Sometimes a girl needs a gynecologist's help long before the first menstruation - sometimes babies who are several months old have to be examined by a doctor of this speci alty. What ailments should make you visit the gynecologist with your baby? How is a visit to a pediatric gynecologist? How to prepare a child for it to cope with stress before the visit?

Visiting the baby's gynecologistis stressful for both mother and daughter. According to the doctors, it is very important that the mother prepares the child before the visit, so that she knows what to expect during the visit and that she remains calm during the examination. Due to his specialization, a pediatric gynecologist is adequately prepared for examining little patients.

Visit with the baby at the gynecologist: preparation for the visit

The most important thing is to mentally prepare the child for the visit - to talk calmly about what will happen in the office and why. If in doubt, ask your doctor beforehand. In the case of newborns and infants, this problem disappears, but the issue of gently washing the child remains, unless the doctor decides otherwise due to the symptoms reported at the appointment.

Child at the gynecologist's visit: the course of the visit

- The first gynecological examination is a lot of stress - says prof. Włodzimierz Baranowski, obstetrician gynecologist, member of the scientific council of the Supernova-Med Specialist Medical Center. - It is important that she does not experience any unpleasantness. Girls are examined differently than adult women, often through the anus. Ultrasound is a non-invasive and more and more popular one - adds the doctor.

The doctor examines the baby's skin around the perineum, anus, abdomen, thighs to assess the development of external genitalia and hair. In young children and girls who are sexually inactive, a two-handed transrectal examination is performed to assess the reproductive organ, and in some clinical cases (e.g. vaginal bleeding, presence of a foreign body in the vagina, suspected malformations), pediatric specula (heated, moistened 0 , 9% NaCl solution) or vaginoscope.

In sexually active girls, a gynecological examination is performed by means of a vaginal colonoscopy (respectivelyselected vaginal speculum) and two-handed examination combined. It is also recommended to obtain a smear in this group of patients no later than 3 years after sexual initiation.

The last part of the gynecological examination is the ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, which can be performed with the transabdominal transducer with a full bladder or rectal transducer (young children and girls sexually inactive) and a vaginal transducer (sexually active girls). This examination allows the assessment of the degree of development and regularity of the genital organs, the thickness of the endometrium, the number and size of ovarian follicles, and the detection of the presence of ovarian cysts and ovarian tumors.

When is an appointment with a gynecologist necessary?

- The labia are stuck together in a few months old girls. It results from hygienic negligence or hormonal changes - says prof. Baranowski. Therefore, mothers should pay attention to any redness, discoloration, lumps and exudates in their daughters. Even teenagers can get cancer of the genital organs. That's why it's so important to respond quickly to an enlarged abdomen. The asymmetry of breast development, hair on the chest and face, and excessive acne, which may be a sign of defective work of the ovaries, should also be worrying.
Young girls are not aware of menstrual disorders. The reason for visiting the gynecologist is both too early the first menstruation (before the age of 12) and the lack of it in a 16-year-old girl. The first periods often make you feel weak. Girls turn pale and have trouble concentrating. If your parents notice these symptoms and the bleeding is heavy or painful, it will be helpful to see a specialist.

In the period of newborns, infants and childhood, the following should be encouraged to visit the gynecologist with the child:

  • mom's use of hormonal drugs during pregnancy or lactation
  • unusual appearance of the genitals
  • reddening of the vulva, abnormal discharge around the vulva, spotting, bleeding
  • swelling, discharge, enlargement of the mammary glands
  • premature nipple development
  • recurrent abnormal urine test results
  • stomach pains
  • hair emerging, including on the vulva
  • growth disturbance
  • suspected harassment

In the pre-pubertal and pubertal period, you should visit the gynecologist to visit the baby's gynecologist:

  • no signs of puberty
  • disorders of bodily development
  • disturbed nipple development
  • irregular menstrual periods, amenorrhea
  • period pains;excessive menstrual bleeding, including blood clots
  • clitoral enlargement
  • severe acne, hair growth in unusual places
  • no sexual hair
  • stomach pains
  • inflammation of the genital tract (vaginal discharge)
  • suspected harassment

In adolescence, they should encourage a visit with the child to the gynecologist:

  • anorexia, obesity
  • hirsutism, acne, alopecia
  • planned start of sexual intercourse
  • starting sex without prior gynecological consultation
  • all listed during puberty
