Your libido leaves a lot to be desired and you are wondering how to increase it? Sometimes a glass of wine or sexy lingerie is enough to improve libido, which effectively affects the senses. But low libido can also be caused by an irregular lifestyle. Then you have to make more serious changes to your daily schedule, for example… spend more time sleeping. Try ways to increase libido.
WonderingHow to increase your libido ? A longer break in sexual contacts or experiencing an orgasm causes the desire for sex to expire. In addition, it is difficult to wake up sleepinglibido . A sexy T-shirt, the latest perfumes or champagne with strawberries are not enough for this. Libido is extremely demanding and capricious. In order for it to be in good condition, you need to constantly fuel it. And it doesn't matter if we are in a long-term relationship or have just joined the ranks of singles.
What is libido?
Libido, or sexual drive, is otherwise the need to engage in sexual activity. It is different for everyone and there are no top-down guidelines when libido is sufficient and when not. Our own feelings are decisive - if low or lack of libido does not bother us, then everything is fine. There are people who do not feel any sex drive at all and are called asexual.
The problem begins when we have had a successful sex life so far, but suddenly, for unknown reasons, we began to feel the lack of any needs in this area. This is when we most often look for ways to reawaken our desire.
What does libido depend on?
The level of libido is primarily influenced by hormones, mental and social factors, and age. Abnormal concentration of sex hormones, irregular lifestyle, stress, stimulants - all of these together can have a negative impact on the feeling of desire.
Libido can weaken almost anything. From problems at work, insomnia, long-term indigestion, to a change in weather. Most often,sex drivein women decreases during the menopause, when hormone imbalance occurs. It is also smaller when there is too much prolactin in the body of a woman - a high concentration of this hormone occurs, among others, in nursing mothers to order tooThere was no next pregnancy quickly. Chronic stress is also an important factor influencing the growth of prolactin. In men, libido decreases after the age of 45, when testosterone production drops sharply.
A high or low libido can mean, but does not have to be, violent character, meekness, or shyness. Often people with high sex drive are considered extremely gentle, secretive and calm on a daily basis. Conversely, people who are confident and of their own merits may have serious problems with libido.
How to increase libido? Ways to increase your libido
Like breaks, libido hates boredom and routine. If you love each other identically, you are on a straight path to weakening your libido and thus to a crisis in your relationship. Duplicating the patterns in the bedroom kills even the greatest affection and attachment. This is how it is.
The only way to maintain your libido is to constantly diversify. It applies not only to your behavior towards your partner, but also to changing the place where you love each other, the time of day or your underwear. And it is not necessary to buy a whole arsenal of erotic gadgets. There are many simpler ways to nurture your libido.
- FRAGRANCES:boost your libido by stimulating your sense of smell - so buy almond oil for massage, jasmine oil for bathing in a bathtub and try to relax - stress is the biggest killer of libido!
- AFRODYZJAKI:If you plan to have sex in the evening, start preparations a few hours earlier - eat a delicious dinner, and for dessert, dark chocolate with a hint of chili. With your meal, drink a dry red wine that will stimulate circulation and help you relax. In summer, as a dessert, you can eat a chilled melon washed down with Martini - a mixture that effectively stimulates the senses!
- SEXY UNDERWEAR:put on your best set of lace underwear in the morning. You will feel more attractive by wearing it all day long. You do not believe? Try it, even if you have many complexes, in pretty underwear you will find yourself attractive.
- SEXTING:Nothing gets your libido up and running like sending dirty messages to yourself. It's not about literally writing what you'll be doing in bed - just a very subtle suggestion, such as "what do you think I'm wearing today"? Think of it as a long foreplay that will end at home in the evening.
Coffee as a drug for decreased libido?
There is also good news for coffee lovers. According to prof. Fay Guarrati from the University of Southwestern, the compounds contained in caffeine have a stimulating effect. At least for female rats. Prof.Guarraci observed that giving caffeine to female rats significantly increased their libido.
It is worth noting that the effect of caffeine in various concentrations was investigated, i.e. the one found in a strong espresso and a delicate cafe latte. However, regardless of the dose and strength, the rats were extremely eager to have intercourse.
However, as emphasized by prof. Guarraci, do not expect identical results in women. The mice tested with caffeine never had anything to do with it, so it's no wonder their bodies reacted violently. Any effects would only be possible for women who have never drunk coffee or indulged in it extremely rarely.
Routine kills libido
The cause of low libido may be boredom in the bedroom. If you love each other all the time in the same way, according to a predetermined scenario, you may feel less inclined to get close - this is natural, because the driving wheel of a relationship is mutual fascination and thrill. What to do to wake up old feelings?
Try to make love in more interesting positions. If your bed repertoire has so far been confined to the missionary position, it's time for some variety. Oral sex can also be very exciting for a partner. The mere suggestion of introducing a novelty to your bedroom can act as an aphrodisiac.
- How to have sex in the bathtub? Positions and foreplay
- 6 of Michalina Wisłocka's tips on how to diversify your sex life
- How to have anal sex?
A way to increase libido - geisha balls
The desire for sex can also increase the use of geisha balls. This is how the heroine of the book "50 Shades of Gray" used to ignite desire. Anastasia Steele wore the marbles for several hours as part of foreplay while doing her usual daily activities.
Wearing geisha balls significantly increases libido, because the smaller balls hidden in them make the gadget vibrate, thus irritating the vaginal walls. It's not a big enough stimulation to trigger an orgasm right away, but it is fun and a great introduction to further caresses, this time with your partner.
See also: Excessive sex drive (hypersexuality) - causes
Worth knowingWe owe the definition of libido (Latin desire) to Sigmund Freud, who introduced it to psychoanalysis as the emotional and mental energy flowing from biological impps.

Sleep increases libido
According to prof. Kathleen Blindt Segraves of the University of Cleveland, the worst enemylibido is sleep deprivation, i.e. sleeping less than 8 hours a day. If you have trouble falling asleep, do not use sleeping pills, such as melatonin - according to the latest reports, its long-term use may even lead to a loss of libido.