Mycosis of the skin is one of the most common skin diseases. No wonder - skin mycosis is easy to get infected, the disease is often prolonged, and when cured it has a tendency to recur. Additionally, the symptoms of mycosis of the skin are often confused with symptoms of other skin diseases, which leads to its further development and significantly delays the effective treatment.
Ringwormsmooth skin is an infectious disease caused by pathogenic fungi that affects the skin of the trunk and limbs.
Dermatophytosis - causes and risk factors
Mycosis of the skin is mainly caused by dermatophytes of the following type:Trichophyton(they account for over 50% of all fungal infections) , Microsporumand Epidermophyton , which can be easily infected from other infected people, animals or through contact with fungal spores on personal belongings (e.g. shoes, towels, clothing).
Mushroom growth is favored by moisture, heat and lack of light
In rarer cases there are infections with geophilic fungi that reside in the soil.
Factors increasing the risk of infection are decreased immunity, hormonal disorders, keratosis disorders, systemic diseases, such as diabetes or circulatory failure, as well as the use of steroids and antibiotics. Also, using public swimming pools, showers, saunas, and gyms increases the likelihood of developing skin mycosis.
Fungus of the skin - symptoms
Symptoms of dermatophytosisare round, erythematous lesions that:
- are clearly demarcated from the surroundings. The rim of the lesion is strongly red, with peeling, papules and pustules. In turn, the middle part of the lesion gives the impression of healing skin
Do not scratch itchy spots as this spreads the infection to other places on the body.
- peripherally spreading
- they cause a feeling of severe itching
- are single (most common) or plural
- the longer the infection lasts, the more outbreaks appear in new places or merge with each other. In the latter case, they form multi-circular, polycyclic patterns
- are usually located in the exposed areas (face, neck, nape, forearms, hands)
A special form of the disease ischronic mycosis of the smooth skin, , which mainly affects women with endocrine and immune disorders. In this case, bluish-red lesions with branched exfoliation appear, which are located mainly in the lower limbs and buttocks.
Mycosis of the skin - diagnosis
In order to diagnose mycosis of the skin, a mycological examination is performed to determine the species of the pathogenic fungus.
The doctor should also rule out other skin diseases such as dandruff, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, mycosis fungoides.
Fungus of the skin - treatment
Treatment of mycosis of the skin consists in administering topical antifungal preparations (most often terbinafine), usually ointments that need to be applied to the skin 2-3 times a day. The treatment time is approximately 10-14 days.
If these don't help, your doctor may decide to give your medication orally. In the case of chronic and disseminated lesions, combination therapy with topical and systemic medications is recommended.