If you have a frequent rumble, bloating, constipation or diarrhea - you may be suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Then it is necessary to change the diet, because drugs alone will not cope with this disease. Find out which diet is best for your sensitive gut.
Irritable bowel syndromeis the most common disease of the gastrointestinal tract - every fifth Pole suffers from it. It manifests itself in the fact that the intestines after eating contract more strongly and more often than usual. As a result, we get tired of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting,flatulence , gas,diarrheaor constipation. It is characterized by incomplete bowel movements and a feeling of fullness even after a modest meal. The symptoms worsen when you are nervous. They do not occur at night and when we are relaxed.
The therapy uses pharmacological agents, but also psychotherapy (it allows you to control stress). A change in lifestyle and exercise in the fresh air, e.g. physical work, gymnastics, give good results. But changing your diet is the most important part of your therapy. An easily digestible diet, modified depending on the form of the disease, works best.
Irritable bowel syndrome: if you have diarrhea
Enrich your diet with drinks and obedient foods, such as dried red berries infusion, cocoa in water, dry red wine, jelly, jelly, rice, rusks, boiled carrots, grated apple, potatoes.
Choose white wheat bread, rusks, or graham. Corn, Krakow, semolina and pearl groats are also well tolerated.
Root vegetables (parsley, carrot, celery), lettuce and chicory are recommended. Legumes, cabbage and onion vegetables, as well as radishes, turnips are not recommended.
Avoid very sweet products: honey, cakes, sweet fruit, fruit juices (grape, apple). Their fructose enhances fermentation in the intestines. The lactose contained in milk has a similar effect. Replace them, for example, with kefir, yogurt - fermented milk drinks have less lactose and provide bacteriaLactobacillusandBifidobacteria , which regulate the work of the intestines. However, if you are allergic to milk proteins, exclude dairy from your diet. Useful bacteria can be found, for example, in the preparations of Trilac, Lacidofil, Enterol.
Diarrheacauses sorbitol added to gum for life, sweeteners, jellies, jams. Fruit juices, such as grape and pear juices, have a lot of it.
Irritable bowel syndrome has similar symptoms to food intolerance. To make sure that the symptoms are not caused by, for example, lactose intolerance, leave the milk for 3 weeks (replace it with kefir, yogurt) and watch if the symptoms improve. Then drink 2-3 tablespoons of milk. The return of symptoms indicates food intolerance.
Irritable bowel syndrome: constipation
Eat foods with plenty of fiber, which irritates the gut wall, speeds up its peristalsis and helps you to defecate on a regular basis.
30-50 g of fiber per day is recommended. Introduce it into your diet slowly, as excess amounts may initially cause gas and stomach ache. Replace light bread with mixed and wholemeal bread, and small groats with thick ones (pearl barley, buckwheat). Enjoy wholemeal pasta and eat a tablespoon of bran 2-3 times a day (add them to yogurt, kefir, salads).
Drink at least 2 liters of fluids a day (still and not too sweet). Drink, for example, prune compote, vegetable broth, broth, mint, chamomile, nettle and dill infusion. Drink a glass of boiled cool water on an empty stomach.
Eat more calcium-rich foods (dairy, fish). Include a serving of raw vegetables and fruits in almost every meal. Dried plums, apricots, raisins, red beets are recommended.
Limit fatty cottage cheese, processed cheese, yellow cheese, blue cheese. Avoid rice, chocolate, dry foods, strong tea, blueberries and cocoa.

Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreIrritable bowel syndrome: when you have gaspings
Do not go overboard with fiber, limit the consumption of raw vegetables and fruits. Cabbage, legumes and onions, mushrooms, wholemeal and rye bread are not recommended. The polysaccharides contained in them produce short-chain fatty acids and gases in the large intestine: hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane - the main cause of flatulence and abdominal pain.
Avoid carbonated drinks. Drink herbal infusions that aid digestion, e.g. basil tea: pour a tablespoon of dried leaves with a glass of boiling water, brew for 15-20 minutes. Drink half a cup 3-4 times a day.
Universal rules of nutrition for intestinal hypersensitivity
- To avoid overloading the cablegastrointestinal tract, eat 4-5 smaller meals regularly. Avoid standing eating in a hurry.
- Meals should be warm and prepared at home. It is advisable to boil in water and steaming, stewing, baking in foil, on a wire rack. Frying in fat is not allowed.
- Fat causes intestinal cramps - so avoid fatty meats, pates, canned meats, pork, venison, beef, goose, and ducks. You can use a little butter (milk fat is well digested), vegetable oils containing unsaturated fatty acids.
- Poultry, sirloin, ham, veal, turkeys, chicken, lamb, rabbits and lean fish (trout, tench, redfish, cod, zander, flounder, perch, pike, pollock) are recommended.
- Use mild spices: lemon juice, lemon balm, dill, parsley, marjoram, cinnamon, cloves, vanilla, basil, tarragon, herbes de Provence, thyme, cumin and anise.
- Drink plenty of water and juices (no sugar!), Limit strong coffee, tea and alcohol. Caffeine and theine can make symptoms worse.
Note: If diarrhea or constipation is accompanied by blood in the stool, fever, recurring pains, additional tests are necessary to rule out more serious conditions, e.g. enteritis or a tumor.
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