The herpes simplex virus (HSV) is common, and infected people are often unaware of its presence in their body. What are the routes of transmission of the virus and when can HSV become infected? Are the diseases caused by him dangerous?
Herpes Simplex Virus( Herpes Simplex Virus- HSV, human herpesvirus - HHV) belongs to the familyHerpesviridaeand occurs in two very similar species -HSV 1andHSV 2 , the symptoms of infection with both types of virus are the same, different however, there is a localization of changes. HSV-1 causes lesions in the mouth, nose or genitals, HSV-2 mainly affects the genitals.
Viruses are very small, about 100 times smaller than bacteria, do not have a cellular structure, and their multiplication is possible only with the participation of the host cells. The HSV virus is made of proteins forming an icosahedron-shaped kasid (coat) and a nucleic acid - double-stranded DNA, which encodes approx. 100 polypeptides.
Herpes simplex virus infection is very common, and the virus is often present in our body and does not cause symptoms. These appear most often at times of weakness. Typically these are painless fluid-filled blisters around the mouth. The course of the disease is usually mild and self-limiting, specific treatment is undertaken only in the case of complications or severe forms of the disease.
Herpes virus - routes of HSV infection
Humans are the only reservoir of HSV,it spreads easily to he althy people . The routes of infection are:
- direct contact with alveolar fluid
- sexual contacts
- perinatal infection - when the baby passes through the birth canal
- Congenital infection - HSV can cross the placenta, infection occurs only when a pregnant woman is infected with HSV for the first time (then the viruses are present in the blood). Unfortunately, this infection is associated with a higher risk of preterm labor and birth defects in the baby
Infection with the herpes virus occurs through direct contact with a sick person in various forms (including its secretions), it is not transmitted by droplets.
Virusherpes - symptoms of HSV infection
The multiplication period is 5-6 days. After the virus enters a new host through the mucosa or damaged skin, it attacks blood vessel cells (endothelium), causes necrosis, and then inflammation and the collection of fluid, i.e. exudate. It is he who causes the formation ofbubblesin the course of the infection.
Sometimes pain, burning or itching is felt before the changes appear.
The virus multiplies in vesicles, from which it is not initially eliminated, after a few days the immune system is activated and the pathogen is eliminated, accompanied by vesicle bursting and the formation of small ulcers, and then the lesions heal.
HSV, however, has the ability to live in latency , which means that after the first infection, some virions migrate through the nerves to the sensory ganglia (tricuspid or sacral), there they remain dormant and in favorable circumstances they cause symptoms again.
In the first infection, the changes are extensive, dynamic, and merging.
Relapses are milder than the original infectionand heal faster. The frequency of relapses varies, depending on the individual characteristics of the infected person. It is also possible that the virus will never show up again. Factors contributing to relapse include:
- fever
- cold
- sunlight (UV radiation)
- period
- stress
HSV mainly affects the skinaround the mouth, lips and intimate area , type 1 virus more often causes labial herpes, while type 2 genital herpes, the division is not constant, however.
The course of the infection may also be more severe: inflammation of the gum and mouth mucosa - most often in children. It is characterized by:
- fever
- anorexia
- sore gums
- numerous bubbles in the mouth and around the lips
Surviving an infection with one type of virus does not build up immunity against it or the other.
HSV can also cause pharyngitis and tonsillitis. It runs from:
- fever
- sore throat
- muscle pain
- vesicles on the back of the throat
Genital herpesin turnmanifests itself :
- fever
- a headache
- extensive changes in the intimate area
- leakage also happensurethral or vaginal
Relapse of infection is much milder.
Less common diseases are:
- leg herpes (painful lesion on the finger)
- herpetic eczema in people with atopic dermatitis
- especially dangerous due to complications of keratitis and conjunctivitis
See how herpes develops:

Herpes virus - complications of HSV infection
In most cases, the course of the infection is mild, the changes disappear after about a week from the onset of the disease, leaving no permanent consequences of the disease.
In people with impaired immunity, e.g. patients with AIDS or those taking immunosuppressive drugs, HSV can cause serious complications, such as :
- herpetic encephalitis, which causes damage to the myelin sheaths, is a severe, life-threatening disease that, even when cured, leaves behind permanent neurological changes
- meningitis - usually mild
- inflammation of the iris, ciliary body and discoid keratitis, which often leave the cornea scarred and therefore cause visual disturbances
Newborns are also more likely to suffer from this type of complication, so if a woman gets herpes before delivery, especially if it is a herpes in the vagina, the pregnancy ends in a cesarean section.
Herpes virus - HSV diagnosis
The typical course of the disease is so characteristic that there is no need for testing to confirm the infection, but sometimes the following is done:
- microscopic examination of scrapings from the bottom of the vesicle
- tests to detect antibodies against the virus
- breeding and isolating the virus
- Does PCR test for pathogen DNA detection
Herpes virus - treatment of HSV infection
In uncomplicated cases of herpes labialistreatment is usually not undertaken , because the infection resolves spontaneously after about 7 days. However, you should take care of the infection site so as not to cause bacterial superinfection of the follicles, as this may cause scarring. Over-the-counter topical ointments are moderately effective.
For genital herpes,drug treatmentis required, and if there are complications of infection, patients are usuallyhospitalizedand given referral against this virus, orally or intravenously acyclovir or valaciclovir.
HSV is one of the few viruses against which we have effective causal treatmentthat fights the microorganism, not just the symptoms of infection. Acyclovir or valaciclovir reduces symptoms but does not eliminate the latent form of the virus.
Herpes virus - preventing HSV infections
Unfortunately, so farno vaccine against the HSV virushas been developed. Prevention of genital herpes is primarily about avoiding risky sexual contact and not having sexual intercourse in the event of an infection. On the other hand, if recurrences of herpes labialis are extremely severe and frequent, pharmacological prophylaxis with acyclovir or valacyclovir can be used.