You sleep badly, can't cope with stress, are you having mood swings? Gentle yoga exercises designed with women in mind are for you. Hormonal yoga is recommended for women who suffer from hypothyroidism, are in the period of menopause or are treating infertility.
Hormonal yogais a natural therapy designed especially for women during menopause. However, even if you are beforemenopausebut are over 40, read this text! Also read it when your body produces too little hormones - it can catch a woman of any age.
Hormonal yoga - sun salutation
During classes with Irena Kertyczak, a certified hormonal yoga trainer, we learn respect and love for our own body. Ladies of all ages train side by side: young married women, young grandmothers, women just before, during and after the menopause, busy 40-year-olds who want to prepare for the difficult fight against time.
We start the hour and a half exercises with relaxation. We lie on mats, under warm blankets. The world outside is slowly drifting away. We shake off haste and stress. Irena's soft voice almost lulls us to sleep. However, before we fall into a pleasant nap, the trainer gives a signal to start exercising.
The obligatory "sun salutation" first - a triple series of dynamic, simple movements from traditional hatha yoga. A boost of energy to start with. Needed, because we have half an hour of quite intense stretching ahead of us. Before practicing hormonal yoga, we practice the hatha-yoga set according to Sivananda. These are quite gentle exercises, of low or medium difficulty level, possible for practically everyone. Their purpose is not only to stretch the joints, but also to strengthen the body (especially the back and abdominal muscles). Another moment of relaxation and we move on to the hormone yoga session.
Hormone Yoga - Stimulating Asanas
First item: matsyendrasana. We sit on the floor with one leg bent, the other leg extended, and the torso twisted to the side. We start to breathe - quickly, hard, gasping like locomotives … In this way - taking the right position and breathing in a special technique - we massage individual internal organs. The principle is simple: the human body has its own self-regulatory system, which you only need accordinglystimulate - body position, breath, concentrated thought.
The set of hormonal yoga exercises, developed by the Brazilian Dinah Rodriguez, comes from traditional hatha yoga and kundalini yoga (these are calmer, meditative exercises in which special attention is paid to breathing and the associated flow of prana, or energy) . The asanas (positions) that stimulate the work of the ovaries, thyroid gland, pituitary and adrenal glands, i.e. glands responsible for the production of female hormones, have been selected from the wide range of yoga poses.
By exercising regularly (prophylactically 2 times a week, preferably daily during the menopause), you can restore the body's hormonal balance without the help of drugs. What is connected with it? Only positives. You will regain energy and inner peace, you will sleep better and smile more often. The physical condition and the appearance of hair and skin will improve. And most importantly - the chandra will pass.
- Effects are visible after 2-3 months of regular exercise, says Irena Kertyczak. - Women regain their vitality and improve their mood. However, I am most happy when one of the girls becomes pregnant, and I already have several such cases. I even met some of the children.
- menopause,
- during fertility treatment,
- hormonal disorders (e.g. disorders of the menstrual cycle, amenorrhea, PMS, premature menopause),
- during hormone therapy to reduce drug doses,
- reduction of vital energy,
- hypothyroidism,
- hormonal acne,
- for women from 40 years of age to maintain an adequate level of hormones, youth, he alth and beauty.
- pregnancy,
- changes in the breasts (medical consultation necessary),
- neoplastic diseases (but previous ones are not a contraindication),
- advanced endometriosis,
- large uterine fibroids,
- serious problems with the heart and respiratory system.
Hormonal yoga - pranayama - breath of life
- Breathing in yoga, and especially in hormonal, is essential - explains the trainer. - Most of us don't breathe properly. Too shallow and usually the wrong way round: we inhale the stomach instead of pushing it out. Meanwhile, a proper, full breath should activate the diaphragm. It has to be deep, engaging your entire lungs. If we breathe properly, firstly, we massage our internal organs, secondly, we oxygenate the blood and, thirdly, we increase the body's energy level.
There are several yogic techniques used in hormonal yogabreathing exercises performed in different positions. The most important of these is bhastrika, or "laughter." When you breathe Bhastrika, you inhale the air quickly and deeply (always inhale and exhale with your nose), pushing your stomach out, and you let it out just as quickly, drawing your navel to your spine as you exhale. Inhale and exhale are repeated at a rapid pace 7-12 times. The ajjaya breath ("thigh") is equally important. It consists in drawing in and out of air through the nose, with the glottis partially closed (as during snoring). This technique stimulates the flow of energy in the upper body, which in particular stimulates the thyroid and pituitary glands.
Conscious breathing is also important during relaxation, which ends with every hour and a half yoga session. Our thoughts are then guided by the warm voice of the trainer. Breathe in, breathe out … We visualize the energy flow through the body and … slowly drain away. One moment more and you have to get back to reality, but it's nothing, because you come out of the classes with a huge dose of optimism. - I watch with pleasure how the women who come to me change, become more beautiful and open to the world. They become bolder, more self-confident and start making their dreams come true. This is a great reward for what I do! - Irena is happy.
Pioneer of hormonal yoga
Dinah Rodriguez, 80-year-old Brazilian yoga trainer for many years, based on her own experience and observations, developed a system of exercises in the early 1990s that can restore the disturbed hormonal balance. The exercises contain elements of hatha yoga and Eastern energy lifting techniques (pranayama, qigong, kundalini yoga). Research conducted by the author of the program shows that after 4 months of daily practice, the level of hormones (e.g. estradiol) in most women increases by 100 or even 200 percent. In Poland, classes in hormonal yoga are conducted by Dinah's student, Irena Kertyczak.
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