Cyclamen is a group of ornamental plants including about 20 species, both garden and potted. They are all characterized by beautiful colorful flowers and decorative leaves, and … poisonous properties.

Persian cyclamen( Cyclamen persicum ) came to Poland, as their name suggests, from areas of Asia Minor, where they can still be found today you can grow wild. South of Europe, especially around the Mediterranean Sea, is also their natural habitat. They have been known in our region since the 18th century and are a very popular decorative potted plant.

Cyclamens have many species, but they all have beautiful flowers that are small and delicate, but of a variety of colors - from red to pink and purple.

Perhaps the most popular among cyclamen is the Persian cyclamen, a colorful houseplant, popularly known as the alpine violet.

Although successful cultivation attempts have been made throughout the year, it has been customary to assume that its flowering time is fall / winter.

Then the florists are full of alpine violets of various colors.Alpine violetsenjoy our eyes, decorate the interiors of our apartments and, contrary to appearances, it is not an annual plant, although keeping it alive for the next season is sometimes quite difficult.

Cyclamen: beautiful but dangerous

If someone would like to try growing these beautiful flowers, it is worth realizing their dark secret. Alpine violet is a poisonous plant.

Creates underground tubers containing substances harmful to human and animal he alth: toxic saponins and a poisonous glycoside - cyclamine. Therefore, contact with them may result in skin irritation, as well as an allergic reaction.

The worst effects can be caused by ingesting the cyclamen root, but it must be said that the other parts of the plant are also poisonous, though to a lesser extent.

Under normal conditions, consumption of a fresh tuber is fortunately unlikely, as more often the substances contained in the plant come into contact with the oral cavity - e.g. when we bring our dirty hands to our mouths during the care of cyclamens.

Literature reports, however, that eating an alpine violet tuber leads to digestive system disorders and may cause diarrhea, vomiting and other strong stomach ailments, sometimes also convulsions and dizziness. Eatingmore plants may endanger human life.

So let's handle the violet carefully. If we start transplanting a plant or undertake any other care work, we should not forget about protective gloves. Also, after picking dry leaves or cutting shoots, always remember to wash your hands thoroughly.

Cyclamen away from animals

What doesn't happen to a human being, can happen to a four-legged friend. Cats like to nibble on potted plants, and dogs like to dig up their roots. Such fun with cyclamen can end badly for your pet.

Cyclamen roots are poisonous to animals, so consumption may result in severe vomiting and stomach irritation, convulsions or drooling.

There have even been reports of cats dying after eating a tuber of alpine violets - the consumption of saponin may disrupt the proper functioning of the heart, cause coma and death.


So if we have small children or pets, we must be careful.

Let's put the cyclamen high so that the child cannot reach them.

Pay attention to the falling leaves and flowers and try to clean them up on a regular basis.

Remember that eating even a small leaf can cause nausea, stomach pains, vomiting or diarrhea.

Read also:

  • Poisonous houseplants
  • Croton spotted - cute poisoner
  • Dieffenbachia: a poisoner from Brazil
  • Narcissi: all poisonous
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  • Monstera: as beautiful as she is dangerous
  • Dracaena: dangerous to children, toxic to animals
  • Spurgeons: poisonous beauties
  • The star of Bethlehem, or the beautiful spurge
  • Peaceflower: decorative but poisonous
  • Passiflora - exotic passion flower
  • Common ivy (hedera helix) - poisonous, although healing
  • Anthurium: challenging and dangerous
  • Kliwia - rich in poisonous alkaloids
  • Hoja full of toxic juice
  • Ficus - poisonous ficus
  • Amaryllis: poisonous belladonna
  • Common oleander - is oleander poisonous?
