Apple cider vinegar was known already in antiquity. Traditionally, it is used for many ailments, but only some of the properties attributed to it have been confirmed in scientific research. Apple cider vinegar has an antibacterial effect, lowers blood glucose levels, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and may aid in weight loss. Learn more about the healing properties of apple cider vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar - general characteristics
Apple cider vinegaris yellow-brown in color and slightly cloudy. It is distinguished by the characteristic sour vinegar taste and smell of apples. As the name suggests, it is made from apples - yeast is added to the crushed fruit, which converts the sugar in the apples into alcohol. The acetic acid fermentation bacteria then ferment the alcohol to form acetic acid - the main ingredient in apple cider vinegar. In addition to it, small amounts of lactic acid and citric acid are also produced.
The vinegar was fermented as early as 5,000 BC Its qualities were appreciated in many ancient cultures - Egyptian, Babylonian, Chinese, Greek and Roman.
Apple cider vinegar was used in antiquity to stimulate circulation, cleanse the liver, blood, and lymph nodes, support resistance to infection, and improve vitality. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, often recommended apple cider vinegar in combination with honey for coughs and colds.
What does apple cider vinegar consist of?
Apple cider vinegar contains enzymes, amino acids, pectins, polyphenolic compounds (gallic acid, catechins, epicatechins, chlorogenic, coffee and coumaric acids in a total amount of 400 - 1000 mg / l) and small amounts of vitamins and minerals : vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, biotin, folic acid and vitamin C, as well as sodium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium. A tablespoon of vinegar provides about 3 kcal. Good apple cider vinegar should contain the so-called "the mother of vinegar", a substance composed of cellulose and acetic acid bacteria that makes it cloudy. There is an opinion that only the "mother" vinegar has a pro-he alth effect, but it is not a confirmed theory.
Currently, apple cider vinegar is credited with dozens of he alth benefits. Many of them haven't found yetconfirmations in science. However, it is known for certain that the use of vinegar may be helpful in some respects.
Healing properties of apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties
The main component of apple cider vinegar - acetic acid - has proven antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Apple cider vinegar has traditionally been used to clean surfaces and sanitize them, treat onychomycosis, lice, warts, and ear infections. Many of these uses have not been confirmed by scientific research. However, it has been proven that apple cider vinegar inhibits the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria, but only in concentrations that can damage the cells of the dermis.
Therefore, it is better not to apply it directly to the skin in higher concentration, but to use it to disinfect tools and surfaces. A 2% acetic acid solution at a pH=2 is effective in treating otitis media, but may irritate the skin. It seems that the best use of the antimicrobial properties of apple cider vinegar is as a natural food preservative to prevent food spoilage. Rinsing and washing vegetables and fruits in a 4% acetic acid solution is a good method of protection against infections with pathogenic microorganisms that may exist on fresh food.
Apple cider vinegar has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system
In a rat study, administration of apple cider vinegar was shown to lower cholesterol and triglycerides. The chlorogenic acid present in vinegar also inhibits the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. It has also been proven that supplementing animals' diets with acetic acid causes a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure (by 20 mm Hg) compared to rats in which deionized water was used instead of vinegar. There are no studies that would confirm the hypotensive effects of apple cider vinegar in humans. Its regular use may reduce the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. People who consumed salads with vinegar at least 5-6 times a week were characterized by a significantly lower risk of ischemic heart disease compared to people who ate them rarely.
Apple cider vinegar regulates blood glucose levels
Apple cider vinegar reduces blood glucose levels and increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin. It is recommended in the diet of people with pre-diabetes, diabetes, insulin resistance and any carbohydrate disturbances. The hypoglycemic effect of vinegar is one of its best documented properties, and acetic acid is responsible for it. So noonly apple cider vinegar, but each type of vinegar and foods preserved with it have a positive effect on the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, which has been confirmed in many studies.
Acetic acid has a multifaceted effect and corresponds to the activity of as many as three types of drugs used in diabetes problems - it slows down the absorption of sugar from food into the blood and the breakdown of starch into simple sugars (similar to the drug acarbose), reduces postprandial glycemia and increases cell sensitivity to insulin (analogous to the drug metformin), and taken before bedtime, lowers the level of fasting glucose, which suggests that it increases insulin secretion (analogous to the drug nateglinide).
