Superfruit is always at hand - it is cheap, easily available and very he althy. What Polish fruit is worth eating every summer, which of them deserve to be called superfruits? See our subjective compilation of the 9 he althiest Polish fruits.

While the whole world is crazy aboutsuperfoods , we have plenty of valuable superfruits on hand that we definitely underestimate. See our ranking of the he althiest Polish fruits, and you will certainly think twice before reaching for a pineapple or a banana again.

We chose the he althiest and tastiest fruits straight from the bush or tree, after washing them, of course.

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Apples are considered to be one of thehe althiest fruits . The English even say: " One apple a day keeps doctor away" (Eat one apple a day and you won't need a doctor at all).

Apples contain a lot of vitamin C, a lot of potassium, iron, magnesium, copper, silicon, zinc, beta-carotene, quercitin and lots of pectin. These fruits inhibit the development of cardiovascular diseases and cancer, and also seal the vessels. It is worth eating them without peeling, because valuable antioxidants are also found in the skin and just below it.

Apples increase resistance to infections, so they should be included in the diet of people who often catch a cold. They effectively cleanse the body of toxins and cholesterol. They have a positive effect on the condition of nails, skin and hair.

Raw for a long time was given in constipation, stewed diarrhea was treated. Apples are especially recommended for people who are slimming, because they quickly give you a feeling of fullness. Pectins create a jelly-like mass in the stomach that binds fats and cholesterol, and prevents their penetration into the blood.


Blueberries have been treated for centuries as amiracle cure for many diseasesthat had to be at home. In a time when antibiotics were unknown, blueberries were used to treat infections, typhus and even polio. They were used to fight staphylococcus. To this day, doctors recommend eating blueberries during treatment against roundworms and pinworms in children.

Blueberries regulate cholesterol levels, have antibacterial and anti-cancer properties. They contain mineral elements, especially selenium, zinc, copper and manganese, as well as vitamin C, vitamin A,vitamin B, vitamin PP, and a lot of fiber.

When picking blueberries in the forest, remember not to eat them straight from the bush.

You can find out more about it here:Are you going to the forest to pick berries? See what you need to watch out for!


Poland is dominated by black and red currants, with the former being he althier. Currants have a lot of flavonoids, pectins and vitamin C. Black currants contain three times more than red ones - half a glass of fruit is enough to cover the daily requirement for this vitamin.

The rind contains antibacterial substances that are effective in combating E. coli bacteria, which is the cause of intestinal ailments. Black currants are also diuretic and diaphoretic. Red ones are lightly laxative and stimulate the appetite. They neutralize the effects of free radicals, and thus prevent the formation of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.


Strawberry season is very short, so you should enjoy them then. Strawberries are a source of vitamin C, vitamin A and B vitamins: B1, B2, B3, i.e. PP, and folic acid. They also contain potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc and copper.

Strawberries facilitate the absorption of iron from other foods. That is why it is worth eating them, for example, after vegetables rich in this element. They are diuretic and detoxifying. They support the work of the kidneys and regulate the secretion of bile. They help eliminate uric acid, so people with arthritis should eat them a lot.

Strawberries improve digestion, especially of fat and protein. They neutralize carcinogens, reduce blood pressure and help lower the level of bad cholesterol. These fruits are also good for your mood.


Cherries have many nutritional properties, despite the fact that about82%they consist of water. The remaining18 percentis a treasury of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other valuable ingredients.

Cherries growing in Poland enchant with their original taste thanks to the fact that in our country the temperature difference between night and day is so great that cherries acquire sweetness from the sun during the day and acidity at night. That's why they have a delicious, sour-sweet taste, unlike Spanish or Italian cherries.

Cherries contain a lot of fruit acids, including pectin (a type of fiber), manganese, some iron, calcium and iodine. They are a good source of potassium and a fairly good vitamin C.

They stabilize the heart and protect against cardiovascular diseases. They also have a beneficial effect on the skin. They contain substances that prevent the formation of tumors. They cleanse the body of unnecessary productsmetabolism.

They cleanse gently, so they bring relief from constipation. They are especially recommended for fussy eaters because they improve the appetite. People with anemia should remember them.


These juicy and aromatic fruits are appreciated by nutritionists and herbalists. Raspberries are a rich source of vitamin C and fiber. They contain some calcium and iron, vitamin E and folic acid, as well as salicylic acid. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, makes us absorb iron better.

It is also an important antioxidant in preventing cancer. On the other hand, folic acid is an essential component of the diet of women planning pregnancy. Raspberries also help in detoxifying the body, fighting indigestion and diarrhea.


Eating grapes protects against civilization diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. In addition, the resveratrol contained in them supports weight reduction. They have loads of calcium, magnesium and potassium in them.

Dark purple grapes are the most valuable because they contain the most flavonoids - natural antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and thus protect against cancer and heart disease. Dark varieties are also richer in iron.


Blackberries contain powerful antioxidants that inhibit the growth of cancer. They are a rich source of fiber that reduces the absorption of unhe althy fats and thus reduces the risk of heart disease. In addition, they accelerate metabolism, making them a desirable component of a slimming diet.

Blackberries contain large amounts of vitamin K, which is responsible for he althy bones, calcium and magnesium.

Thanks to the content of phytoestrogen, they alleviate the typical symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, and even the symptoms of menopause. In addition, due to the low glycemic index (IG=25), they regulate blood sugar levels.

Just be careful not to eat them straight from the forest, without washing them, because it may end tragically for us.


Plums contain a lot of pectin, organic acids, flavonoids, vitamins A and E, some C, B vitamins, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and calcium. Substances contained in plums neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals. So they prevent, for example, atherosclerosis or heart disease. They are recommended for people suffering from constipation.

Plums slow down skin aging, so they should be included, for example, in the diet of women who want to keep their skin smooth and supple for as long as possible. They are also good for the stressed ones - they improve mood and help soothe the nerves.

People should not overdo it with eating these fruitssensitive stomach. Plums - when we eat too much of them - have bloating properties and cause diarrhea.

  • Mirabelki - a forgotten delicacy of our grandmothers
  • Deadly fruit. Some can be purchased in Polish stores
