Cytomegalovirus (CMV) caused by disease is a common disease that most people have very mild disease. It is dangerous only for pregnant women, as it can harm the developing fetus, as well as for people with reduced immunity. What are the symptoms of cytomegalovirus? What is the treatment?

Cytomegalyis an infectious disease caused by cytomegalovirusCytomegalovirus hominis(CMV), also known as human herpesvirus type 5 (HHV-5 ;Human herpesvirus ). After infection, it stays in the human body. It usually remains dormant for the rest of its life, but may become active due to decreased immunity. Cytomegalovirus reactivation occurs most often during pregnancy, stress, episodes of decreased immunity.
CMV poses the greatest risk to patients who are immunosuppressed as a result of transplantation, as well as people infected with HIV, in whom it can cause potentially life-threatening infections. It is also very dangerous for pregnant women, as it can cause severe deformities of the fetus, and even its death.
Cytomegaly - how do you get infected?
There are two forms of cytomegalovirus infection:
- congenital : infection of the fetus by the sick mother during pregnancy (through the placenta) or during childbirth (the virus is found in the genital tract),
- acquired : cytomegalovirus infection occurs as a result of direct contact with an infected person or their secretions (through blood, saliva, urine, breast milk, through sexual contact - it is found in sperm and cervical secretions - occasionally by transplantation of an infected organ).
FactorsIncreasing the risk ofCMV infection are:
- being in large groups of people,
- non-compliance with hygiene rules,
- frequent contacts with infants and young children,
- multi-partner sexual contacts,
- having an earlier history of sexually transmitted diseases.
It is difficult to protect yourself from CMR due to the common carrier status (it is estimated that40-60%adults are infected, and even80%people with low socioeconomic status) and wide gatesinfections.
Cytomegaly - symptoms
In people with an efficient immune system, the acquired CMV infection is asymptomaticin most cases . It rarely resembles infectious mononucleosis with non-specific flu-like symptoms, such as:
- feeling unwell
- muscle pains
- fever
- weakness
- headaches
- pharyngitis and tonsillitis
- lymph nodes enlargement
- enlargement of the liver and spleen
Symptoms persist2-4 weeks .
Alsoreinfectionare most often asymptomatic in people with an efficient immune system. The exception are people with weakened immunity.
Cytomegaly - what tests should be done?
Confirmation of a fresh CMV infection is the detection ofIgM anti-CMV antibodies , andIgG anti-CMV antibodiesevidence of infection acquired in the past.
Molecular tests can also be performed (cytomegalovirus DNA is detected).
Cytomegaly - treatment
Acquired infection is usually self-healing. You can only alleviate the symptoms of the disease with antipyretic and painkillers.