Incorrectly prepared formula does not provide the right amount of nutrients, it can cause colic, gas, and food poisoning. You will avoid trouble if you follow a few simple rules when preparing your milk.
Preparation of formula milk:
- Check the expiry datemilk . Also, do not use mixes that have been open for more than a week (bacteria have multiplied in this powder).
- Wash your hands, steam or sterilize the bottle andthe teat .
- The water you use should be of high quality, low mineralized, preferably recommended by the Institute of Mother and Child. There are even special waters forbabiesin Poland, produced by Humana. Boil the water, then let it cool down to about 40 ° C. Do not use boiling water to prepare mixtures: too hot water destroys vitamins and nutrients. Pour the measured amount into the bottle.
- Pour the appropriate amount of the mixture into the water - always as much as recommended by the manufacturer on the milk packaging. Rulers must be flat, not heaped.
- Screw your milk bottle. Shake it until the powder is completely dissolved and there are no lumps in the milk.
- Check the temperature of the mixture. Pour a few drops on the wrist - the milk should be warm, but it must not burn. Cool too hot, heat too cool, e.g. by placing the bottle in a vessel with hot water for a few minutes.
- Pour out the milk that is not drunk by the infant, because it is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. Wash the bottle immediately. Never mix the old milk with the new one.
- Keep the packages or cans with the mixture tightly closed, store in a dry place at room temperature.