In he althy subjects, after administering 50 g of sucrose and 60 ml of apple cider vinegar, no significant change in the glucose curve was found, while insulin secretion decreased by 20% compared to the administration of sucrose alone.
Worth knowingApple cider vinegar and glucose levels
In people with normal blood glucose, adding 20 ml of white vinegar to a salad dressing reduces the glycemic response to a mixed meal of 50 g of carbohydrate.
Adding about 1 g of acetic acid (this amount is found in about 20 g of vinegar) reduces the glycemic index of a dish by 20-35%.
The hypoglycemic properties of vinegar apply not only to he althy people, but also to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. In one study, people with diagnosed insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes were given a drink consisting of 20 g of apple cider vinegar, 40 g of water and 1 teaspoon. saccharin or a placebo drink immediately before a mixed meal containing 87 g of carbohydrates. In people with insulin resistance, postprandial glycemia was reduced by 64% and insulin sensitivity increased by 34% compared to placebo. In the case of type 2 diabetics, there was no significant decrease in glycaemia, but insulin sensitivity was 19% higher.
He althy people consumed white bread (50 g of carbohydrates per serving) separately and in the company of acetic acid in 3 different concentrations (1.1, 1.4, 1.7 g). At 30 minutes after the meal, glucose levels were clearly lower in the acetic acid trials compared to the control (bread alone). In addition, study participants were asked to rate their satiety levels on a scale from extreme hunger (-10) to extreme satiety (+10) before meals and at 15-minute intervals after meals. The lowest level of satiety was achieved by eating only bread, and the index increased with increasing concentration of added acetic acid.
2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar at bedtime lower your fasting glucose to 4%.
Apple cider vinegar aslimming
Apple cider vinegar may contribute to the loss of excess body fat because, as mentioned above, it regulates blood glucose levels and reduces insulin secretion, which helps to lose weight. It also increases the feeling of fullness. However, apple cider vinegar cannot be considered a miracle cure for being overweight. Apple cider vinegar will work as part of a slimming treatment that includes a proper diet and physical activity. What does scientific research say about the possibility of using apple cider vinegar for weight loss?
- He althy adult women consumed fewer calories on days with vinegar in their morning meal. The women were given a high-carbohydrate breakfast (87 g of carbohydrate) and either vinegar or a placebo. They performed their daily activities and ate their meals without control, but they were supposed to note exactly what was eaten. It turned out that adding apple cider vinegar to breakfast resulted in a 200 kcal lower calorie intake on a given day.
- In Japan, a study was conducted on 175 he althy obese people. They were divided into 2 groups, one of which drank clean water daily for 12 weeks, and the other a portion of vinegar-based water. The diets for both groups were similar and study participants kept food diaries. People using water with vinegar lost more weight, but these were not significant decreases (0.9 - 1.8 kg in 3 months). Participants in both groups gained weight again after the completion of the study.
Adding acetic acid to a meal increases the feeling of fullness, but the mechanism of this action is not fully understood.
Using apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar should not be drunk directly in large amounts. It is best to dilute a tablespoon or 2 tablespoons in a glass of water and drink it on an empty stomach or with a meal 1-2 times a day. Pure apple cider vinegar is acidic and can damage tooth enamel. In excessive amounts, it can also irritate and burn the mouth and esophagus. People taking medications that lower blood glucose should be cautious about using apple cider vinegar. Vinegar in combination with the drug may cause hypoglycaemia.
What can apple cider vinegar be used for?
1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with a glass of water while rinsing your hair gives it shine.
A common cause of acid reflux and heartburn is the excessively alkaline stomach environment. Drinking a glass of water with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar will relieve burning in your esophagus.
Apple cider vinegar with water stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes and helps with indigestion.
Water with apple cider vinegar drunk on an empty stomachcan prevent constipation.
Thanks to its antibacterial properties, diluted apple cider vinegar can be used as a natural deodorant and face tonic.
Apple cider vinegar can be used as a rinse for a sore throat. Use 1/3 cup of vinegar, top up with water and gargle several times a day.