The dryness of the mucous membranes bothers the elderly more, because the body dries up from the inside over the years. The teams responsible for moisturizing work worse and worse, hence the sand under the eyelids or the lack of saliva in the mouth. These ailments may be a symptom of the so-called dryness syndrome, which includes: vaginal dryness, dry nose, dry eye syndrome, lack of saliva (xerostomia) and Sjögren's syndrome.
Dry mucous membranesmay have various causes, but it undoubtedly worsens with age. Every organism wears out over the years. Gradually, we see and hear worse, our mouth is dry, it is more difficult for us to smell or taste the food. However, hardly anyone knows that we also… dry up from the inside. The glands responsible for moisturizing work worse, and then the mucous membranes do not fulfill their tasks as needed.
Dryness syndrome: no saliva - xerostomia
Licking the lips or moving the tongue in the mouth will not help when there is not enough saliva in the mouth. It is associated with the aging process and the gradual disappearance of mucous membranes and glands that are to produce saliva (i.e. salivary glands).Xerostomia- because this is the professional name of this ailment - it can also be the result of taking certain medications (e.g. diuretics, antispasmodics), it can occur when the body becomes dehydrated or when we constantly breathe through the mouth . In some people, dry mouth is associated with a rheumatic condition such as Sjögren's syndrome (see below). In xerostomia, severe tooth decay is much more common because too little saliva prevents the bacteria that live in the mouth from being flushed out. Older people often complain to dentists about the wrong fitting of dentures. Meanwhile, dentures are good, but the natural lubricant saliva is lacking, and the "third teeth" start to hurt. Dry mouth also makes it more difficult to speak clearly, chew and swallow efficiently. In turn, food debris in the mouth can cause bad breath. Remember that xerostomia can also prevent the proper absorption of sublingual drugs, so before taking e.g. nitroglycerin, you should moisten your mouth with a little water.
- How to help yourself?
People who suffer from xerostomia should inform their doctor about it at each visit.Then he will not prescribe, for example, vasoconstrictors or antihistamines. They also need to pay special attention to oral hygiene. Frequent rinsing of the mouth with any liquid (no sugar!), Chewing xylitol gum, sucking saliva-increasing tablets (eg, SST available at a pharmacy, without a prescription) can reduce the discomfort. In the event of their significant increase, the ENT specialist may order you to take Pilocarpine tablets to increase salivation or prescribe a special mouthwash with glycerin, menthol and vitamin A.
Dry nose syndrome: dry nose
With the passage of years, nasal symptoms may appear. Dryness of the mucous membranes of the olfactory organ causes pain, burning, sometimes bleeding and a weakened sense of smell.
- How to help yourself?
A certain antidote to these ailments may be applying a moisturizing gel or vitamin ointment to the nose (preparations can be purchased at a pharmacy, without a prescription).
Dry eye syndrome: dry eye syndrome
Reduction in the production of tears is sometimes the result of the aging process of the organism, because the tear glands and mucous membranes also disappear within the eyes. However, dry eye syndrome can also occur when there is a hormonal imbalance in menopause, after radiotherapy, or with Sjögren's syndrome. We complain then of stinging, burning, photophobia, a feeling of sand under the eyelids, conjunctival redness. At night, while sleeping, the eyes produce less tears, which is why the symptoms worsen in the morning. It is then difficult to open the eyelids - sometimes it is accompanied by severe pain. Symptoms are also more bothersome, e.g. after prolonged reading, using a computer, driving a car, watching TV. They can also be aggravated by some drugs (diuretics, hypertension, hormonal, antiallergic drugs). Ailments are stronger in air-conditioned and dusty places, and they decrease when we shower or when the day is rainy or foggy. In more severe cases of dry eye syndrome, chronic inflammation of the eyelid margins and scarring of the cornea, or even corneal ulceration, sometimes develops. This reduces visual acuity, and when the ulcers pierce inside the eyeball, you may lose your vision. Patients with symptoms of dry eye must see an ophthalmologist. Initial diagnosis is confirmed by the so-called Schirmer's test (special strips of filter paper are placed between the eyeball and the lower eyelid and it is measured how many millimeters of each strip will be moistened with tears for 5 minutes). The ophthalmologist additionally examines the eyes in a slit lamp. This allows for the detection of minor damage to the corneal epithelium.
- Likehelp yourself?
To relieve dry eye symptoms, avoid air-conditioned and dusty places in the first place. It is also worth blinking as often as possible and closing your eyelids for even a few seconds. In winter, you can reduce the temperature of the rooms - overheated air dries the eyes - and place humidifiers in the rooms. When driving a car, you need to use the air conditioning very sparingly. Ophthalmologists recommend frequent instillation of the so-called artificial tears. Usually, drops are used during the day (e.g. Lacrimal, Oculotect fluid, Artelac, Vidisept), while at night, eye lubricants in the form of a gel (e.g. Vidisic, Corneregel) are applied. One of the effective methods of treating dry eye syndrome is placing special mini-caps into the tear ducts. Thanks to this procedure, less tears drain from the eyeball and it is much better moisturized.
Dryness syndrome: vaginal dryness
The dryness of the vagina and vulva can be extremely unpleasant. This is the result of the aging of the body, but also of hormonal disorders (less and less estrogens) that occur with menopause. Women then feel a burning sensation and sometimes itching of the intimate areas. Pain is associated with any attempt to have sexual intercourse. Unfortunately, vaginitis and infections are more common then (it is easy to get mechanical injuries with dry mucous membranes and friction), and even the formation of precancerous conditions, such as leukoplakia (keratosis of the vaginal epithelium).
- How to help yourself?
It is worth taking vitamins A and E, which have a beneficial effect on the skin and mucous membranes. In such cases, gynecologists recommend using the so-called lubricants (e.g., K-Y Jelly, Feminum, Lubrin, Subrin, Ortho Personal Lubricant). They are applied to the partner's member and the vestibule of the vagina, which eliminates the painful rubbing against the sensitive mucosa. To increase the hydration of the vaginal walls, you can use non-hormonal creams (eg Replens, Gyne-Moistrin). The cream is inserted into the vagina with an applicator three times a week. The gynecologist may also prescribe vaginal estrogen creams.
Dryness syndrome: Sjögren's syndrome
The symptoms of dry eye, xerostomia, and vaginal dryness are very severe if you suffer from Sjögren's syndrome. The treatment of this disease is de alt with by rheumatologists. It is not the result of the aging of the body ( although it is slightly more common in older people), but the so-called autoimmune disorder. The body uses its antibodies and immune cells to destroy its own tissue, especially the glandular tissue. They are treated as dangerous bacteria or viruses.
In Sjögren's syndrome, there is also arthritis. Dryness of the mucous membranes of the systemrespiratory tract infection may lead to pneumonia. Sometimes, for example, pancreatitis, fibrosing pericarditis, sensory disturbances due to nerve damage, kidney failure, inflammation of small blood vessels in the body, which can cause a stroke or heart attack, occur. Certain types of cancer (lymphoma) are more than 40 times more common in people with Sjögren's syndrome than in he althy people. This disease requires intensive treatment (with steroids, cytostatics). In order to detect this dangerous disease as early as possible, people with symptoms of dryness syndrome should be diagnosed for Sjögren's syndrome. blood for the presence of specific SS-B antinuclear antibodies.
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