Is it possible to practice yoga during menstruation? It's even worth it! Along with monthly bleeding, symptoms such as abdominal pain, backache, dizziness, nausea and weakness appear. Properly selected exercises for menstrual pain can alleviate them. See the best asanas for menstrual pain.
Yogaduring theperiodis not inadvisable, on the contrary - it can help relieve pain and other ailments during bleeding. The condition for the effectiveness ofexercisesis the selection of asanas that are primarily relaxing and stretching, not strengthening. During menstruation, you should avoid tightening the muscles, especially those around the abdomen.
Yoga for menstrual pain - how to prepare for exercise?
In order for yoga exercises to effectively relieve menstrual pain, it should be performed correctly in terms of breathing. Before you start training, it is worth finding out what yogic breath is and how to synchronize it with body movements. Adequate oxygenation during exercise is very important - it is the lack of oxygen in the tissues that is responsible for troublesome contractions during menstruation.
It should also be remembered that the abdomen must remain relaxed during exercise. Its tension causes the retention of toxins, which should be removed from the body along with monthly blood.
How does yoga exercise relieve period pain?
Here are the effects you can get by practicing yoga during your period:
- practicing asanas oxygenates the whole body, thus preventing contractions;
- stretching reduces the swelling that often occurs during menstruation;
- exercise causes the release of endorphins, which have an analgesic effect and improve mood;
- Performing asanas on a regular basis can help to reduce the amount of blood that is released during your period;
- Yoga training strengthens the pelvic floor muscles, which determine the proper functioning of the reproductive organs.
See the gallery with asanas that are also recommended during your period:

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