You will come back from vacation relaxed, full of energy, but also he althier, if you choose your place of rest correctly. Go on vacation to the mountains when you have asthma, allergies, atopic dermatitis or want to improve your condition. The sea, on the other hand, is recommended for people suffering from respiratory diseases, rheumatism and low blood pressure.
When planning avacation , it is worth taking into account the ailments you suffer from and the climatic conditions of the region you want to go to. Thanks to thisholidayswill have a positive effect on your well-being and fitness, and will repairhe alth .
Holidays and he alth: seaside - for immunity
Bathing in sea water and even walking along the seashore is not only a pleasure, but also a great treatment. At the seaside, you will improve your condition, as long as you not only laze on the beach, but also take full advantage of the charms of this place. Frequent baths harden the body, train all parts of the muscles and shape the figure. They accelerate the metabolic rate, making it easier to cleanse the body of toxins. In addition, the wave of water is a sensational massage that stimulates blood circulation. On the other hand, a walk on the sea sand is a good massage for the feet and a remedy for flat feet. A stay by the sea perfectly oxygenates the body, thanks to the oxygen-rich air, additionally saturated with healing elements. Because when the foamed waves crash against the shore, crystals of sodium chloride, magnesium s alt and iodine particles are released. This is how a sea spray is created, which perfectly nourishes the mucous membranes and supports their regeneration. It is also an excellent training for the immune system - it has to adapt to new conditions, so it activates many complex adaptation mechanisms. After a vacation by the sea, you will have less respiratory infections. But to really strengthen your immunity, you need to spend at least 10 days at the seaside.
Holidays by the sea recommended for:
The sea climate is perfect for people suffering from respiratory diseases, frequent colds and also smoking. Moist air, saturated with valuable elements, moisturizes the respiratory tract and stimulates it to produce mucus, which helps to remove pollutants. Sea inhalations during walks deepen the breath, which makes it betteryou oxygenate the body. A stay at the seaside is good for people suffering from inhalation allergies (asthma, hay fever), because clean and fresh sea air is devoid of pollen and other pollutants that aggravate the symptoms of these diseases. The seaside weather also has a positive effect on low-pressure vessels - thanks to the higher atmospheric pressure, you will feel a surge of strength. Due to the presence of iodine in the coastal air, holidays in this area are recommended to people suffering from hypothyroidism, as well as living in regions particularly poor in iodine (central and southern Poland) and pregnant women, because then the demand for this element increases.
The sea climate in combination with the sun's rays acts as a medicine in rheumatic diseases (thermal radiation relaxes contractures, anesthetizes, facilitates movement), osteoporosis (vitamin D is produced in the skin under the influence of the sun), as well as psoriasis and other skin diseases . A stay at the seaside is also recommended for varicose veins, because it is an opportunity to strengthen the muscle pump of the legs. A holiday by the sea can turn out to be a real psychotherapy for neurotic people. The vastness of the water and the sound of the waves soothe the senses.
Holidays by the sea not recommended for:
People suffering from cardiovascular insufficiency and hyperthyroidism, as well as hypertension or fluctuations in blood pressure should resign from seaside holidays. It is not recommended to go to the seaside for people during and after oncological treatment, because it is not known how the body will react to intense climatic stimuli (it may even exacerbate the disease).
You must do itYour holiday suitcase cannot be missing:
Creams with UVA and UVB filters- are essential both in the water and in the mountains. Apply them 20 minutes before going outside and after each bath. Avoid the sun between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.Sunglasses- choose those with the CE mark - informs you that the lenses meet European Union standards and offer good UV protection.Headgear- protects you from sunstroke, overheating and burns.First aid kit- it must contain both medications that you take constantly, as well as remedies for colds, fever, stomach problems (vomiting and diarrhea), as well as hydrogen peroxide, plasters with dressings, regular and elastic bandage, thermometer. You will also needinsect repellentand soothing the symptoms of bites and a soothing after-sun cream.
