How willing to get up? What to do to wake up in a good mood? Firstly, not necessarily since dawn, secondly, certainly never on your feet. If you cannot do without an alarm clock, at least do not react to its sound like an automaton. Make getting up in the morning a ritual that will make you feel great all day.
Remember your dreams
Do you insist that you are dreaming nothing? It's not true, we all have dreams, but not everyone remembers them. During the 8-hour night rest, we go through the R.E.M. phase several times, when we have dreams. The chance to remember your dream will be lost if you get up immediately after waking up.
Stay in bed for a moment, do not open your eyes, think about what you dreamed in incomplete awareness. So that you do not miss it, while lying down all the time, write down (password, e.g. dog, walk, flowers) what you dreamed of.
Tame the alarm clock - let it wake you up with pleasant sounds
If you still have an old alarm clock that would wake anyone up with a spooky sound, get rid of it as soon as possible. What to replace it with? The easiest way is to use an alarm clock on your mobile phone - you can choose from a few nice tunes. A good solution is to set the alarm clock on the radio - just select your favorite program.
However, there is a risk that the radio will turn on, giving us an aggressive advertisement for good morning or dramatic information about current events in the country and in the world. Maybe it is better to opt for a modern alarm clock that, instead of a traditional signal, plays a pre-recorded sound message, e.g. a few nice words spoken by a person close to your heart.
Get up slowly after waking up
Once you open your eyes and turn off the alarm clock, take a few minutes to wake up. This is the moment when you can recall a dream that you dreamed of. Stretch, straighten your legs and arms a few times (be careful if you have leg cramps). If you have joint problems, make a few circular movements with your feet, bend and straighten your knees several times.
Now you can start to get up: roll over to your side, slowly lower your feet to the floor, going into a sitting position - this way you save your spine. Stretch your arms and legs again, then stand up slowly.
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