Star anise is a spice which - due to its healing properties - has been used not only in cooking, but also in natural medicine. Star anise should be chosen especially by people who are struggling with overeating, because it will alleviate digestive system ailments. Check what other effects star anise has.
Star aniseare the dried fruit of an evergreen tree called badian (LatinIllicium verumHook. F.) . The distinctive eight-pointed stars filled with seeds are used not only as an aromaticspice , but also as a raw material for the production of medicines and cosmetics. Star anise has manyhealing properties that have been appreciated for millennia. Star anise foundusein ancient Greek and Egyptian medicine.
Star anise a anise
Star anise is colloquially incorrectly called anise or aniseed. It should be noted, however, that the last two terms are reserved for another species of plant called anise (LatinPimpinella Anisum ). The main ingredient of the oil - anethole (a substance with bactericidal, fungicidal, analgesic and carminative properties) - combines only the main ingredient in the oil - anise - so they can be used interchangeably in industry as essential oils. Both plants are easy to distinguish by their seeds. The star anise ones are brown, and the star anise ones are gray-green.
Star anise for indigestion
Star anise is a spice that helps to reduce the effects of overeating. Anise stimulates the secretion of gastric juices, has a diastolic and carminative effect, therefore it is a proven remedy for indigestion, as well as flatulence and gas. In the past, tinctures containing star anise fruits were used to improve digestion.
This will be useful to youAnise tincture with honey - recipe
Prepare 20g of star anise, a glass of spirit, a glass of vodka and 2-3 tablespoons of honey. Pour the anise stars into an alcohol bottle, screw it on and leave it in a dark place for 2 weeks. Then decant the liquid, set it aside in the dark andcool place, put the stars into a bottle or jar, pour vodka, screw on tightly and set aside for another 2 weeks. After this time, combine both liquids and sweeten with honey. The tincture can be taken 3 times a day, 15-20 drops in a teaspoon of liquid or sugar.
Star anise for cough
Star anise will also help in diseases of the respiratory system, especially in coughing, because it stimulates the secretion of mucus and thus has an expectorant effect.
Star anise was formerly called "badian", from the Chinese name "ba jiao", which means "eight-horned".
It is worth knowing that star anise is used to obtain shikimic acid, the basic substrate for the synthesis of oseltamivir, known to us from pharmacy shelves as Tamiflu¹ preparation, which is used in the treatment of influenza. It is worth knowing that when this information reached the public in 2009 in the British Isles, people suffering from flu en masse used anise candies called Fisherman's Friend. In addition, anise stars have antifungal and antibacterial properties.
This will be useful to youStar anise - how to store?
Star anise, like other spices, is best stored separately in a tightly closed glass or porcelain container because it is damaged by heat, light, moisture and air access. It is worth knowing that it retains its power longer if you keep it unground.
Star anise - use in the kitchen
in Poland, star anise is commonly used as a seasoning for Christmas pastries, meats (pork, veal and poultry), vegetables and alcoholic products.
Anise has a strong, spicy-sweet taste. It can be used whole, shredded or ground.
It can also be added to fruit soups and compotes - especially plum, pear and apple. Whole stars enhance the taste of heavily sweetened coffee, tea and grog. In turn, small pieces are added to Indian biryani rice. It is also used to prepare an extremely aromatic Chinese tea - masala chaj. It is worth knowing that star anise - along with cloves, cinnamon, fennel (seeds) and Sichuan pepper - is part of the Chinese seasoning of five flavors. When added to a dish, it enriches it with basic flavors: sweet, s alty, sour, and bitter. Anise stars can be purchased at any store. Their price (depending on the number of pieces in the package and the company) ranges from PLN 5 to PLN 10.
Star anise vs. Japanese anise
Star anise fruits are verysimilar to Japanese anise fruit (LatinIllicium anisatum ), formerly known as worship anise (LatinIllicium religiosum , syn.Illicium japonicum ). However, Japanese anise fruits are slightly smaller and have a different odor than star anise because they do not contain large amounts of anethole. Besides, they are inedible because they contain toxic substances. For this reason, they were used as rat poison in China.
1. Typek J.,Badian , "Aptekarz Polski" 2012, No. 67/45 [accessed December 14, 2015]. Available on the Internet: http://www.aptekarzpolski.pl/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1139&Itemid=85