Modern drugs can keep blood pressure in check. They will work even more effectively if you follow a diet or exercise. Strolling with a brisk step, swimming, cycling, Nordic walking, the so-called cardio training, i.e. aerobic exercise at a steady rhythmic pace.
A very important role in the treatment of hypertension is the correct use of drugs. They are selected individually, depending on the patient's age, the degree of hypertension (usually they are used in moderate and high hypertension), accompanying diseases (heart failure, atherosclerosis, post-infarction, diabetes), general he alth and individual reaction to the preparations. A specialist has many drugs at his disposal:
- inhibiting the activity of the angiotensin converting enzyme and thus regulating the amount of pressure (angiotensin is a hormone that causes small blood vessels to contract and aldosterone to be released from the adrenal glands, which retains sodium and water in the body, which increases the pressure);
- blocking angiotensin II receptors (sartans);
- beta-blockers (slow down the heart rate and dilate vessels) and alpha-blockers (dilate vessels);
- calcium channel blockers (slow down the heart rate, dilate vessels);
- diuretics (diuretics that cause the production of more urine, increasing the excretion of sodium responsible for high blood pressure);
- multi-component preparations.
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Inform about taking medications for hypertension
Inform every doctor about all medications you take, including those that can be bought over the counter. If an internist has prescribed you something onhypertension , and your cardiologist recommends another drug with a similar effect, taking both can lead to chronic kidney failure and even result in death. In addition, drugs for high blood pressure can interact with other drugs, e.g. beta-blockers reduce the effect of antidepressants, and diuretics - antidiabetic drugs. Aspirin and all preparations containing acetylsalicylic acid and its derivatives worsen the effect of diuretics. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs containing ibuprofen and diclofenac reduce the absorption of beta-blockers and maycause a dangerous pressure build-up. When combined with diuretics, they also increase the risk of impaired kidney function. Flu and headache pills with caffeine, as well as cold and runny nose medications with pseudoephedrine interfere with the work of heart-regulating medications. Laxatives reduce the absorption of all drugs taken orally, and when used with dehydrating drugs, they can lead to electrolyte disturbances, disrupt the work of the heart and kidneys. For this reason, it is also not allowed to take diuretics prescribed for hypertension and herbal preparations used in bladder and kidney infections (they also have a diuretic effect).
Remember about the side effects of taking medications for high blood pressure
The cough may be the result of taking, for example, convertase inhibitors. Dry, exhausting cough is the most common side effect of these preparations. It usually occurs at the beginning of treatment, but can also occur during treatment - often triggered by an upper respiratory tract infection. The problem is that such a cough is difficult to get rid of. Instead of waiting for it to pass by itself, it's better to contact your doctor. You may have to discontinue the medication (this symptom applies to the entire group of preparations, so switching to another preparation with the same active substance usually does not help).
Get moving
Exercising at a steady pace is friendly to the heart: it does not burden it too much, while forcing it to work more economically, it is also advisable to exercise with an open window. Everything that improves the efficiency of the body, especially the respiratory and circulatory systems and the work of the heart.Movementsupports drug therapy, as long as you exercise 30-45 minutes a day at least 3-4 times a week. The range of activity must be determined with the doctor depending on the severity of hypertension, general fitness and he alth.
Remember to continue the treatment
You must not change or stop the treatment without the doctor's knowledge.Blood pressureis kept at the proper level thanks to medication. The moment the treatment is discontinued, it will increase in height, and this is not neutral for the body. People with persistent hypertension must take medication for the rest of their lives. If you are not taking the therapy well or seeing no improvement, tell your doctor who will correct your treatment. Make sure that food does not interfere with the effect of the medicine. Then you need to take the medicine one hour before or two hours after a meal. If you are not 100% sure, it is a good idea to follow this rule permanently.
Follow dietary recommendations
Scientific research has shown that excess s alt raises blood pressure. According to the recommendationsWHO, he althy adults should not eat more than 6 g of s alt a day, i.e. a flat teaspoon. You have high blood pressure - give up s alting. Avoid processed foods, smoked meats, meats, s alty sticks, peanuts, and crisps. Replace s alt with fresh or dried herbs. If you cannot do without s alting, use dietary s alt (potassium chloride) that does not raise your blood pressure. The sole s alt restriction will lower the systolic blood pressure by 4-6 mm Hg, and the diastolic blood pressure by 2-3 mm Hg (even more in old age), making it possible to reduce the dose of drugs. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, cut down on fats, and replace animal fats with plant foods. Lard, butter and fatty meat promote arteriosclerosis, which increases blood pressure. Use rapeseed oil - it is high in monounsaturated fatty acids which help to lower blood pressure. By following a low-calorie diet, you will lose unnecessary kilograms that are not good for your heart. Losing 1 kg will lower your blood pressure by 2-3 mm Hg, and 5 kg - even by 20 mm Hg. Ask your doctor if you can afford a drink sometimes.
Watch out for potassium
The most important function of potassium is to regulate the body's water balance, control blood pressure and kidney function. Meanwhile, dehydrating preparations make us excrete more potassium in the urine than we provide in normal food. But among the drugs for high blood pressure there are also drugs that "conserve" potassium and even increase its concentration (eg converting enzyme inhibitors, aldosterone antagonists, sartans). Therefore, during the treatment, the doctor checks the level of the element in the blood and, if necessary, recommends supplementing it with an appropriate diet or preparations. Swelling, muscle cramps and fatigue may indicate a deficiency. However, potassium preparations must not be taken on your own. A sharp increase in the level of this element in the blood, when combined with some antihypertensive drugs, can seriously affect the work of the heart.
ImportantTake pressure measurements daily
Make a habit of measuring your blood pressure every day, preferably in the morning, sitting down, before getting out of bed. The worst problems with blood pressure happen at night, so the morning measurement corresponds to what was happening then. They should also always be checked in the event of malaise, which may be related to pressure, such as headache, tinnitus. It makes no sense to do this several times a day without a clear need. The pressure jump or drop by several tens of millimeters of mercury and the repeated pressure above 140/90 mm Hg should be disturbing. Then it is necessary to consult a doctor who, if necessary, will correct the treatment. It is not worth panicking when the pressure jumps onthe result of nervousness or fatigue. Once you cool down, it'll be back to normal. The prevailing opinion among doctors is that manual blood pressure monitors (automatic, mainly wrist-based, sometimes lower the results) are more accurate. Whichever you choose, check its accuracy. Ask your doctor (nurse) to measure the pressure with two and compare the results. When measuring the pressure with your device, you will have to take this into account.
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