- PE warm-up - general development warm-up (10-15 min)
- PE warm-up - warm-up before swimming
- PE warm-up - warm-up before running
- PE warm-up - warm-up with a basketball
- PE warm-up - warm-up with a volleyball
Warming up for PE should consist of running exercises that increase the heart rate, general development exercises and those that involve the muscles that are most strained during training. Check out sample sets of exercises to warm up for running, gymnastics, volleyball and basketball.
The PE warm-upis aimed at initial preparation of muscles for exercise and improvement of skills useful in a given discipline (e.g. volleyball, basketball, running). The first part should consist of running exercises to warm up all parts of the body, the second part - more specific exercises that focus on specific parts of the muscles.
See examples of how to warm up in PE classes by discipline.
PE warm-up - general development warm-up (10-15 min)
This is a universal warm-up that prepares all muscles for exercise and warms up the joints. It may be an introduction to general development gymnastic activities. This warm-up should also be done before starting ball exercises, which are more specific and focused on developing your playing ability.
1. Light jogging for 3 minutes.
2. Exercises in jog (approx. 0.5-1 minute each):
- lowering your hands to the ground ( alternating left and right);
- arm circles (left, right, both forwards, backwards, at the end of a circle with both hands in opposite directions);
- run backwards;
- crossover (interlaced) with the left side to the direction of the run, then the right side;
- jumping with alternating swings of hands up and lifting knees.
3. Exercise while walking: stretching your arms forward and alternating leg swings with your toes touching your toes (8 repetitions per leg).
4. Exercises in place (8 repetitions each):
- torso forward, arms to the side, twist the torso with a swing of hands (twists);
- hip circulation back and forth;
- knee circulation (inward, outward, both ways together);
- circulation to the wrists and ankles;
- squats.
5. Exercises on the ground (10 repetitions each):
- pushups;
- crunches;
- oblique crunches;
- vertical scissors lying on the stomach;
- board (30 seconds).
PE warm-up - warm-up before swimming
This warm-up consists mainly of dynamic stretching exercises (also called dynamic stretching) of the upper body. Muscle stretching movements must be performed quickly and alternately (do not hold).
- Rotating your head forward, backward, around.
- Side bends - straight posture, arms down, swaying from side to side and reaching to the knees (back and forth).
- Stretching the deltoid muscles - bending the arm to the side and drawing the arm to the chest with the other hand.
- Triceps stretching - raising the bent arm vertically upwards and pulling the palm down behind the back (repeat on both sides).
- Stretching the chest and arms - holding the arms in the "hook" (grabbing the arm from the bottom behind the back - repeat on both sides).
The given sets of exercises before swimming, running, volleyball and basketball should always be preceded by a general warm-up.
PE warm-up - warm-up before running
The following warm-up is suitable as a preparation for athletics and running activities (long-distance runs, sprints, jumps). It improves speed, dynamics of movements and jumping.
- March with high knee lift.
- Skip A - jog with high knee lift to the chest.
- Skip B - jog with high knee lift to the chest and leg extension up.
- Skip C - jog with heels hitting buttocks.
- Soldier's step - arm extended forward and march with lifting the leg and touching the toes to the opposite hand ( alternating right leg, left leg alternately)
- Multi-jump - long alternating jumps with extensive hand work
- Hop A - high jumps with both buttocks rolled up and knees closer to the chest
- Hop C - high jumps with both heels hitting buttocks
- Forward lunges - one leg lunges forward, leg bend (the knee does not go in front of the toes) and return to the starting position; repeat alternately for both legs.
- Raises on toes.
PE warm-up - warm-up with a basketball
Ball exercises for each person:
- run with the ball around the body;
- running with the ball alternately under one and the other leg;
- dribbling while running, first with one hand, then with the other;
- non-stroke without throwing the ball;
- dribble on the march alternately under one and the other leg.
- throws (passes) and grips of the ball bounced against the wall with both hands in front of the chest.
Pair exercises (with the ball for a pair):
- pass the ball to your partner with both hands;
- passing the ball to your partner first with your right hand, then with your left hand;
- passing the ball by the goat;
- one person is dribbling and defending, the other is trying to hit the ball to his partner.
PE warm-up - warm-up with a volleyball
Exercises with the ball in pairs:
- passing the ball to your partner first with your left hand, then with your right hand;
- both jump and lift the ball above the head, hit the ball on the floor from a jump so that it is passed to the partner;
- reflections top way;
- reflections downstream;
- bouncing the top way with the ball first pushed up;
- bounces in the bottom way with the ball first raised;
- exhibition to a partner, plas, defense, exhibition by the other partner (sequence repeated alternately).
Ball warm-ups improve the skills needed for team play.