A proctologist is a doctor who deals with diseases of the anus and rectum. Unfortunately, we still consider this type of ailments as embarrassing and prefer to suffer rather than visit a specialist. Change it and see your doctor when you experience pain and itching in the anus, rectal bleeding or symptoms of hemorrhoids.
Proctologistis a doctor who deals with problems related to the lower digestive system - his speci alty iscolon and rectal diseases . If you have anal itching, pain in the anus, haemorrhoids, do not delay your visit to the doctor - not only to make sure that there is no serious illness behind the ailments that make your life extremely difficult. But most of all because a properly functioning rectum means a better quality of life. Besides, as with any disease - the earlier its stage, the easier it is to cure!
What ailments are diagnosed and treated by a proctologist?
- Anal pain
You should visit a proctologist whenever you suffer from pain around the anus. It can be caused by e.g. abscesses, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, infectious proctitis, prostatitis, endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy and appendicitis. Anal pain (usually very severe) accompanies prolapse and anal or rectal fissure. In each case, the correct diagnosis can only be made by an experienced specialist.
- Anal pruritus
It is an ailment with which around 5 percent struggle. population. These people should also not delay visiting a specialist. It is not always possible to establish the cause of anal itching. Doctors believe that its formation may be influenced, among others, by Vitamin A deficiency or Vitamin D deficiency. It's worth checking.
- Hemorrhoids - haemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are the most common reason for visiting a proctologist. 30-60 percent suffer from hemorrhoids. poppy. The symptoms of the disease are:
- rectal bleeding
- feeling of incomplete bowel movement
- itching
- baking
- anal pain
- prolapse of hemorrhoidal nodules
There are 4 stages of the disease. The first two are usually treated conservatively:a high-residual diet, drinking plenty of fluids, avoiding constipation, as well as topical use of ointments and suppositories are important. In the treatment of the 3rd and 4th stage of the disease, sclerotherapy procedures are performed (a substance that causes the formation of a blood clot is injected into the skin around the affected nodule; the malnourished, hypoxic tumor falls off), unipolar and low-voltage diathermy (that is, it uses the effects of current), and cryotherapy (freezing the nodule causing necrosis), infrared coagulation (the nodule is destroyed by high temperature), or a laser. 5-10 percent patients require surgery.
Accurate diagnosis of anal diseases
The basic examination is per rectal examination, i.e. through the anus. If necessary, additional tests are ordered:
- Anoscopy - it consists in viewing the final section of the rectum with a speculum, the so-called anoscope. During the examination, the doctor may perform simple therapeutic procedures and take a sample for microscopic examination.
- Rectoscopy - it's an endoscopy; allows you to see the intestine at a length of about 30 cm.
- Colonoscopy - the entire length of the large intestine is examined using a long, thin speculum using the fiber optic technique.
- Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) - involves inserting an ultrasound probe into the rectum; this way it is possible to detect pathologies within the rectal wall and surrounding tissues.
- Valsalva maneuver - the patient performs a special exercise that increases the pressure in the abdomen, resembling a stool pressure. This way, the doctor can see if the hemorrhoidal nodules fall out.
- Recto-rectal manometry - is a pressure measurement that evaluates sphincter function.
- Rectal infusion - this is a series of X-ray images taken after the contrast agent has been introduced into the intestine.
What are hemorrhoids
These are natural, small, blood-filling (pillow-like) structures found inside the anal canal. They are also called haemorrhoids. Together with the sphincter muscles, they maintain the tightness of the anus (especially gases). When it is time to defecate, the anal sphincters relax and the blood from the hemorrhoidal nodules drains away.
Colorectal cancer
Colorectal cancer can develop insidiously, with symptoms similar to hemorrhoidal disease! Early cancer detection gives full chances of recovery. The later the diagnosis, the worse the prognosis. Therefore, it is worth applying for participation in the Early Detection ProgramColon cancer. The program includes taking a stool sample and testing it for blood, and a colonoscopy, which is a transrectal examination of the large intestine with a special speculum.
Ways to treat hemorrhoids
Every second Pole has hemorrhoids. Untreated hemorrhoids can lead to serious he alth problems. That is why it is worth and must be treated. There are many effective treatments for hemorrhoids. Listen to our expert - surgeon Jacek Waligóra from Medicover Hospital in Warsaw.
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