HIPERKALIEMIA, also called hyperpotasemia in Polish (from Latin kalium means potassium) means excess potassium in the blood serum. It is a dangerous condition for human he alth and even life. Hyperkalemia can cause muscle paralysis, provoke arrhythmia or, in extreme cases, stop the heart beating.

Hyperkalemia( hyperpotasemia ) isexcess potassium in the blood serum .The symptoms of hyperkalemiaare defined as non-specific, i.e. those that may accompany many other ailments and diseases. These include:

  • muscle aches and tingling sensation
  • imbalance
  • dizziness
  • problems with motor coordination
  • irregular heart beat.

Hyperkalemia: causes

The causes of hyperkalemia may be excess potassium in the diet with the simultaneous insufficient excretion of this element by the kidneys, impaired transport of potassium inside the body, disturbances in water and electrolyte balance, tissue hypoxia, sudden release of potassium from damaged cells, prolonged hypoglycaemia or metabolic acidosis. The most common form of this disease, however, isdrug-induced hyperkalemia , caused by taking medications commonly used in the treatment of hypertension. The use of certain diuretics may also increase the level of potassium in the blood.


What blood potassium level is dangerous?

The diagnosis of hyperkalemia is made by a doctor based on an interview, but above all laboratory measurements of the level of potassium in the blood serum. Hyperkalemia is a condition in which the concentration of potassium ions (K +) exceeds 5.5 mmol / l (the norm is 3.6-4.8 mmol / l). When their concentration exceeds 6.7 mmol / l, significant changes in the ECG image of the heart can already be expected; concentrations of about 12 mmol / l may cause cardiac arrest. The level of potassium in the blood above 7 mmol / l is considered a serious condition.

Hyperkalemia: treatment

Treatment is to remove the cause of the hyperkalemia. Often the key is to stop taking the drugs that cause it. It is important to take measures that lower the level of potassium in the blood serum. These include calcium, glucose with insulin, bicarbonate, beta-mimetics, ion exchange resins, drugslaxatives and hemodialysis. There is no single, optimal method of treatment, the decision is made by the doctor who assesses the individual case.

However, it is always necessary to reduce the amount of potassium supplied to the body in the diet. It is not easy, because this element is present in all products except fats and sugars.


The most potassium is found in:

  • dried fruit - apricots, figs, apples, raisins
  • avocado
  • bananas
  • citrus
  • tomatoes and their preserves
  • potatoes.
