By linking the nervous system with the immune system, prolonged mental stress weakens immunity. To prevent stress from building up, you need to take time to relax every day. But that's not all.
That isthe body's resistanceyou have at 5 usually turns out to be in spring or autumn. These seasons are especially conducive to colds. All you need is a penetrating cold outside, a sneezing friend at work, riding in a "runny" bus or a coughing husband at home. But not everyone gets a cold right away. It all depends on immunity. The organism has an unusual mechanism that allows it to defend itself against harmful microorganisms attacking from everywhere. If it works effectively, we do not get sick, but when it fails - from one infection we almost fall into the next. Fortunately, this can be changed, because the efficiency of the immune system (immune) depends to a large extent on us.
Get enough sleep, improve immunity
Research shows that shortening sleep by 40 percent. weakens the immune system by half (the number of cells known as natural killers, which are responsible for fighting viruses, decreases). After 2 sleepless nights, the body is as weakened as after the flu and then it tolerates what is happening outside the window worse than usual. Therefore, give up watching TV or working late at night. Do not be under the illusion that you can get enough sleep or sleep off a week of weekend nights lounging until noon. To be refreshed, you need to sleep at least 8 hours a night. Regular sleep will help you regain your strength by boosting your immune and nervous systems. If you have trouble falling asleep, don't drink caffeinated drinks or overeat before bed. Go for a walk while airing the bedroom.
Spend time actively to improve immunity
It has long been proven that people who practice sports catch colds less often - because physical activity increases the number of immune cells. Exercising in the fresh air toughens the body, and a walk in the rays of the sun is a great opportunity to get the right dose of vitamin D, which supports the work of immune cells, has a positive effect on bones and the nervous system. Sport is also a good way to relieve stress. That is why it is worth mobilizing for a systematic movement (coat least 3 times a week) - it can be swimming, jogging, training in the gym or gymnastics with an open window. But even a daily brisk walk (e.g. on the way to work) will have a positive effect on immunity.

Arrange your menu wisely
A rational diet based on natural products is essential in building immunity. Conversely, deprived of nutritional value is a straightforward pathway to disease. Therefore, now your menu should be dominated by products rich in vitamins and minerals that support the body's defense system. The foundations of resistance are:
- vitamin A (butter, liver, carrot, broccoli), C (rosehip, kiwi, chokeberry, pepper)
- vitamin E (oils, nuts, sunflower seeds)
- B vitamins (whole grains, yeast, sprouts)
- zinc (seafood, cheese, whole grains)
- selenium (Brazil nuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, fish)
- iron (meat, liver, parsley)
In addition, eat 1-2 tablespoons of honey every day, because it has antibiotic properties, as well as onions and garlic (1-2 cloves) - they mobilize the body's defenses and have a bactericidal effect. The immune diet also includes fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir), sauerkraut and cucumbers. They contain probiotics - beneficial bacteria that activate the immune system. It is worth reaching for products with probiotics not only during the infection period, but also during antibiotic treatment. You can also take good bacteria in tablet form (eg Energy Probiotics). Also remember to drink 2 liters of fluids every day to moisturize the mucous membranes - the air dried by radiators dries the mucosa of the nose and throat, which becomes susceptible to infections.
Make love
Long evenings should be used for amorous fun. A successful sex life not only promotes longevity, it reduces the risk of developing heart disease and depression. Scientific research also proves that sexual intercourse has a positive effect on the immune system. Close-ups are therefore an excellent method of preventing colds, as long as they happen regularly - at least twice a week. During sexual intercourse by 30 percent. the number of immune cells increases, which are the body's first line of defense against viral infections. The level of beneficial endorphins is also raised - hormones that reduce tension and improve mood. Sex also speeds up the metabolism, thanks to which the body cleans itself of toxins.
