The Hormonal Contraception Profile is blood tests that should be done before deciding to use birth control pills. The profile of hormonal contraception should also be regularly performed by women who already use this type of contraception. Check what tests to perform when taking birth control pills.

Hormonal contraceptive profileare blood tests that should be ordered by the gynecologist before prescribing birth control pills. Not every woman can use this method of preventing pregnancy, as it may pose a threat to her he alth.

In addition, the profile for hormonal contraception should be performed regularly by women who already use this method of contraception. Hormone pills are not only limited to preventing unwanted pregnancy, but also affect the entire body and can cause side effects.

The profile for hormonal contraception includes tests such as: blood count, peripheral blood smear, coagulogram, lipogram, liver tests and hormonal profile.

Profile for hormonal contraception - what tests should be performed with hormonal contraception?

1. Morphology

A complete blood count is a general blood test that can help detect many diseases that may contraindicate hormonal contraceptive use.

CHECK>>BLOOD MORPHOLOGY - how to read the result

2. Peripheral blood smear

A blood smear is a test that is used for microscopic evaluation and examining the amount of individual types of leukocytes, i.e. white blood cells. An increase or decrease in specific leukocytes indicates specific diseases that can exclude the possibility of taking birth control pills. For example, lymphocyte counts increase in diseases such as lymphoma, whooping cough, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, multiple myeloma, tuberculosis, measles, mumps, rubella, and syphilis.

3. Blood sugar

Diabetes is a contraindication to the use of birth control pills, especially if it is complicated by vascular changes, so before starting hormonal contraception, and during it, you need to measure your blood glucose level.


Profile for hormonal contraception - norms

  • peripheral blood smear - LYMPH - 20-45percent; MONO - 3-8 percent; BASO - up to 1 percent; EOS - 1-5 percent; NEUT) - rod-shaped 1-5 percent; and segmental 40-70 percent;
  • blood sugar level - 60-100 mg%
  • coagulogram - APTT - 28-34 sec; FRI - 13-17 sec. or 0.9-1.3 INR; TT - about 15-20 sec; RT- 16-22 sec; fibrinogen - 1.8 - 3.5 g / L; AT III - 75-150%;
  • lipogram - Total cholesterol - 5.2 mmol / l; LDL - less than 3.4 mmol / l; HDL - above 0.92 mmol / l, triglycerides - below 2.3 mmol / l;
  • liver function tests - AST - 5-40 U / I; ALAT - 5-40 U / I; GGTP - 6 - 28 U / l; GGT - 10-66 U / l; LDH - 120 - 240 U / l;

4. Coagulogram

Coagulogram are blood tests that assess its coagulability. If the test result is negative, i.e. if the patient has problems with blood clotting, the doctor cannot prescribe birth control pills. Blood coagulation disorders, conditions after phlebitis and large varicose veins of the lower leg (especially with their inflammation in the past) are an absolute contraindication to the use of contraceptive pills. Taking hormonal contraception intensifies the process of blood clotting, and thus - increases the risk of venous thromboembolism or a heart attack.

5. Lipogram

Lipogram is a test that assesses the level of lipids (fats) in the blood. A doctor should order them before prescribing hormonal pills, because high levels of fats and cholesterol in the blood are a contraindication to their use.

Lipid control while taking the pills is also very important. Hormonal contraception causes negative changes in their concentration - the concentration of "good" HDL cholesterol decreases and the concentration of triglycerides increases. In addition, the clotting process increases, and hence - the risk of heart attack, stroke, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.

6. Liver tests

Liver disease is a contraindication to the use of birth control pills, therefore negative test results exclude the use of this method of contraception.

Controlling the work of the liver is also very important when using hormonal contraception. Contraceptive pills, like other medications, can damage the liver. Their intake increases the risk of liver diseases, such as cholelithiasis. the consequences of hormonal contraception may be the formation of focal proliferation of liver cells, the so-called liver adenomas (especially estrogen use for more than 5 years). Taking birth control pills has also been shown to be associated with the development of primary liver cancer.

7. Profilehormonal

Hormone pills interfere with the action of a woman's natural sex hormones, therefore it is necessary to determine whether their action is correct.

The hormonal profile includes tests of sex hormones such as: follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), lutropin (LH), estrogens, prolactin, progesterone and androgens. These hormone levels change depending on the menstrual cycle.

CHECK>>Testing of sex hormones in women - norms
