Flu in children is one of the most common viral respiratory diseases. The disease is caused by the flu virus, which causes distressing symptoms. In this case, home remedies for flu in children will not help. It is imperative to see a doctor who will prescribe flu medications for children. Otherwise, serious complications may occur.
Flu in childrenis one of the most common viral respiratory diseases. The cause of the disease is the flu virus, which causes troublesomesymptoms , including fever. Parents always askhow long does feverlast in flu in children. In the case of flu, it is unlikely to last long - it usually lasts for several days. There are other worrying symptoms of flu in children as well.
In this casehome remedies for flu in childrenwon't help. It is essential to see a doctor who will prescribeflu medications in children.Otherwise, it may lead to serious complications.
In the 2016/17 flu season, over 2 million children fell ill with influenza and flu-like diseases in Poland.
Flu in children - causes. How can you get infected?
The cause of the disease is influenza virus type A or B. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, it can be easily infected through direct contact with a sick person, as well as by touching objects belonging to the sick person.
In the group of people particularly at risk of infection there are, among others children because they still have an immature immune system. They are also at high risk of developing post-influenza complications - especially in children with immunodeficiency (e.g. primary immunodeficiency) or chronic diseases (e.g. diabetes). They are also at high risk of developing post-influenza complications, especially in children under the age of 2, with immunodeficiency (e.g. primary immunodeficiency) or chronic diseases (e.g. diabetes).
Flu in children - symptoms
The immune system of a child is immature, therefore the course of the infection may be much more serious than in adults. In addition, the adult infects for 5 days after the symptoms have resolved. The child may be infected for 10 days or more (up to 3 days after the fever has resolved).
The initial symptoms of flu in children include:
- fever
- chills
- headache
- muscle pains
- fatigue
Then respiratory symptoms join:
- sore throat
- (especially when swallowing, the throat is also red)
- cough
- qatar
and conjunctivitis and lymphadenopathy in the neck.
There may also be gastrointestinal symptoms, such as:
- diarrhea
- nausea
- vomiting
It usually takes about two weeks for a full recovery.
According to an expertdr hab. n. med. Ernest Kuchar, Head of the Pediatrics Clinic with the Observation Unit, Medical University of WarsawIn the course of flu, respiratory symptoms in young children may be discreet. In babies and toddlers, flu often presents as febrile seizures or sepsis-like seizures - the baby has a high temperature. Influenza can present in children as a high fever with weakness, without coughing and other flu-like symptoms in adults.
Underestimating influenza as a very serious disease in infants and children is due to the difficulty in recognizing it. Influenza is a very common disease in children during the winter season, however, due to its non-specific course, it is difficult to diagnose and differentiate from other upper respiratory tract infections unless costly virological tests are performed.
Flu in children
A child's flu is easy to confuse with an autumn cold. When a toddler is irritable, apathetic, has no appetite, and has a high fever, he or she may have the flu. What to do in case of this disease and when to see a doctor?
Flu in children - diagnosis
The diagnosis is usually based on the symptoms of the disease. To be sure, tests based on molecular biology studies or rapid immunofluorescence tests can be performed.
Flu in children - treatment. Flu medications in children
Treatment of influenza in childrenrelieves the symptoms of the disease.Flu medications for childrenare antipyretic and analgesic preparations (e.g. paracetamol, ibuprofen for a child). Depending on the accompanying symptoms, the doctor may also recommend antitussive drugs (cough medications for children in the form of syrup, gel) or soothing rhinitis.
Additionally, in children over 1 year of age, you can use an over-the-counter anti-virus drug (inosine preparations), which has an antiviral effect and strengthens immunity. It is also important to properly hydrate the child (e.g. warm teas with honey and lemon, naturalfruit juices). In addition, the little patient needs a lot of rest, sleep and rest. You should also ventilate the room frequently
A specialized flu medicine (against influenza virus, oseltamivir) is recommended for high-risk patients. These include people suffering from chronic diseases: respiratory system (e.g. cystic fibrosis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, asthma), heart (congenital heart defects, heart failure), immunodeficiency (e.g. congenital deficiencies), oncological or hematological diseases, diabetes, obesity.
Remember that flu is not treated with antibiotics. A doctor may prescribe you when he suspects a bacterial infection or prophylactically - in order to prevent complications.
ImportantFlu in a child - do not treat the child with aspirin
If a child has the flu, under no circumstances should they be given acetylsalicylic acid, a popular aspirin, due to the possibility of severe liver damage, known as Reye's syndrome.
Influenza complications in children
Untreated flu in children can lead to serious complications, such as:
- otitis media
- pneumonia
- streptococcal angina
- exacerbation of chronic diseases, e.g. asthma, diabetes
- myositis
- myocarditis
- Guillain-Barré syndrome
How can I prevent flu in children?
It is necessary to isolate children suffering from flu due to the fact that the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. Personal hygiene is also important - you should wash your hands every time you come into contact with the sick person or their belongings. Flu vaccinations are also recommended.
According to an expertdr hab. n. med. Ernest Kuchar, Head of the Pediatrics Clinic with the Observation Unit, Medical University of WarsawImmunization can prevent flu
Influenza in children should be prevented by immunization. Even if vaccinations do not prevent you from catching the flu, they alleviate the course of the disease and avoid complications after the flu, such as otitis media and pneumonia. Vaccination against influenza in the Polish Immunization Program is especially recommended for young children: infants from 6 months of age and children up to 5 years of age.
When vaccinating children under the age of 8 for the first time, remember to give two doses of the vaccine. Failure to give a second dose reduces the effectiveness of vaccination.
Children play a major role in the spread of influenza, so it is possible to spread vaccination among themstopping flu transmission and reducing disease among household members. Therefore, vaccinating children against influenza protects not only those who are vaccinated, but also their relatives indirectly, e.g. younger siblings, parents or grandparents.
Unfortunately, flu vaccination in children in Poland is far too rarely used. Children from 2 to 5 years of age are usually vaccinated, infants are the least frequently vaccinated, although it is known that the youngest children are the most important risk group for developing post-influenza complications.