A rash on the body consists of multiple patches on the skin in the form of spots, blisters, lumps, blisters or pustules. The rash can be a symptom of an allergy or an infectious disease, it can appear after taking medications or after an insect bite. The rash may be painful or itchy, but is sometimes painless. Find out what causes a rash on the body.
Body rashconsists of multiple patches on the skin in the form of spots, blisters, lumps, vesicles or pimples.Rashcan be a symptom of an allergy or an infectious disease, appear after taking medications or after an insect bite. The rash may be painful or itchy, but is sometimes painless. The changes may affect the skin and mucous membranes of the entire body or only part of it (such as in shingles).
Rash on the body (skin) - types
Depending on the adopted division criterion, the following is distinguished:
1) allergic rashes caused by infectious agents, accompanying metabolic diseases 2) macular, papular, vesicular and mixed rashes 3) rashes with minor, medium and thick lesions 4) localized and generalized rashes 5) rashes quickly subsiding (so-called ethereal) and lasting longer on the skin
Rash - causes. Viral diseases
- measles- generalized rash; the order of appearance and then disappearance: behind the ears, on the chin, all over the face, neck, torso and limbs; dark red lofty spots at first, then papules that merge to leave slightly white streaks ( leopard skin ); the rash leaves a dark brown discoloration, the skin is peeling
- rubella- generalized, pale pink rash, fine spots; spots, sometimes raised, similar to papules, rarely merge (more often on the face and hands); the rash disappears leaving no discoloration; spots may appear on the mucous membranes of the palate ( Forsheimer's spots )
- infectious erythema- generalized rash, so-called the most beautiful of the rashes, multiforme, garland-shaped, occurring on the outer surface of the limbs, buttocks, torso, on the face in the shape of a butterfly; mucous membranes show no changes; the rash does not discolor or peel
- sudden erythema- generalized rash; medium-sized pale pink spots spread mainly on the body, it disappears without leaving any discoloration
- smallpoxwindy- generalized rash; eruptions scattered across the body like stars in the sky, spots that turn into lumps, bubbles initially filled with a clear and then cloudy liquid; bubbles collapse in a funnel-like manner, dry into scabs, discoloration remains; the rash is rarely found on the hands and feet, as a rule, it is found on the hairy part of the head, the rash appears in projections, hence the polymorphism of skin lesions; there are blisters and ulcers on the mucosa of the mouth, throat and genitals
- shingles- rash along the sensory nerves on the body, sometimes on the face; erythematous and follicular lesions arranged in groups against the background of streaked redness; pain in the area of skin lesions; bubbles dry up, forming scabs
- herpescommon - rash on limited areas of the skin; initially numerous lumps, successively turning into vesicles, pustules and crusts; mucous membranes are bloodshot, swollen, covered with painful vesicles that burst, resulting in whitish ulcers, surrounded by a red border
- mononucleosisinfectious - generalized rash of various types, most often maculopapular, sometimes urticarial or haemorrhagic
Rash - causes. Bacterial diseases
- scarlet fever (scarlet fever)- the rash is small (the size of a pin-point), blotchy, with a tendency to merge into erythematous patches, pink, the skin is rough (resembles sandpaper ). Characteristic for scarlet fever are:Fiłat's triangle(a triangle on the face between the nasal folds and chin, free from rash) andPastia lines(petechiae forming linearly within the skin folds). Scarlet fever requires antibiotic treatment
- contagious impetigo- bullous eruptions that tend to ooze and crack, producing honey-colored build-up scabs
- meningococcal infections- can be associated with several types of skin rashes. This may be a macular rash, a rash in the form of a hemorrhagic foci, often confluent, with foci of necrosis, and a bullous rash
- Lyme disease- after a tick bite, some people infected with Lyme disease may develop a characteristic round rash with a white center - erythema migrans. The rash appears a few days after the bite and grows, sometimes reaching a diameter of up to 30 cm. It is accompanied by flu-like symptoms, incl. tiredness, muscle or joint pain, headache, fever or chills, a stiff neck
Rash - causes. Parasitic diseases
- scabies , which causes the parasite human scabies, usually with a papular, very itchy rash in the interdigital spaces and flexion surfaces
- giardiasis
- ascariasis
- schistosomiasis
Rash - hives
Hivesmanifests as blisters on the skin, such as after nettle burn. Urticaria appears most often as an allergic response to food, drugs, or an insect bite. Skin lesions are accompanied by severe itching. Urticaria is usually self-limiting quickly, but may require treatment. In such cases, antihistamines and glucocorticotreroids are used.
Rash after antibiotics or other medications
The rash can also occur after taking medications. It's a drug allergy. The most common allergenic drugs are antibiotics (usually penicillin). This may be the result not only of excessive human consumption of these drugs, but also of animals whose meat is later used for human consumption. In addition, the list of common allergenic drugs includes acetylsalicylic acid, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Allergy may also be caused by drugs used for general and local anesthesia, as well as contrast agents used during examinations. Vaccines can also cause an allergic reaction. The risk of drug allergy is high in people who use several drugs at the same time, as well as in those who use the drug / group of drugs for a long time and / or frequently.
Rash - causes. Vascular spots
Spotted skin lesionscan be caused by blood extravasation into the skin. One of the more famous vascular defects is Henoch-Schönlein purpura. Haemorrhagic eruptions that may merge into larger lesions appear mainly on the straight surfaces of the lower limbs and buttocks. In the course of Henoch-Schönlein purpura, symptoms may also appear from the joints, urinary system and digestive system.
Rash - causes. Phenylketonuria
Phenylketonuriais an inherited metabolic disease. It consists in an abnormal transformation of one of the amino acids - phenylalanine. It builds up in excess in the body and damages the brain, even causing severe mental retardation. The disease is accompanied by neurological symptoms: convulsions, severe muscle tension and tremors, and behavioral disturbances. A rash may also appear. There is no cure for it. You can only prevent body poisoning and brain damage by following an appropriate, very strict diet.
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