Deficiencies in the equipment of hospitals and clinics, insufficiently disseminated knowledge about obesity and only a dozen obesitologists specializing in its treatment - these are the problems faced by patients suffering from obesity, the so-called obesity. enormous. The Polish he alth service is simply not prepared to care for people with a disease that is said to be a pandemic of the 21st century.
Onoverweightandobesitysuffer from more than 50 percent Poles . According to estimates, in our country there live up to seven hundred thousandpeople suffering from3rd degree obesityi.e. the most advanced stage of the disease, also called morbid obesity ( BMI 40+). According to the report of the Ombudsman for Patients' Rights , the problem of access to he alth services for people with obesity is increasingly being signaled by patients and their families.
Obesity patient - what should you examine?
- Patients' reports mainly concerned diagnostic equipment that is not adapted to obese people, such as a CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging, but also, for example, the lack of a bed in the hospital with appropriate load capacity parameters or a dental chair that is not adapted to an obese person. The lack of appropriate equipment for obese patients may mean certain limitations in the possibility of performing a specific test, and thus these people may not be sufficiently covered by he alth care - comments Krystyna Barbara Kozłowska, p.o. Patient Ombudsman. Since 2014, the Foundation of People with ObesityOD-WAGAhas been carrying out activities to ensure that people suffering from obesity have proper access to medical services. The Foundation's speeches prompted the Ombudsman for Patients to take measures in 2015 to improve access to he alth services for this group of patients. The results of the monitoring of medical facilitiesconfirmed the problem of the Polish he alth service's maladjustment to diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation and care for obesity patients, the so-called huge and the so-called extremely enormous (BMI 60+). According to the MPC data, there are no patient beds with adequate load capacity (from 150 to 300 kg) in the Lubelskie, Śląskie, Świętokrzyskie and Wielkopolskie voivodships. In Silesia and seven other provinces, patients are deprived ofaccess to a positron emission tomography apparatus, which would have the so-called enormous parameters. There are only a few bariatric ambulances available nationwide, and only a few operating tables with a load capacity in excess of three hundred kilograms . Bariatric surgeries, the performance of which is determined by e.g. adequate load capacity and functionality of operating tables are provided by only about 30 hospitals.
How is morbid obesity treated?
Source: x-news / Dzień Dobry TVN
Obesity patient - how to treat him?
There are also not enough doctors in Poland specializing in the treatment of obesity, especially obesity. giant and the so-called extremely enormous.
- He alth service representatives lack adequate knowledge on how to deal with obese patients or how to properly dose their medications. The group of doctors trained in the treatment of obesity includes only a few dozen specialists. They are surgeons performing bariatric procedures, of which there are about forty and a dozen obesitologists educated abroad, because there is no such specialization in the Polish medical education system. There is a lack of appropriate equipment in clinics and hospitals. In the case of the rescue system, there are also no transport procedures for people suffering from obesity, the so-called extremely enormous - says Magdalena Gajda, the Social Ombudsman for Obesity Patients and the president of theOD-WAGAFoundation. As the Foundation points out, deficiencies in the equipment of facilities limit the possibility of using medical services by eligible patients. - Doctors refuse to perform procedures, explaining that they do not have the appropriate medical equipment. Hospitals that perform surgical obesity treatment are the best equipped, because they have patients who need such equipment on a daily basis, comments Magdalena Gajda.
Obesity patient - how to operate on him?
It is the bariatric procedures that are essential for obese patients. The Ministry of He alth separated bariatric surgery from general surgery, creating a new system of reimbursement of bariatric procedures, operating from January 2022. According to the study by the Agency for He alth Technology Assessment , referring to the HTA (He alth Technology Assessment) report, as well as global studies, this type of treatment is the most effective method of treating grade III obesity and its complications, e.g. type 2 diabetes, arterial hypertension , heart disease, arthrosis. Conducting surgery and careneed to equip the hospital with appropriate equipment for patients staying in the hospital, e.g. beds, operating tables, tables for outpatient procedures and diagnostic equipment. Annually, only 2,000 to 3,000 such procedures are performed in Poland.
According to the FoundationOD-WAGAthe need for actions aimed at eliminating the problem of restrictions in the use of medical services for obese patients is necessary to give every citizen equal chances to legally guaranteed access to protection he alth.
"According to the European He alth Survey (EHIS) of 2014, overweight and obese people in Poland accounted for 36.6 percent, respectively. . and 16.7 percent the population of people aged 15 and more, i.e. a total of 53.3 percent. Similar data is published in the report "Current statistics of obesity and overweight in Poland". The percentage of people with obesity is constantly growing - in 1996 it was 27.7%. in 2004 it increased to the level of 29.6%, to cover half of the population in the middle of this decade " Overweight and obesity in Poland - Biuro Analiz Sejmowych http: //$file/Infos_227.pdf"People with overweight and obesity: 49.55%" - data for the second half of 2015.MillwardBrown report "Current statistics of obesity and overweight in Poland"https: // pdf Foundation informationOD-WEIGHTfrom monitoring of medical facilities http: // od-weight. informationOD-WAGAabout the number of patients with the so-called morbid obesity on the basis of data obtained from hospitals performing bariatric surgery Office of the Patient Ombudsmanhttp : // (p. 29)http: // www / gfx / bpp / userfiles / _public / bip / wypapienia_rzecznika / table-obyli-2.10.2015.pdf http: // (p. 24) supports safe treatment and a dignified life of people suffering from obesity. This article does not contain discriminatory and stigmatizing content of people suffering from obesity.