What vitamins should be given to the baby, when and in what amounts - every mother should know about it. Meanwhile, there are many superstitions and even untrue information on this subject. It is also worth dispelling doubts about what supplements can be taken by a breastfeeding woman.
Vitamins haven't hurt anyone yet
False. Lack of vitamins leads to serious diseases, but the excess of vitamins is equally dangerous for the body. For example,vitaminsA, E and D, which are not soluble in water and are not excreted in the urine, tend to accumulate in the body and can then be toxic. Excess vitamin A and E can cause headache, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and too much vitamin D - kidney problems, high blood pressure, and heart rhythm disturbances. Therefore, if you want to givevitamin preparations to your child, always consult a doctor - he will determine a safe dose.
Babies must receive vitamin D from day one.
False. The timing of starting vitamin Dvitamin Ddepends on whether the mother took this vitamin in the last trimester of pregnancy and the child's nutrition. A breastfed infant, whose mother did not receive vitamin D in the third trimester of pregnancy, requires vitamin D administration from the first days of life. According to the latest recommendations of pediatricians, it is 400 units a day (usually 1 drop). If the mother was taking vitamin D in the third trimester of pregnancy, it should be done in the third week of the baby's life. On the other hand, infants fed with modified milk do not require additional administration of vitamin D, as long as the amount of milk consumed fully covers the daily requirement (initial formulas contain 40-60 units of vitamin D in 100 ml, the following mixtures: 56-76). In mixed feeding, the doctor determines the dose individually, calculating the vitamin D content in the administered formula.
A vegetarian mother who is breastfeeding must give her baby an additional set of vitamins.
False. All you need to do is give your baby vitamin D, just like all babies who are breastfed. However, it is possible that additional vitamins will have to be taken by a vegetarian mother - in such cases, doctors recommend supplementation of vitamin B12 and iron, which are most often lackingpeople who do not eat meat. It is also worth that a vegetarian mother should eat as many products rich in these ingredients as possible, e.g. eggs, dairy products, milk, legumes.
If a breastfeeding mother takes preparations containing vitamin D, the baby does not have to.
False. Babies who are breastfed should receive vitamin D, whether the mother is taking it or not.
Breastfed babies do not need vitamin D in summer.
False. Although vitamin D is produced by the body under the influence of the sun, pediatricians recommend that in our climatic conditions, children who are fed with mother's milk should be constantly given this vitamin - regardless of the season or the weather.
After antibiotic treatment, you must give your baby vitamins.
False. Antibiotics can interfere with the vitamin metabolism, but this applies to long-term use of these drugs. If your little one is taking the antibiotic for a week or 10 days, there's no need to worry. However, it is worth thinking about administering probiotic preparations containing he althy bacteria.
As long as your baby is breastfed, you need to give your baby vitamin K.
False. In fact, breast milk is poor in vitamin K, which is needed by the body for the blood clotting process. For many years, newborns received an injection of vitamin K immediately after birth. Since 2007, pediatricians have made new recommendations and recommended that an additional dose of this substance be administered orally to breastfed infants. However, it should only be given from the 2nd week of life until the baby is 3 months old. The appropriate dose of vitamin K is determined by the doctor - routinely 25 mcg daily. Note: milk formulas contain vitamin K, therefore artificially fed infants do not require additional supplementation.
A breastfeeding mother should not take vitamin supplements.
False. If a woman is concerned that her diet is not fully correct, she may take vitamin preparations during breastfeeding - those that she took during pregnancy or special for breastfeeding women. The choice of the preparation should be consulted with the pediatrician.
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