Eye ultrasound allows you to see what is happening behind the eye, i.e. in the eye socket. The test is performed when a slit lamp cannot be used to diagnose a patient. This is what happens when, due to cataracts or corneal endosperm, it is impossible to look inside the eyeball.

The ultrasound examination of the eyeis calledUSG A(A for amplitude). It shows changes in the retina such as retinal detachment or tear, eye tumors, strokes, glaucomatous changes in the optic nerve. The examination is also performed when it is necessary to select an appropriate lens that needs to be replaced, e.g. due to a cataract.

Eye ultrasound: indications

The ultrasound examination of the eye is performed in diagnostics:

  • retinal detachment
  • vitreous floaters
  • intraocular foreign bodies
  • measuring the length of the eyeball in myopia
  • intraocular tumors
  • eye haemorrhage
  • examination of the posterior segment of the eye in inflammation and hemorrhages
  • post-traumatic conditions
  • changes in diabetes
  • muscle thickness in thyroid ophthalmopathy
  • measure the power of the implanted lens (in case of cataract surgery)

Eye ultrasound: examination process

You close your eyes and relax the eyelids as much as possible, which the doctor who performs the examination smears with a thin layer of gel and applies the ultrasound probe head, which transmits the image of the eye structure to the computer monitor.

Eye ultrasound: results

The ultrasound A trace resembles an ECG trace, where each inclination of the trace line has its own meaning and determines, for example, the type of tissue, its consistency or vascularity. You get the results immediately in the office.

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