The most common causes of injuries are injuries caused by a too short warm-up. Muscle overload, joint sprains and sprains can be very painful and require specialist examination. How to relieve pain before going to the doctor? Here are some tips on how to protect your injured areas.

Overloading, strenuous march, reckless jumps, or a sharp ball game arethe most common causes of injuriesthat we experience during the holidays. This is because we are not preparing to spend time so actively. And all you need to do is exercise a little before you go - get your muscles used to exercise - to minimize the risk of injury. For example, stretching exercises will improve the overall condition of the body. It is also worth remembering that, for example, before a beach volleyball match or a bicycle trip, do a short warm-up. But just in case, it's worth knowing how to help yourself.

Most common injuries: bruises

Are caused by a fall or impact. At the time of injury, tiny epidermal vessels burst and blood is poured out into the surrounding tissues. This causes the skin to swell and turn blue. A bruise forms at the site of injury, which changes color as a result of the slow absorption of damaged blood cells into the bloodstream. Most bruises heal in 7-10 days.

What to do?It is worth relieving the pain and accelerating healing. Immediately after the accident, a cold compress should be applied to stop internal bleeding and reduce swelling. After a day, we apply a warm, moist compress to the bruised place. This will dilate the blood vessels so your body will absorb blood from the damaged vessels faster. Healing bruises is also accelerated by an ointment containing arnica or horse chestnut seed extract.

Most common injuries: joint dislocation

Such an injury causes the bones that make up the joint to change their natural position. The most frequently damaged joints are the shoulder, hip, elbows, fingers, hands, thumb and kneecap. The contusion changes the shape of the joint, there is swelling and severe pain. Often also a bruise, which proves that the vessels inside the joint were damaged, and thus also a hemorrhage.

What to do?Sprained joints should not be adjusted. It is best to immobilize them in the "after an accident" position and seek specialist help.Neglecting the injury may result in necrosis of the surrounding tissues.

Most common injuries: sprains

Injury consists of overstretching, tearing or even breaking the joint ligaments. The most susceptible to injuries are: ankles, knees and wrists.

Such an injury is the result of exceeding the natural range of motion of the joint.

The sprain can damage the joint capsule, ligaments, cartilage, and even bones. As a result of the injury, the ligaments lose their flexibility and do not hold the joint in the correct position. If the sprain is not treated by a doctor, the joint may become permanently destabilized, resulting in premature wear of the joint, i.e. arthrosis.

What to do?Apply a cold compress to the joint, wrap it with an elastic bandage. No hot compresses are used on sprains!

Most common injuries: abrasions and burns

The real torment of walkers are abrasions and burns on the skin. Most often they form on the feet when we have uncomfortable shoes or artificial fiber socks. Abrasions and blisters may also appear on the hands (from carrying a heavy suitcase), on the shoulders of the backpack's harness or under the armpits and in the groin from tight clothing.

What to do?Blisters that arise as a result of chafing should be covered with a plaster with a dressing in order not to tear the skin. Blisters on the feet or heels are better freed from the serous fluid. It can even be done with an ordinary needle, but carefully disinfected or burned over a flame. Put a sterile gauze pad on the affected area, bandage the foot or stick a plaster. Open wounds, abrasions and minor cuts should be disinfected with hydrogen peroxide or with soap or disinfecting gel.

Most common injuries: muscle overload

Appears when the muscle has been overstretched, for example with a sharp jerk or long overstrain. The symptom is pain, which indicates that the muscles lack electrolytes and water, which promotes the retention of metabolic products in them and the formation of lactic acid.

What to do?Relief is brought by a hot bath and a gentle massage of the muscles, because they stimulate circulation and accelerate the removal of toxins.

Most common injuries: Achilles overload

The Achilles tendon is extremely fragile. It is damaged when we exercise too much or go for a strenuous walk without warming up. Tendon overload is manifested by severe pain and swelling in the ankle area or slightly above it, on the calf.

What to do?The injury is relieved by a cold compress. After 2-3 days it can be painfulplace warm compresses or lubricate them with anti-inflammatory ointments. The leg should be immobilized with an elastic band and not be forced. When the pain worsens or the foot movement is limited, you will need a doctor's help and sometimes even surgery.

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