The list of natural probiotics, i.e. products containing good bacteria, is not long. The vast majority of these products are easily available. The most important thing is their quality: only your own silage will be probiotics. It is similar with yoghurts - the best ones are those with the smallest amount of ingredients.
The nameprobioticcomes from the Greek wordspro bios , which meansfor life .Natural probioticsprevent gas, improve digestion, prevent constipation and increase overall immunity.
When the body especially needs probiotics?
The disturbance of the natural bacterial flora may be caused by the following factors:
- treatment with antibiotics;
- smoking;
- bad eating habits: eating fast food, highly processed foods, lack of dairy products in the diet;
- drinking alcohol;
- chronic stress;
- using contraception.
Natural probiotics: dairy products
Natural yogurt, kefir and buttermilk in 1 gram should contain at least 10 million units of Bifidobacterium or 100 million Lactobacillus bacteria to be considered a probiotic product. Good quality yoghurts and buttermilk on the packaging should indicate which bacterial strains were used for production. When choosing a product, pay attention to the composition. There should be as few ingredients as possible. If there is sugar in it, put the yogurt on the shelf as it will have no probiotic effect.
You must do itHow to make natural yogurt?
Boil a liter of milk (make sure you use fresh milk, you won't make yogurt with UHT). Let them cool down to about 35 degrees C. Pour them into a jar or glass jug, add 5 tablespoons of plain yogurt. Cover with a cloth and set aside where the temperature reaches 40 degrees. After a few hours, the yogurt is ready.
List of natural probiotics
Natural probiotics: homemade sauerkraut
To strengthen the body, eat sauerkraut. Under the influence of the lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum, the cabbage ferments. Pickled is better absorbed and contains more vitamins B12, B6 and PP than fresh. Vitamin C in sauerkraut is a very good remedypreventing colds.
Important! Sauerkraut should not be rinsed. The resulting juice is a drink full of vitamins, improves appetite and digestion, naturally disinfecting the digestive system.
Remember that the desired bacteria will be found only in the homemade sauerkraut. The ones from the store are preserved with sodium sorbate and have little in common with probiotic effects.
Natural probiotics: homemade pickled cucumbers
When pickling in cucumbers, the content of vitamins B2, B3, B6, B12, PP increases. They have a positive effect on improving the functioning of the nervous system and concentration. Lactic acid bacteria, multiplied during pickling, improve digestion and eliminate toxins.
In patients with stomach ulcers, the good bacteria in pickled cucumbers soothe discomfort and heal inflammation.
Natural probiotics: kvass
Traditional kvass is produced from yeast and lactic acid bacteria. It has the flavor of wholemeal bread and is a thirst-quencher. As in dairy products and pickled vegetables, kvass without chemical additives is a natural probiotic.
It is difficult to buy real kvass in Poland, only acid-flavored drinks that do not have probiotic properties are available in stores. Kvass is easily available in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus - there it is considered the national drink. So the easiest way is to do it yourself.

Sauerkraut recipe
Sauerkraut is not only a great addition to dinner, but also has excellent he alth-promoting properties. Sauerkraut has a very good effect on the functioning of our intestines. See how to easily make homemade sauerkraut.