herpesnot possiblebe healed successfully , as there is still no effective cure for it. Research on new drugs is still ongoing, especially vaccines and preparations that stimulate the immune system. On the other hand,can significantly alleviate its symptoms . Mostlyantiviral drugsare used, both for external and oral use. The sooner you start taking medication (within 72 hours of the onset of an ulcer), the more effective it will be.

Antiviral drugs used to treat genital herpes are those containing the organic chemicalacyclovir . Most often, treatment lasts 5 days and is most effective in the first stage of the disease (ideally, if it is startedup to 5 days after the first symptoms ).

If symptoms persist during this time, the doctor will usually change the dose and extend treatment. It is also recommended to take preparations with vitamin B1 and vitamin B12.

Genital herpes is back

Ulcers and other symptoms may go away after a few weeks, butthe virus stays in the bodyand causes, although not all, periodically relapses: usually after 3-12 months, often in the same places. The more severe the first symptomatic attack of HSV infection was, the more likely it was that the disease would relapse.

Successive relapsesare usually milder, lasting from 3 days to 2 weeks. They are favored by stress, other diseases, skin damage and pregnancy. Generally, herpes bouts are caused bylowered immunity . People with a deficiency of B vitamins and living in constant tension have them much more often.

Home remedies for genital herpes

  • When ulcers appear for the first time, use baking soda cups 3 to 5 times a day.
  • Keep sick areas dry and clean. A hair dryer allows you to dry oozing spots.
  • Wear cotton, loose-fitting underwear.
  • When the bubbles burst, apply a drying agent such as hydrogen peroxide.
  • Apply
    • infusion compresses from: cloves and black tea bags
    • bearberry leaf caps
    • warm compresses made of powdered elm, myrrh, comfrey - make a paste with one of these ingredients and apply it to the ulcer, then moisten with warm water
  • Use aloe vera gel.
  • Bath in water with the addition of geranium oil every day.
  • Eat plenty of red grapes, foods rich in zinc (bran, wheat germ, eggs, milk, yeast, pumpkin seeds, oatmeal, garlic) and foods rich inB vitamins (milk and its products, multigrain bread, green-leaved vegetables, eggs).
  • Avoid foods high in arginine (nuts, chocolate, coca cola, rice). Eat lysine-rich foods instead (potatoes, meat, milk, yeast, liver, eggs).
  • If possible, find out what preceded your herpes recurrences and try to eliminate it (e.g. stress).


Avoid having sexual contact with someone who has genital lesions, and of course whenever you have them.

A he althy lifestyle, proper diet, adequate amount of rest and exercise - everything that strengthens the immune system - help to significantly alleviate symptoms, reduce the frequency and severity of attacks.
