Sunflower oil is one of the most popular vegetable oils in Poland. It is widely believed to be very he althy, which is why it has been widely used in the kitchen. Some add it cold to salads, others use it for frying and baking. But is sunflower oil really he althy? Are you sure it is suitable for frying?
Sunflower oilbegan to be produced on a large scale by the English, but itspropertiesandnutritional values Russians appreciated. The Russian Orthodox Church banned the use of most fats during fasting, and since sunflower oil was not on its list, it quickly gainedusein the kitchen. In the early nineteenth century, Russian farmers already had more than two million acres of land sown with sunflower seeds, from which the seeds are pressed oil. Currently, sunflower oil is used not only for food purposes, but also in cosmetics (e.g. for hair oiling) and natural medicine (e.g. for rinsing the mouth with oil).
Refined and unrefined sunflower oil
Sunflower oil can be refined (hot pressed), i.e. subjected to high temperature and chemical substances, or unrefined (cold pressed), i.e. obtained only by mechanical processing. These oils vary in their nutrient content. There are many more of them in unrefined oils. This is especially true of beta-carotene - the yellow pigment. This is why cold pressed sunflower oil has a dark yellow color, and the refined one - light yellow. In addition, refined sunflower oil has a slightly perceptible taste, and in the case of cold pressed seed oil this taste is much more pronounced. Another difference is the smell - unrefined sunflower oil has a much more intense smell than oil exposed to high temperature.
Sunflower oil - unfavorable proportion of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids
Sunflower oil is characterized by a high content of omega-6 fatty acids (55.9%) and a negligible presence of omega-3 fatty acids (0.5%). These are unfavorable proportions. The correct ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids - omega-3 and omega-6 - should be 1: 5 (n3: n6).
Already1 tablespoon of sunflower oil covers the daily requirement for omega-6 fatty acids.
Too much omega-6 fatty acids in the diet increases inflammation in the body and can lead to the development of many diseases - depression and heart disease. For this reason, it is recommended to limit the consumption of sunflower oil or replace it with another, he althier one, e.g. rapeseed oil or linseed oil rich in omega-3 acids. Also, do not combine sunflower oil with foods rich in omega-3 acids, such as oily sea fish, because this will disrupt the beneficial effects of omega-3.
Worth knowingSunflower oil - percentage of individual fatty acids [%]
saturated acids - 10.8 monounsaturated acids 32.8 polyunsaturated acids - 56.4, including:
- omega-3 fatty acids - 0.5
- omega-6 fatty acids - 55.9
Trans isomers - 0
Sunflower oil - the we alth of vitamin E
Sunflower oil, compared to other oils, is distinguished by the highest content of vitamin E. 100 g contains as much as 38.70 mg of the vitamin of youth and fertility.
Only unrefined rapeseed oil is rich in vitamins.
In terms of its content, sunflower oil even surpasses rapeseed oil, which is considered the he althiest. Rapeseed oil contains almost two times less, i.e. 18.90 mg, vitamin E. Thus, it ranks second in the ranking of oils rich in this valuable compound. The third is soybean oil (10.50 mg / 100 g).
Sunflower oil - a treasury of phytosterols
Like sunflower seeds, sunflower oil is one of the best sources of phytosterols (325mg / 100g). Many years of research show that a diet rich in these compounds lowers cholesterol. Daily consumption of phytosterols prevents the development of atherosclerotic changes in the blood vessels. However, it should be remembered that phytosterols have a positive effect on he alth when consumed in a dose of no more than 3 g per day. This is another argument for not overdoing the amount of sunflower oil in your diet.
Sunflower oil - use in the kitchen. Is it suitable for frying?
Sunflower oil is considered a universal oil, but experts do not advise using it for frying. Everything
Sunflower oil is recommended to be used cold, e.g. for salads, making mayonnaise.
due to the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are very susceptible to high temperature and quickly decompose into hazardous substances under its influence(also carcinogenic). The temperature at which sunflower oil begins to break down into harmful compounds is low and amounts to 100 degrees C (specialists refer to it as a low smoke point). This group of oils also includes soybean oil, corn oil, grape seed oil, sesame oil, and pumpkin seed oil.
The most resistant to high temperature are saturated fatty acids, but due to their harmful effect on he alth, it is better to eliminate them from the diet. Monounsaturated fatty acids are in second place and it is oils with a predominance of these fatty acids that are recommended to be used for frying. These are, for example, rapeseed oil and olive oil. Remember that you should not use cold-pressed oils for frying, but refined oils (they have a higher smoke point).
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreWorth knowingSunflower oil - how to store?
Cold pressed sunflower oil should be stored in a glass bottle in a dark place at 5-10 degrees Celsius, preferably in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator. Refined oil can be stored in a kitchen cupboard. Cold-pressed oil usually lasts 3-6 months, the refined one a little longer. Refining allows for the elimination of the so-called oxidation catalysts. As a result, the oil can be stored longer.
Sunflower oil - how to use?
Source: x-news / Dzień Dobry TVN