Food moths have invaded your kitchen and you don't know how to get rid of them? It is enough to try proven home remedies to fight these bothersome insects. How do you get rid of food moths in the kitchen step by step?

When you open a cupboard in the kitchen, brown-gray butterflies fly out of it, and you find larvae in groats or flour? It'sfood moths . To get rid of them, you do not need to use special preparations. Just try the provenhome remediesto fight these insects.

Food moth remedies - throw away infected products

Food moths like to nest in loose and dry food products, such as flour, groats, rice, etc. Adult insects lay their eggs on the packaging, and their larvae are able to chew through the packaging foil and squeeze through even the smallest gaps. If you see threads and fittings in food, it means that food moths have taken over the kitchen. If you find a moth mark in your food, put it in a garbage bag, making sure you tie it tightly, and throw it away immediately. As a preventive measure, it is good to throw away not only products containing moths and their larvae, but also any other products with which they may have come into contact.

Remedies for food moths - wash the cabinets thoroughly

The next step is to thoroughly clean the kitchen cabinets, especially in the corners. Moths like to hide in nooks and crannies because there are food scraps they feed on. Use warm soapy water for this. To be sure, you should also vacuum the backs of wardrobes, as well as the floors and walls of the kitchen.


Is eating moth larvae harmful to your he alth?

Eating moth larvae does not pose a he alth risk as they do not spread any disease. They also do not cause any discomfort in the digestive system.

Food moth remedies - vinegar, citrus and cloves

After washing the cabinets, you can:

  • rub them with wine vinegar or a solution of water with vinegar 1: 1, with the addition of citrus or clove oil
  • place a bowl of hot vinegar on the kitchen shelf, close the cupboard and wait for the vinegar to cool down
  • add the cloves to the dried orange and leave it on the kitchen shelf. An alternative is orange or lemon peel
  • put the clove infusion in the cupboard and let it cool down
  • leave the vanilla flavor on the shelf

Food moth remedies - glass jars

To prevent food moth infestation in your kitchen, store all food in jars, not plastic, but glass jars, as these are a barrier to these insects. The jars should be wiped on the outside with wine vinegar, while the inside can be filled with bay leaf or allspice, which will repel these insects.

Remedies for food moths - freezer

Food moths are usually found in the products we buy. Therefore, before putting groats or rice in a glass jar, put them in the freezer for a few days. The larvae they contain will surely die.

Methods for food moths - mosquito nets

You can install mosquito nets in the windows, and mesh at the ventilation outlet. In this way, we reduce the risk of moths from the neighbor's kitchen getting into ours.

Do not store food products such as spices in foil bags. Then you create ideal conditions for the development of moles.
