Laser vision correction is a commonly performed procedure that restores full visual acuity. What should you know about laser vision correction? What are the facts and myths around eye care treatments?
Laser vision correction repairs the eyes and restores full visual acuity. Eye defects are becoming an increasingly common ailment of modern civilization. Ophthalmologists alert that almost half of Poles suffer from myopia. Many of them dream of getting rid of glasses or contact lenses and being able to see everything in full focus. Currently, the possibility of completely getting rid of a vision defect is offered by laser vision correction.
Dr. Łukasz Kołodziejski from the Ophthalmology Clinic LIBERMEDIC answers frequently asked questions about laser vision correction.
Laser vision correction - what is it?
Laser vision correction is a safe alternative to traditional glasses and contact lenses. It consists in modeling the patient's cornea in order to reduce the sight defect. Patients who have undergone laser treatment confirm that the improvement in vision is noticeable immediately after its completion.
Laser vision correction - how is the procedure performed?
Laser correction is a procedure performed under local anesthesia - we put anesthetic drops into the eyes and it is sufficient for the procedure to be painless. Before the procedure, I protect my eyelids from blinking with the so-called stays. The patient's task is to look straight into the light. The laser on which I work has an additional eyeball tracking function - so if the patient looks beyond the indicated place, the laser stops, and after a while, when the eye is correctly positioned, it returns to the correction in the place where it stopped. It is a very technologically convenient solution that cannot be found in other lasers.
To be able to perform the procedure, we need to prepare the cornea for its effects. In my work, also based on the experience provided by prof. Iwona Grabska-Liberek, I use the so-called Superficial methods in the correction of vision defects. The newest one is SmartSurfAce. This method is completely non-contact. Thanks to the algorithm with which we design the procedure, the laser first removes the epithelium fromcornea, and after a while (in fact it is a few seconds) to start modeling the cornea, i.e. vision defect correction. After the procedure, we put on contact lenses for a few days, which are a dressing and allow for a safe, painless renewal of the epithelium. The SmartSurfAce treatment takes several seconds. First, we correct one and then the other eye during one session.
Laser vision correction - who is the treatment for?
Laser vision correction is intended for adults with a stable defect. Earlier, we perform a qualifying examination, during which I carefully examine the patient's eyes, examine the size of the vision defect, and dilate the pupils. An innovative examination is the Sirius corneal tomography. This is a short, painless test in which we assess the shape of the cornea and also measure the width of the pupils.
Laser vision correction is intended for people with the following defect: myopia up to -8D, hyperopia up to + 6D and astigmatism up to 5D. Our laser can also correct the so-called residual defects - e.g. after cataract surgery with a monofocal lens or astigmatism remaining after cataract surgery.
Recently, we used laser correction as the last stage of treatment in a patient who had a very severe vision defect. First, prof. Iwona Grabska-Liberek operated her eyes with the use of multifocal toric lenses. However, even the most powerful lenses did not fully correct astigmatism. We decided to correct the residual astigmatism with a laser and I performed this procedure. In patients with high defects, there is no option for the laser to correct the entire defect, so first we use refractive lens replacement (a procedure that technically looks like cataract surgery) and then correct what the lens does not align with a laser.
Laser vision correction is performed once in a lifetime and the defect never returns?
Yes, laser correction surgery is performed once in a lifetime. The condition is a well-carried out qualification and the stability of the defect. By itself, laser correction is not a method that will prevent the use of reading glasses. Remember that after the age of 40, a physiological presbyopia appears, which manifests itself "too short a hand to read".
Presbyopia laser vision correction
You can, but not with classic laser correction. A different procedure is used to eliminate presbyopia, which I perform with the same laser, but I plan its work differently. The PresbyMax procedure can be performed in a patient who has only presbyopia, and as an add-on when the patient has a distance and near vision impairment.
How pregnancy can affect the effects of laser correction?shortly after the procedure?
