Hawthorn looks beautiful - both in spring, when it blooms, and in autumn, when its fruits ripen. In addition, it is a plant with exceptional he alth benefits. It is especially recommended for people at risk of heart disease and with excessively high blood pressure.
Hawthorndoes not have high soil requirements, thereforegrows in forests, near roads, on bays . It is also planted in parks and gardens, but the more ornamental variety - the two-necked scarlet hawthorn with beautiful red flowers - is devoid of medicinal properties. On the other hand, thehawthorn with white or pale pink flowers is one of the plants most appreciated by herbalists and pharmacists.
What hawthorn hides
Hawthorn flowers contain, among others phenolic acids, amines, phytosterols, tannins, vitamin C and group B, pectins and mineral s alts, but the most valuable are the large amount of flavonoids and procyanides. Flavonoid compounds have a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the intestines, urinary tract, uterus and blood vessels.
It is of particular importance in the case of coronary vessels - it increases the supply of oxygenated blood to the heart muscle, pain and shortness of breath disappear. Procyanides, on the other hand, cause a mild reduction in blood pressure.
Hawthorn flower also increases the strength of heart contractions, slightly slowing their frequency, thanks to which it works more efficiently. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the brain. Hawthorn fruits have a similar effect, but they contain less flavonoids and more procyanidins. They also contain vitamin A and sugar alcohol.
Harvest of hawthorn
For medicinal purposes, cut the freshly blooming hawthorn inflorescences (in May and June) with 3-5 closest leaves. In September and October, the fruit is harvested - it should be dark red and firm. Harvested in the right moment and properly dried, the flowers retain their natural creamy white color, and the fruit has a hard skin and a reddish color.
Hawthorn from the pharmacy shelf
Hawthorn flowers and fruits are a component of many preparations, but mainly cardiac and pressure-lowering.They improve the blood supply to the heart muscle, increase the coronary blood flow, speed up the heart rate and improve its tolerance to oxygen deficiency.
They are also included in blendscounteracting atherosclerosis, recommended for disorders in the lipid balance, as well as calming. Hawthorn flower extract is one of the main ingredients of preparations used in the treatment of injuries and edema that may lead to thrombophlebitis. The fruits enrich vitamin mixtures with strengthening properties.
Hawthorn in herbal kitchen
- Infusion of flowers:Pour a teaspoon of crushed flowers with leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave, covered, for 15 minutes. Drain. Drink a glass of fresh infusion twice a day - it will help with heart problems, the onset of atherosclerosis and hypertension, it will also relieve rheumatic, muscle and joint pains.
- Fruit infusion:2 teaspoons of hawthorn fruit pour a glass of boiling water, leave, covered, for 20 minutes. Drink 3 times a day in hypertension and atherosclerosis - consult your doctor beforehand.

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