It is suspected that the insidious HCV virus that causes hepatitis C (hepatitis C) is present in every fourth of us! It was recognized only 25 years ago. You can become infected through contact with the patient's blood. In about 80 percent. cases of hepatitis C take a chronic form. What are the symptoms of HCV infection? How is hepatitis C treated?
Hepatitis C( Hepatitis C ) is an infectious disease caused by the virusHCV- Hepatitis C Virus, which multiplies in liver cells, causing inflammation and organ damage. It was discovered recently - in 1989. It comes in 6 varieties, called genotypes. In the world, as in Poland, infections with genotype 1 dominate (in our case it is 90% of cases), followed by 2 and 3.
In Poland, infection with this virus was diagnosed in 750 thousand. people (for comparison, the number of people infected with HIV is estimated at 30 thousand). Epidemiologists warn that this is the tip of the iceberg, because 2.5 thousand more are added every year. new sick people. According to the data of the National Institute of Hygiene and the Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology, collected at the request of WHO, it is estimated that 1/4 of Poles are infected. HCV was identified in 1989. Previously, it was only known that it exists and causes hepatitis. He was called Not-A-Not-B (NANB Hepatitis). Unfortunately, in Poland it was only 3 years after the detection of the virus (i.e. since 1992) that blood donors' blood was tested for the presence of HCV - hence such a large number of people unaware of the disease.
Our knowledge about the virus is small - the TNS OBOP poll (September 2007) shows that approx. 93 percent the public does not know what HCV is, how it is infected and what the prognosis is. So what do you need to know about the disease to defend yourself against it and not to discriminate against infected people?
How can you get infected with HCV?
Hepatitis C infection occurs as a result of contact with the blood of an infected person. The ways of infection with hepatitis C (hepatitis C) are mainly medical procedures:
- blood collection and transfusion
- operation
- dental procedures
- dermatological treatments
- when getting a tattoo
- by injecting drugs
SourceHepatitis Ccanbe:
doctor's gloves, if not changed for each patient, acupuncture needles, someone else's clippers, razor blades, etc. If we have damaged skin or mucosa, any contact with the blood of an infected person can lead to infection.
Most often, however, we catch the virus in he alth care facilities, if the rules of sterilization of instruments, e.g. lamps for curing dental fillings, are not followed.
Does HCV spread through sex?
It is difficult to find an unambiguous answer. The disease is not classified as sexually transmitted. However, the risk of infection exists due to the possible damage to the epidermis and / or mucosa of the reproductive organs.
Epidemiologists estimate the probability of infection during sexual intercourse at about 3 percent. with 25 years of monogamous intercourse. There are also data that infection through sex occurs in less than 1 percent. people.
There is a slightly greater risk of infection with sadomasochistic practices, especially when partners use erotic gadgets. HCV is less infectious sexually than HBV (hepatitis B).
Daily contact with a patient with hepatitis C is dangerous?
No, because the virus DOES NOT TRANSFER via:
- sneezing and coughing
- holding hands
- friendly kisses
- use of the same toilet, bathtub
- eating food prepared by an HCV infected person (if the food has not been in contact with that person's blood)
- swimming in the same pool
- playing with children
- sport (if there is no damage to the body)
An infected or sick person must, however, disinfect abrasions and cuts and dress them thoroughly.
Who may suspect HCV infection?
People constitute the largest group
- with blood transfusions or blood-like products before 1992
- repeatedly hospitalized
- after surgery
- dialyzed
- endoscopically examined
He althcare, firefighters and police workers who have injured themselves and had contact with the blood of the HCV carrier, as well as blood donors, are also at risk.
For 80 percent HCV infections in Poland are still the responsibility of he alth care facilities if they do not follow the rules of sterilization of instruments, e.g. lamps for curing dental fillings.
What studies show that we are infected with HCV?
The so-called liver tests, i.e. determination of the activity of ALT and AST transaminases in the blood (enzymes produced by the liver). The blood for testing is taken from a vein in the elbow flexion.An increased result indicates liver inflammation and is the basis for further analyzes. The test can be performed in any laboratory, at the request of a general practitioner.
The diagnosis requires a blood test for anti-HCV antibodies. In Poland, primary care physicians are still not allowed to issue referrals for HCV blood tests. If your doctor suspects you may be infected (fresh tattoo, multiple piercings), he or she may refer you to an infectious disease specialist who will order an examination. Many months are waiting for such a visit. We also do not actively search for infected people.
A positive result does not mean that you are ill. It may be that we were infected, but the body has defeated the virus and we are only a carrier. Only additional testing of the genetic material of the virus - HCV RNA in the blood will confirm the ongoing disease process and allow the genotype, i.e. its variant, to be determined. There are 6 basic genotypes numbered 1 to 6. Genotype identification is important as some varieties are more treatable than others. A detailed examination may be ordered by the primary care physician, but then you have to pay 35-40 PLN for it. However, if an infection is suspected, he issues a referral to an infectious disease clinic (they are in larger cities), where the test is free of charge.
What are the symptoms of hepatitis C?
The warning signal may be:
- fatigue
- difficulty concentrating
- anxiety
- depression
- joint and muscle pains
- itchy skin
1/3 of those infected feel them. But the rest do not have any complaints, which is why the disease is called a "silent epidemic". It can develop over a dozen or even several dozen years without any symptoms. Some people with liver damage develop cirrhosis and / or cancer after many years, while others develop no trace of the disease. Early diagnosis enables complete recovery.
Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes is a very rare symptom of infection, therefore associating hepatitis C with jaundice is a mistake.