Pregnancy and breastfeeding aretemporary contraindicationsfor laser vision correction surgery. During this period, due to hormonal changes in the woman's body, there is a certain instability in visual acuity and the topography of the eye surface. The treatment can be performed approx. 6 months after the end of the feeding period.
It is worth noting that undergoing the procedure is by itself not a contraindication to natural childbirth in the future. And when it comes to pregnancy shortly after laser vision correction surgery, we recommend that you be careful and use contraception for the first 6 months.
Laser vision correction - how long does such a procedure and convalescence take?
SmartSurfAce lasts several seconds. Preparation for the procedure takes longer. The improvement in vision is almost immediate. My patients, immediately after the procedure, please read the time indicated by the clock hanging on the wall. They read flawlessly. The first days after the procedure may be more difficult - tearing and slight photophobia may appear. But after the epithelium has healed, that is, after a few days, when we remove the lenses, everything returns to normal.
For a month, the patient takes drops with steroids and antibiotics, and during this time we limit physical activity related to swimming in the pool, sea, using the gym or sauna. The recovery process is not affected by using the computer, reading or watching TV.
Laser vision correction and complications, e.g. halos. How often are they occurring?
Each treatment is designed on the appropriate optical zone. The idea is to plan the correction so that it covers the cornea with a diameter not smaller than that of the pupil in the dark. We can work on a zone of even 1 cm, so patients with the so-called "Wide pupils".
By default, most lasers work in the optical zone of 6.2 - 7.0. The "halo" effect is related to the fact that the procedure was performed on a zone smaller than the width of the pupil in the dark. In such a situation in the dark, e.g. when driving a car at night, the pupil extends beyond the laser-corrected zone. Then we have split street lights or cars coming from the opposite direction.
In some patients the problem of "dry eye" lasts for a long time, in some patients it takes up to six months to get used to the new conditions of seeing. However, these are extremely rare cases.
What other laser treatments do you perform?
Together with Prof. Grabska-Liberek, we are particularly interested in the correction of astigmatism. Astigmatism is such a disadvantagevision, which may be a symptom of a disease - keratoconus. In patients with a cone, we perform a simultaneous combined procedure, i.e. cross-linking with SmartSurf Topoquided. The SmartSurf Topoquided treatment itself can also be performed on patients with a cone who have had cross-linking some time ago but still need correction of the so-called higher order aberrations.
Do you regain full visual efficiency after the treatment and do you no longer need to wear lenses or glasses?
Yes, most patients regain full visual efficiency after the procedure. The important thing is that the difference is visible immediately after the operation is completed. It is very rare that some part of the defect remains.
Is it true that some people may have problems with e.g. driving a car after the procedure?
Most patients after laser vision correction do not have any vision problems. In some cases, however, there may be slight fluctuations in visual acuity, deterioration of contrast and the effect of blurring of lights in twilight conditions. In this case, it may cause temporary difficulties in driving.
Can laser vision correction increase the risk of developing AMD in old age?
No. Laser vision correction has no effect on AMD. The causes of this disease are not yet fully known, it is only known that it has a genetic background.
After the treatment, is it possible to practice any type of sport and do any work without fear?
Of course, after the recovery period, you can do whatever you have been doing. There are no contraindications for this, on the contrary, laser vision correction can be very useful for people practicing sports or professional activities, where other correction methods are particularly inconvenient or eliminating, e.g. diving or working in uniformed services.
How much does such a procedure cost and is it reimbursed by the National He alth Fund?
Laser correction treatments, both in Poland and around the world, are outside the basket of benefits guaranteed by the state insurer. In Poland, therefore, the National He alth Fund does not refund them. SmartSurfAce costs around 6,000 for two eyes, and there are other methods, sometimes a little cheaper and sometimes more expensive.
What methods of laser vision correction are there to choose from?
There are several methods of laser vision correction. They can be divided into superficial (here we find SmartSurfAce) and the so-called deep - that is, strongly interfering with the cornea (here we have smile or femtolasik).