Ischemic stroke (cerebral infarction) is a partial or complete disruption of the brain that results from ischemia and lasts longer than a day. When a blood clot or embolism forms in the blood vessels, the blood suddenly stops flowing to a certain area of ​​the brain and a cerebral infarction, or ischemic stroke, occurs. What are the causes and symptoms of an ischemic stroke? What is the treatment?

Ischemic stroke

Ischemic stroke (cerebral infarction)is the most common form of stroke, accounting for 70-80 percent of all his cases. Fortunately,treatmentischemic stroke can be effective - as long as the patient receives help within hours of the onset ofsymptomsof a cerebral infarction.

Ischemic stroke: causes

The mechanism of ischemic stroke is similar to a heart attack, hence its different term - cerebral infarction. A heart attack occurs when the artery that supplies blood to the heart closes. In turn, a cerebral infarction results from the closure of an artery that supplies blood to the brain. There are three main causes of a cerebral infarction:

      • blood clot of large arteries

It is the result of atherosclerosis. Risk factors for its development are arterial hypertension, elevated cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia), diabetes, and smoking. Therefore, people with these factors are more likely to develop a stroke or heart attack than those who do not.

The most important risk factors for a cerebral infarction are atrial fibrillation. It is estimated that as much as 20-25 percent. strokes is related to atrial fibrillation.

  • damage to small arterioles

In the course of some diseases, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, small arterioles may be damaged. The result is stiffening of the vessel wall, narrowing of their lumen, and sometimes complete obstruction. Then, small areas of cerebral ischemia appear - this is the so-calledsmall stroke.Another word for it istransient cerebral ischemiaas its symptoms usually last 15-60 minutes, at most 24 hours, and disappear completely by themselves.

These arewarning symptoms - if blood pressure or sugar levels are not regulated, more and more areas of ischemia develop, and eventually a full stroke occurs.

  • stroke due to embolism

Some heart diseases can cause a blood clot to form inside the heart. Sometimes a fragment of it breaks off, which with the bloodstream can flow to the cerebral arteriole and cause it to close, resulting in a cerebral infarction.

A disease that is particularly conducive to the formation of blood clots in the heart is atrial fibrillation. Other possible causes include defects in the heart valves, endocarditis, systemic vasculitis.

Worth knowing

Due to the duration of an ischemic stroke, it is divided into:

  • transient ischemic attack of the brainotherwise small stroke or mini-stroke (TIA) - symptoms of ischemia last up to 24 hours
  • reversible ischemic stroke- symptoms disappear within a few (usually around 3) weeks
  • previous ischemic stroke- symptoms last longer

Ischemic stroke: symptoms

  • face asymmetry (lowering the corner of the mouth, drooping eyelid, feeling "numb" within the face)
  • speech disorders (slurred or slurred speech, problems with understanding speech, problems finding the right word)
  • dizziness and imbalance (accompanied by nausea, vomiting)
  • visual disturbance
  • disturbances in muscle strength and the sensation of the limbs or torso (sudden muscle weakness and paralysis of a limb or half of the body, sudden disturbance of sensation in the limb or half of the body, sudden gait disturbance)
  • disturbance of consciousness

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Ischemic stroke: diagnosis

  • blood test, incl. to determine the level of sugar, cholesterol, electrolytes, and to detect blood coagulation disorders
  • electrocardiogram (EKG) to detect arrhythmias or ischemia
  • chest x-ray to assess lungs and heart
  • computed tomography of the brain (CT)
  • ultrasound examination of the arteries

Ischemic stroke: first aid and treatment

If the patient has had a stroke, take him to the hospital immediatelyhospital, and it is best to call an ambulance.

Patients with a stroke should receive treatment in a stroke unit whenever possible. If the patient reaches the hospital quickly enough after the onset of the first symptoms and it turns out after the head CT scan that he or she has an ischemic stroke, there is a possibility of modern thrombolytic treatment. The drug dissolves the clot that closes the vessel. This treatment can be applied up to 4.5 hours after the onset of symptoms.

If the patient is promptly hospitalized, brain damage can still be largely prevented. Then there is a chance to open the closed cerebral vessel and restore circulation in an area that is ischemic, but still alive. After a few hours (usually 5-6), the area of ​​permanent brain damage will most often be completely overlapped with the ischemic area.

Ischemic stroke: rehabilitation

In the hospital, apart from administering medications, the patient should start rehabilitation: physical exercises, speech exercises, thinking skills. Rehabilitation should start as soon as possible.

Ischemic stroke: how to prevent it?

First of all, you should treat diseases that are risk factors for stroke, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. One of the most important risk factors for both haemorrhagic and ischemic stroke is arterial hypertension, so it must be controlled and effectively treated.

The risk of a stroke is significantly reduced by a he althy lifestyle - a proper diet, regular physical activity, avoiding addictions, especially smoking and alcohol abuse. This is especially true of tobacco, which is a potent stroke factor. Quitting smoking in the first year reduces the risk of stroke by 50%. You should also take care of the quality and caloric composition of meals.

Ischemic stroke: effects

As a result of cerebral ischemia, its cells die and it is an irreversible process. This results in the patient's disability. Stroke patients cannot use the toilet without special amenities, and requires assistance with walking and eating. Speech disorders, impaired consciousness, and depression can also be a consequence of a stroke.

Where to go for help

Brain Stroke Foundation

The goal of the Foundation is to work for the benefit of patients and their families suffering from stroke and other neurological diseases, as well as to work for he alth protection and social care. More information can be found on the website

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