Diagnostic hysteroscopy, i.e. uterine endoscopy, is a gynecological examination that allows to assess the condition of the inner walls of the uterus. Your doctor may refer you for hysteroscopy when gynecological or ultrasound examinations are not sufficient to make a diagnosis. How is hysteroscopy or endoscopy of the uterus done?
Hysteroscopy( uterine colonoscopy ) allows you to very precisely determine the size, number, location and nature of pathological changes in the mucosa lining the uterus (endometrium) . A specialist can locate even very small polyps, fibroids, adhesions and neoplastic tumors, and also take tissue specimens for examination.
Hysteroscopy usually takes about half an hour. Most often it is performed under a dozen or so minutes of general anesthesia.
Hysteroscopy: indications for examination
The indications for the test are:
- unexplained bleeding
- need to assess the condition of the uterine mucosa
- difficulties with getting pregnant or reporting pregnancy
- suspicion of defects in the structure of the uterus
- probability of rupture of the uterine wall
- suspicion of intrauterine adhesions
Hysteroscopy: uterine endoscopy process
You should empty your bladder before the procedure. The examination takes place on the gynecological chair. The doctor gives you intravenous anesthesia and sanitizes the vaginal opening. The examination is performed using a special optical instrument called a hysteroscope. It consists of two main parts - a handle and an approximately 30 cm long, quite narrow sleeve. The handle has knobs that control the flow of light and carbon dioxide (sometimes replaced with a special liquid), which makes the walls of the uterus gently stretch and individual fragments of the mucosa become more visible. The inside of the sleeve is filled with cables supplying a light source, a tiny camera and a cable that enables gas to be pushed into the uterus. During the procedure, the hysteroscope is connected to a monitor which transmits the image recorded by the camera. Thanks to this, by manipulating the device, the specialist is able to very carefully examine each fragment of the uterine cavity. Through the hysteroscope sleeve, you can also insert micro tools into it, e.g. special forceps with which the gynecologisttakes mucosal specimens for histopathological examination.
Hysteroscopy: after uterine endoscopy
If you do not feel any discomfort, you can return home the same day. However, you should rest a lot, avoid straining and especially lifting, as this can cause vaginal bleeding.
If your doctor has taken mucosal samples for analysis, he or she may advise you to take antibiotics for a few days to prevent infection .
Hysteroscopy is a safe examination, complications are very rare. Sometimes there is light bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen. If these symptoms persist, see a doctor.