Changes on the lips are not only pimples, lumps, bubbles, cracks, but also all kinds of spots and discoloration. Sometimes changes in the lips are merely an aesthetic problem that is easy to counteract, but sometimes they may indicate a more serious illness. Learn the most common causes of changes on the lips and see how to treat them.
Changes on the lipscan occur at any age, not only in winter. Cracks on the skin of the lips and around the mouth, blisters, white or red spots on the lips, discoloration - with such changes on the lips, we most often go to the doctor or beautician. What are their causes? It all depends on the type of lesion on the lips.
Changes on the lips - why do they appear?
Our lips are unfortunately prone to all kinds of changes, because they are covered with a very thin and delicate mucosa. This thin protective barrier is intended to protect the lips from the weather, such as wind, frost or sun, and is easy to irritate or dry out. Lips sometimes reflect the state of our he alth - you can read them some diseases and vitamin deficiencies, especially A and B2.
The most common changes on the lips - symptoms and treatment
White pimples (papules) on the lips
If you havesmall bright(sometimes yellowish or red) spots, pimples (papules) a few millimeters (usually around 5 mm) in size on your lips, these are most likely Fordyce spots .
Fordyce spots, also called Fordyce granules, can appear as clumps of lumps. They tend to be easier to see when you pull the skin tight. Fordyce spots are painless, non-itchy, and non-infectious. Where do they come from?
These spots are caused by the accumulation of sebum in the sebaceous glands. They are present in our skin from birth, but with age, they can increase in size and become more visible.
As it turns out, these changes are very common - they occur in around80% of the population . They do not need to be treated because they are not dangerous to our he alth. They can only be an aesthetic problem.
How do theycounteract ?
- moisturize the skin, drink still water regularly;
- limit your intake of sugars, s alt andprocessed products;
- avoid alcohol and carbonated drinks;
- quit smoking;
- eat he althy - remember especially about omega-3 acids, vitamin A, D and B vitamins, which have a good effect on our skin;
- use topical creams containing tretinoin to help exfoliate the cells that block the exit of the hair follicles;
- use lotions for acne-prone skin based on benzyl peroxide and salicylic acid.

Bubbles on the lips
Bubbles filled with serous fluid are a characteristic symptom oflabial herpes . It is caused by the HSV1 virus ( Herpes simplex ), which enters our body, and then travels to our brain to remain dormant between the ganglia and, if the opportunity arises know.
An estimated80 percent of people are infected with the herpes virus , but onlyhalf of them .
The first symptom of cold sores istight and itchy skin . Then redness appears on the lip, followed by a small lump. Soon there are manypainful bubblesfilled with serous fluid, which burst after a week or so to form painfulerosions , which then heal to form the characteristic yellowstrupki .
Usually herpes labialis is not serious, unless the virus (contained in the serum fluid) is transferred to the eye - then we risk blindness or meningitis herpes. Complications from herpes labialis are especially dangerous for pregnant women and young children.
Herpes labialis usually occurs underunder certain conditions :
- with reduced immunity, colds, etc.,
- after too much cooling or overheating of the body (especially in summer in hot weather),
- under stress.
Fortreatmentof labial herpes, it is enough to apply special ointments topically, in case of recurrent herpes it is worth reaching for antiviral preparations.
Cracked lips
Cracked, chapped lips is a very unpleasant andpainful problem . Lips are dried out the most by wind, frost and sun, but such changes on the lips can also becaused by :
- deficiency of B vitamins
- dehydration of the body
- hormonal disorders
How toto take care offor cracked and chapped lips?
- keep your body hydrated regularly
- eat he althy
- followmoisturizing lipsticks
- avoid licking your lips in the cold or wind
- massage them and lubricate them with natural preparations, such as:
- olive oil
- shea butter
- coconut oil
- honey
- aloes
- rub vitamins A and E into your mouth
Cracked lips are an open gate to bacterial contamination, such as Staphylococcus aureus.