What is the difference between acute hepatitis C and chronic hepatitis?
Acute hepatitis C appears 4-12 weeks after exposure to the virus and lasts about 6 months. It is usually asymptomatic. In about 20 percent. the body clears the infection on its own within 6-12 months after the virus enters. But as many as 80 percent. the infection turns into a chronic phase that requires treatment.
If the virus is found in the blood 6 months after the first symptoms of the disease, it can be considered a chronic phase of the disease, whichmay require (not always necessary, and not possible for everyone) pharmacological treatment. This is also when the first symptoms appear in some people: nausea, joint pain, fatigue.
The multiplication of the virus causes hepatitis, which is manifested by an increase in the activity of liver enzymes in the blood. Chronic hepatitis C leads to cirrhosis and / or liver cancer in approx. 30% of patients. among the chronically infected. This process is called fibrosis.
Is it possible to cure hepatitis C?
Yes. After excluding possible contraindications (e.g. thyroid diseases), patients undergo pharmacotherapy. Its scheme is determined individually for each patient based on the diagnosis of the genotype of his virus and the so-called virus load (the number of copies in the blood serum).
The complete elimination of HCV from the blood is possible provided that drugs are taken systematically and the progress of therapy is monitored.
Worth knowingHepatitis C - where can I have a free HCV test?
Daily, free and anonymous HCV test, as well as HIV test and syphilis test, can be performed in two facilities in Warsaw. One is located at al. Jana Pawła II 45A next to Diagnostyce, 1st floor in pavilions (over Ziko Apteka). The point is open from Monday to Friday from 16-20. The second one is located in Urysnowo, ul. Nugat 3 at the Preventive Medicine and Rehabilitation Center. The point is open from Monday to Friday from 16.00 to 20.00 and additionally on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 10-14. Credits run by the Foundation for Social Education (FES).
For several years, free HCV tests have been organized throughout Poland on July 28, on the occasion of World Hepatitis Day. Everyone can participate in free anti-HCV screening on this day.
How is hepatitis C treated?
Viral hepatitis treatment plan is individual based on viral genotype. Until now, the standard of treatment was subcutaneous injection of pegylated interferon alpha, which helps to fight off various pathogens in the body, including viruses, in combination with the oral antiviral drug ribavirin. The treatment could last, depending on the genotype of the virus and the condition of the liver, from 24 to 72 weeks.
Currently, doctors have drugs that allow to completely eliminate hepatitis C. The latest form of treatment without interferon, which has been available in Poland since July 1, 2015, increases the chances of patients recovering to 90-100 percent.
In addition, these drugs have no side effects and work much faster than the ones used so far. They are Viekirax Exviera, Sovaldi,Harvoni and Olysio. The latter was included in the therapeutic program financed by the National He alth Fund in May 2015.
What ailments may occur during hepatitis C therapy?
Treatment may or may not be accompanied by various ailments:
- headaches and dizziness,
- fatigue,
- chills,
- fever,
- muscle and joint pain,
- weight loss,
- nausea,
- lack of appetite.
Patients are depressed, irritable, have difficulty falling asleep, experience mood swings, anxiety or nervousness, and sometimes fall into depression. Some people lose their hair. Malaise can be alleviated with appropriate medications prescribed by a specialist.
How long do I wait for hepatitis C treatment?
Unfortunately, a long time: from a year (in Warsaw) to several years in smaller centers. Waiting for treatment is very difficult for patients, some fall into depression. No wonder - few people can pay for the treatment out of their own pocket. It is an expense of about 3 thousand. PLN per month. While waiting for treatment, you need to lead a he althy lifestyle, then there is a good chance that your he alth will not deteriorate significantly during this time.
Can a pregnant woman pass HCV to her baby?
30-50 percent infected cases occur during pregnancy, the rest are perinatal infections. A caesarean section does not reduce the risk, but a thorough washing of the baby's postpartum blood probably does. The time between the water breakdown and delivery also affects the risk of infection. If it exceeds 6 hours, the risk increases.
Can a mother with HCV breastfeed her baby?
She can breastfeed without fear. The concentration of the virus in breast milk is much lower than in her blood. Moreover, the virus is destroyed in the baby's digestive tract.
How to avoid HCV infection?
There is no vaccine available to protect against hepatitis C (unlike types A and B). Therefore, situations in which infection may occur should be kept to a minimum.
- If you undergo a procedure, even a minor one (e.g. injection, change of dressing), make sure that it is performed in protective gloves, which should be changed after each patient.
- Do not use services in beauty salons and tattoo studios where hygiene rules are not strictly followed (e.g. needles are not disposable and tools are not sterilized).
- Do not lend anyone or anyone else's personal utensils, such as manicure tools, epilator, razor
- it is also important to avoid sexual contactthe so-called high risk that can cause bleeding; and intercourse during menstruation. It is recommended to use condoms or preparations that increase vaginal moistness to protect against mucosal injuries.
Patients with hepatitis C must be on a diet?
There is one absolute prohibition for patients: alcohol abstinence. They shouldn't smoke either. In addition, just use common sense - choose easily digestible products: steamed and baked in foil, without sauces, fat, excess simple carbohydrates and s alt.
Energy drinks are not recommended, but you can drink coffee. It is worth giving up artificially colored and preserved products. People who are sick are recommended to lead a quiet lifestyle, walk, bike, swim.
Does a history of hepatitis C give immunity for life?
No. Antibodies remaining in the blood do not protect against re-infection, which may occur from contact with the patient's blood.
- Hepatitis C (hepatitis C): new drugs, new therapies
- hepatitis C - how to avoid hepatitis C?
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