Keep in a good mood
Connecting the nervous system with the systemcauses that long-term mental stresses weaken immunity. To prevent stress from building up, you need to take time to relax every day. But it is not everything. Research shows that cheerful and sociable people get sick by 20 percent. less often than the gloomy. Therefore, think positively, focus on successes, not failures. Surround yourself with people who are bursting with energy and humor, because they "infect" with cheerfulness. Contact with such people also causes changes in the body - it has been proven that an hour long social meeting combined with a large dose of laughter stimulates the production of immune bodies. To improve your mood, watch comedies, entertainment programs, listen to energetic music. Give yourself small pleasures. Make your wardrobe cheer up too - when it's gray outside, wear colorful clothes or accessories.
Clean desk
Research has shown that germs found in the workplace on desks, telephones, mice and computer keyboards, as well as on light switches, door handles and taps are responsible for 80% of infections that we catch in winter. There can be as many as 500 times more germs per 1 cm2 of a desk than on a toilet seat and they can survive there for 3 days. But after 24 hours their number doubles, and then each touch of the computer carries the risk of carrying them further. Therefore, try to keep your workplace tidy. If you eat at your desk, then clean them up (crumbs are a breeding ground for bacteria). Regularly clean the utensils and the desk top with a disinfectant. Wash your hands frequently in warm, soapy water for 20-30 seconds, dry them well.
Take strength from plants
They have long been used as natural drugs to support the body's immunity. Many of them contain valuable substances that stimulate defense mechanisms and help maintain good physical and mental condition. That is why it is worth using their power. In the pharmacy you will find, among others preparations with aloe (aloe juice), purple echinacea, chokeberry, garlic, mountain rose, grapefruit, ginseng. The body will also be strengthened by raspberry and rosehip teas and homemade syrups, e.g. from onions or garlic.
Garlic Syrup: Clean 3 heads of garlic and rub. Put it in a jar, pour the juice of 3 lemons and a liter of boiled cool water. Close the jar and set aside for 3-4 days in a dark place. Drink a tablespoon of the syrup in the evening.
Recommended article:
How To Eat Garlic To Cure Flu And Colds?Dress sensibly
Both cooling down and overheating weaken the body. So, dress according to the weather, preferably on the scales (you can always take something off or add something). Winter underwear is important - it should be made ofnatural fibers (cotton, wool). Remember about gloves, because your hands are very sensitive to cold and ischemia, as well as a scarf and a hat - nearly 30 percent. we lose heat from the body through the head. And be sure to wear warm, waterproof shoes, preferably with wide toes and with a thicker sole - they insulate the feet from the cold ground, do not put pressure on them and allow the toes to move.
When you feel like something is taking you
Are you feeling lousy, your nose starts to tickle and your throat to scratch? You can still "scatter" the infection. Take a hot bath - this will increase your body temperature and inhibit the multiplication of viruses. After bathing, rub a warming ointment (such as Pulmonil) or Amol on your chest and put on warm pajamas. Also take a vitamin C supplement (such as Cerutin) or an anti-inflammatory and warming agent (such as Coldrex) and go to bed earlier than usual. This should stop the infection from growing. If your well-being does not improve the next day, save yourself and ideally stay at home for 1-2 days to avoid overcooling. During this time, use your home medicine cabinet for herbs that will help relieve the symptoms of the disease, including linden flowers (warming infusion), sage (for gargling), chamomile (for inhalation). A warm sweater, scarf, socks, duvet and a hot water bottle will also be useful.
Extra support
Vaccination is a way to increase immunity. It is worth getting vaccinated against influenza, and children and the elderly against pneumococci (the vaccine protects against life-threatening pneumococcal infections). In the case of troublesome, recurring respiratory tract infections, the doctor may recommend the so-called a non-specific vaccine that stimulates the body's natural immune mechanisms (including Luivac, Ribomunyl, Broncho-Vaxom, Polyvaccinum). The therapy is usually long-lasting (up to several months), but it is effective in preventing diseases.
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