Vegetable oil is fat. But this one is extremely he althy because it contains unsaturated fatty acids. Apart from traditional rapeseed and sunflower oils, you can buy grape seed, sesame, soy and corn oils. Each of them has a slightly different composition and application.
Vegetable oilscontain unsaturated fatty acids (EFAs) that protect against cardiovascular diseases and cancer. And this is their main advantage. The more unsaturated (and less saturated) fatty acids, the better. Rapeseed oil, which is made from refined rape seeds, is absolutely unrivaled in this respect. Research confirms that it can compete with the he althiest olive oil.
- Vegetable oils - what they contain
- Vegetable oils - check labels
- Vegetable oils - price
- Vegetable oils in the diet - which one for frying, which for salads?
- Vegetable oils - storage
Vegetable oils - what they contain
The greatest treasure of oils are monounsaturated fatty acids. They lower total blood cholesterol, lower the level of "bad" (LDL) and possibly increase the level of "good" (HDL), counteracting atherosclerosis and high blood pressure. Oils also contain many valuable polyunsaturated acids, including linoleic (omega-6). Freshly pressed oil is also a good source of alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3). Unfortunately, this acid decomposes under the influence of light and air within 12 hours of extrusion. Therefore, despite the fact that walnuts and flax seeds are rich in omega-3 acid, there is little of it in the oils we buy.
The problem is that we need both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the right proportions, only then are they involved in building cells, especially in the brain and retina, and in metabolism. Like monounsaturated acids, they also regulate cholesterol levels, preventing atherosclerosis and heart disease, and preventing inflammation. Too high content of omega-6 may inhibit the beneficial effects of omega-3. And since the body cannot make these acids itself, we need to get them through food. In order to maintain the correct proportions, you should eat 2-3 times a weekfatty fish (halibut, herring, salmon), because they are a treasury of omega-3 fatty acids.
Vegetable oils are a good source of vitamin E, also known as the vitamin of youth. One of the antioxidants, it removes free radicals from the body, protecting us against civilization diseases, and also gives the skin a youthful appearance.
Vegetable oils - check labels
Study the label carefully - note the use-by date. Do not buy oil if it is illegible or has a stamp on it, for example with a price tag. This date means that the product is fit for consumption until then, but provided it is properly stored (see the box below). Oils that contain more polyunsaturated than monounsaturated fatty acids deteriorate faster.
Next to the trade name, there should be information whether the oil is made, for example, from grape seeds or sunflower seeds, as well as about the method of its production and intended use. All ingredients of the product should also be listed on the label. The more data the manufacturer put in, the more you can be sure that you are not buying a pig in a poke.
Check the fat content - then you will know best how to use the oil yourself. Sometimes the producers indicate on the packaging that the oil is suitable, for example, for everything, and the composition shows that it can be used for salads and short cooking, not for frying.
The rule is: oils, which are predominantly monounsaturated fatty acids, are suitable for frying, eating raw and cooking. Thanks to these acids, the oil retains its properties at high temperatures. Those, in which polyunsaturated acids predominate, should be used only in salads.
Vegetable oils - price
Rapeseed oil, called the "oil of the North", although the richest in EFA, is cheap. A half-liter bottle of this oil usually costs a few to several zlotys (PLN 3.5-15). This price discrepancy is due to whether it is virgin, cold pressed or unrefined, refined or unrefined oil, organic or conventional rapeseed. It is similar with sunflower oil. The prices of other popular vegetable oils start from a dozen or so zlotys.
ImportantIf the oil starts to smoke in the pan, it means that it is not intended for frying (harmful trans acids are formed). If the oil intended for frying starts to smoke, it means that the composition has changed due to long storage and you must not fry on it anymore.
Vegetable oils in the diet - which one for frying, which for salads?
- Rapeseed
Rapeseed oil is yellow in color anddelicate fragrance. It contains the most monounsaturated fatty acids and the least saturated fatty acids (less than olive oil!). It is a good source of vitamin E and provides a lot of omega-3 acid. It is less susceptible to light and temperature than other oils, so it stays fresh longer. When added to dishes, it extends their shelf life. It is suitable for frying (also in deep fat), stewing, baking and cold - for salads and salads.
- Sunflower
It is transparent. it has a light yellow color, mild flavor and aroma. It is dominated by valuable omega-6 fatty acids. It contains the highest amount of vitamin E of all oils (more than olive oil!). However, there is only a trace amount of omega-3 fatty acids in it. Perfect for salads and sauces. It can be used for cooking and stewing, but it must not be heated above 100 ° C, so it is not suitable for baking and long frying.
- Soy
Soybean oil has a light yellow color, specific smell and delicate flavor. It contains only slightly more polyunsaturated fatty acids (including a lot of omega-6, not much omega-3) than monounsaturated ones. It is a good source of lecithin, which is responsible for an efficient mind and improves the functioning of the liver. Extremely rich in phytoestrogens, called plant female hormones. Has little vit. E. Perfect for salads, salads, sauces, cooking and short frying.
- Corn
Fresh corn oil is orange, while refined - dark yellow, pleasant taste and smell, transparent. It is dominated by polyunsaturated fatty acids (a lot of omega-6 and a little omega-3). It is a good source of vitamin. E and provitamins A. Fresh, it oxidizes very quickly, therefore mainly refined oil is available for sale. Good for salads, sauces, mayonnaise and cooking. Not suitable for frying.
- Sesame
Sesame oil has a specific and very strong smell of sesame seeds. Provides monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids (including a lot of omega-6). It is more durable than other oils. It has one drawback: it only contains trace amounts of omega-3 acid. It is a universal oil - it can be used raw for salads and salads, as well as for frying (also in deep fat) and cooking.
- Grape seed
It is transparent with a light greenish tinge, has a delicate fragrance. It consists primarily of polyunsaturated fatty acids, mainly omega-6. It contains only trace amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Cold-pressed oil is hardly available, mainly refined. Its minus is quiteHigh price. It's great for salads, sauces and cooking, but shouldn't be used for frying.
You must do itVegetable oils - storage
Oils quickly go rancid under the influence of light and heat. Therefore, it is best to store them at 4-8ºC (ie in the least cool part of the refrigerator or in a dark pantry).Under no circumstances should you keep an open bottle on top!If you buy oil in a can or carton, after opening it, pour it into a bottle, preferably in dark glass. Open oil oxidizes quickly. So it's better to buy it in smaller packages if you don't use them up within 3 months.
The oil should be liquid, clear, with a delicate characteristic smell. If it looks or smells suspicious, it is unfit for consumption. Rancid oil has little nutritional value and can even be harmful.
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