Zajady are small but very painful cracks in the corners of the mouth. They appear most often in exhausted, stressed and malnourished people. They are most often caused by yeasts of the Candida species, as well as streptococci and staphylococci.
Bugs are usually caused by:
- avitaminosis, especially vitamin A and B2 deficiency, which are involved in the processes of the proper structure of mucous membranes and skin;
- anemia (iron deficiency);
- with antibiotic therapy - a weakened organism is unable to fight the infection;
- type 1 diabetes - this is often its first symptom;
- HIV infection, which weakens the immune system.
Treatment of seizuresconsists of:
- using antibiotic and fungicidal creams and ointments based on zinc, hydrocortisone;
- supplementation with appropriate vitamins: A, B2, E and C;
- using natural methods, such as: rubbing the chews with garlic, honey, tea oil, aloe or regular toothpaste;
- avoiding coffee, alcohol, sweets and spicy spices.
It is worth knowing that untreated cheilitis can cause inflammation of the oral mucosa.
Lip discoloration
Under the influence of various systemic diseases, our lips can take on unusual colors: frompale pink , throughgray-pinkor evenblue . If we notice such a symptom, it is better to see a doctor immediately, because such a change on the lips may indicate a serious cardiovascular or respiratory system disease.
Child's Suction Cup
The suction cup is the distinctivebubblethat appears on the lips mainly of infants, oftensuckling on a pacifier, bottle or mother's breast . Fortunately, this is not a disturbing symptom. Such a bubble, which is usually located on the upper lip, dries up very quickly and falls off by itself without leaving a trace.
Afts are painful erosions or ulcers, i.e. defects in the oral mucosa, covered with a white coating and surrounded by an erythematous, inflammatory rim. The mouth ulcers are most often located in the mouth or on the lips. They are usually approx.5mm in diameter .
The canker sores include small, i.e. chronic, recurrent and large canker sores.
The reason for the formation ofsmall aftis most often:
- inadequate oral hygiene (including eating with dirty cutlery, eating unwashed fruit and vegetables, as well as bad habits, e.g. biting pens or biting nails)
- dental diseases (inflammation of the pulp, caries, tartar, rising eights, etc.)
- mechanical damage to the oral cavity (e.g. stings with a toothbrush, irritation during dental procedures)
- improperly fitted prosthesis
- autoimmune disorders caused e.g. by stress
- food allergies and hypersensitivity
- taking various medications
In turnlarge mouth ulcerscan be caused by:
- non-compliance with the rules of oral hygiene;
- using toothpastes containing sodium dodecyl sulfate;
- eating certain foods (hard cheese, nuts, foods containing preservatives);
- deficiency of vitamins and minerals (especially iron, folic acid, vitamin B12);
- hormonal disorders;
- immunodeficiency (e.g. as a result of HIV infection).
How to effectivelyhealcanker sores?
- use topical anti-inflammatory and antiseptic preparations available at the pharmacy;
- Rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day with a decoction of rose water, chamomile, raspberry leaf, sage or burdock;
- put a freshly brewed and cooled bag of tea over the mouth ulcer. The tannin contained in it reduces pain and has a drying effect;
- disinfect the wound with hydrogen peroxide (never alcohol);
- Rinse your mouth with a mild s alt solution (dissolve half a teaspoon of s alt in a glass of warm water).
Lip cancer
Lip cancer usually develops after40. years of agein people abusingalcoholand regularlysmoking . Most often it affects the lower lip. Its early symptoms are easy to overlook, such as:
- painful lesions on the lips, gums, and the inner part of the mouth;
- bleeding and difficulty in healing wounds in the mouth;
- white or red spots on the lips, gums, tongue or inside the mouth;
- a lump or thickening on the cheek can be felt with the tongue;
- sudden voice change;
- swelling of the jaw.
Untreated cancer can lead to death -50 percentpatients die within 5 years.
Some of the changes on the lips in the form of lumps, blisters or pimpleseasy to recognize and eliminate, but if we have any doubts, it is better to consult a doctordermatologist or dentist .