Holidays and he alth: in the mountains - for fitness
Long hiking trips on mountain trails provide not only unforgettable impressions, but alsothey greatly improve the condition. By spending your vacation in the mountains, you have a chance to strengthen your muscles and joints and harden your body, because the mountain climate is harsher than the sea climate. Mountain trips are also a good training for the heart, because it gradually gets used to a lot of effort, and the lungs, which increase their efficiency, because they are forced to work more intensively, especially when, for example, you go uphill. you can perfectly relax and listen to yourself. As long as you exercise wisely. The mountain climate is characterized by frequent and sudden temperature fluctuations, dry air, rapid pressure changes. Such stimuli are great at stimulating the immune system to work hard, but they can also cause general weakness, headaches, and a feeling of anxiety. Therefore, it usually takes several days to adapt to new conditions.
Holidays in the mountains recommended for:
High mountain conditions (1500-2000 m above sea level) are favorable for patients with bronchial asthma. The air that is almost free of allergens causes a significant, sometimes complete improvement in he alth. But it will also serve you well if you catch infections frequently. A stay in the high mountains has a good effect on the skin condition of people with atopic dermatitis (atopic dermatitis), especially when they have an additional airborne allergy.
If you suffer from rheumatic diseases, hiking is great for your joints and muscles, as long as you don't get too strenuous. A vacation in the mountains can help ease anemia, because the higher you go above sea level, the less oxygen there is in the air, and this forces your body to increase the production of red blood cells. It can also be beneficial for stressed people, as long as they relax in quiet valleys. Mountains are also a good place for patients with hyperthyroidism.
Holidays in the mountains not recommended for:
People with heart diseases, e.g. heart failure, coronary artery disease, should give up a vacation in the mountains, because changes in atmospheric pressure may not only worsen the well-being, but also cause pain behind the breastbone or make breathing difficult (low oxygen in the air ). Moreover, the harsh mountain climate and too much effort increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes in the mountains. The mountains must be avoided by hypertension, and people with low blood pressure may experience drowsiness, fatigue quickly, and dizziness. Due to frequent changes in the weather, people suffering from migraines and meteoropaths will feel bad in the mountains. They should also be abandoned by pregnant women if they live in lowlands, because pressure differences between the highlands and the rest of the country may increase the risk of complications. For themStrenuous hiking is also inadvisable.
Holidays and he alth: to the lowlands - for a break
Lakes, rivers and forests are perfect places to regenerate, relax your mind and improve your form. Bathing in the lake, sailing holidays, canoeing trips, but also hiking along forest paths, picking mushrooms and berries or long bicycle trips are just a few attractions that await us in the lowlands. Their advantage is also a mild climate, which does not put an additional burden on the body (2-3 days is enough for adaptation). The atmospheric pressure is fairly stable in the lowlands, there are no sudden changes in the weather, and in the forests - strong winds.
Lowland vacations best for:
People who are very tired, physically and mentally exhausted and suffering from neuroses will feel good in the lowlands. Walking along forest paths and listening to the sounds of the forest bring a feeling of peace and balance. The forest greenery and light reflections (sunlight filtered by tree branches) also have a great influence on the psyche. The moderate climate of the plains is also beneficial, as it does not provoke such strong reactions from the body as at the seaside or in the mountains - so you will save it extra effort. The lowland climate is also recommended for people sensitive to weather changes, people suffering from hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. For those suffering from heart disease, hiking on flat or hilly terrain is not as strenuous as, for example, in the mountains.
If you often catch respiratory tract infections, places located in forests, especially conifers, will be a good place to relax. The trees growing in them emit essential oils that have a healing effect on the respiratory tract. The forest microclimate will not only facilitate your breathing, but also stimulate the immune system to work due to the presence of negative ions in the air. The lowlands is an excellent place for convalescents who have to lead a frugal lifestyle, and for future mothers - amidst the silence and greenery of the forest, they can forget about stress and relax perfectly.
Holidays in the lowlands not recommended for:
Allergy sufferers must give up resting in the lowlands, especially during the flowering of allergenic plants. People suffering from respiratory diseases are not recommended to leave in swampy areas and lakes and stay in places with mold fungus (e.g. old camping houses). People who have problems with ponds should avoid moisture - most of it is near lakes and rivers.
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