How to eat mushrooms so that they are not hard to digest? First of all, you should know which dishes can be combined with and which will additionally burden the digestive system. The form in which the mushrooms are eaten is also important (sauces, soups, marinades, fried and boiled mushrooms). Check how to eat mushrooms so that they are not difficult to digest, from which age you can safely give mushrooms to children and why you should not combine mushrooms with alcohol.
How to eat mushrooms so that they are not hard to digest?You just need to follow a few basic rules. Thanks to them, each of us will be able to enjoy the amazing taste and aroma of mushrooms without worrying about stomach problems.
How to eat mushrooms so that they are not hard to digest?
Mushrooms, even though they are low in calories (90% water), are hard to digest. The fungal cell walls contain chitin. It is a polysaccharide that resembles cellulose but is not digested by the human stomach. In addition, mushrooms contain a lot of protein that is poorly dissolved by stomach acids.
For this reason, it is recommended to stew mushrooms only in their own sauce, and not in other, often difficult to digest, sauce. It is the sauces that contain cream, roux and too fewherbs that aid digestion,such as rosemary, thyme, marjoram, savory, cumin and juniper that make mushrooms even more difficult to digest. It is also difficult to digest a dish in which braised mushrooms are added to the meat.
The safest way to eat mushrooms has been heat-treated (preferably by boiling it for about 30 minutes). Mushrooms can also be fried. It is not recommended to eat mushrooms that are grilled over a fire or fried in a baking tray, as they burn quickly while remaining raw inside. And raw mushrooms can contain dangerous toxins that can cause more serious digestive problems.
If mushrooms play the main role in the menu, the remaining products should be easily digestible so that they do not burden the stomach. Combination of mushrooms with difficult-to-digest foods, such as beans, should be avoided. Better to replace them with potatoes and lettuce.
Since the mushrooms linger in the stomach for a long time, noyou should eat them in the evening.
Don't miss:
- 10 of the most poisonous mushrooms. Check which mushrooms not to pick PHOTOS
- Poisoning by edible mushrooms. When can edible mushrooms be harmful?
- Poisoning with Satan's boletus - symptoms. First aid in case of poisoning with "Satan"
Do not mix mushrooms with alcohol!
You should not combine mushrooms with alcohol, because it cuts the protein of the fungus in the stomach, which becomes even more resistant to digestive juices, and thus - remains in the stomach for even longer.
The most dangerous thing is to drink alcohol right after eating black pepper. This fungus contains coparine - a substance that stops the process of decomposition of ethyl alcohol in the body, which is a threat to he alth and even life.
It is not recommended to consume alcoholic beverages, as well as medicines containing alcohol, about 2 days before and about 3 days after consuming mushrooms.
Who should give up the mushrooms?
- people allergic to mushrooms
- people struggling with kidney and liver diseases
- people struggling with diseases of the digestive system
- elderly people
- pregnant and lactating women
Mushrooms should not be given to children!
General recommendations are that mushrooms should not be given to children under 3 years of age. However, some specialists believe that this age limit should be pushed back to nine or even twelve. It is supposed that children's livers are not able to digest compounds that are contained in mushrooms. In addition, mushrooms do not contain enough essential nutrients, such as vitamins, to meet the needs of developing children. Therefore, it makes no sense to include mushrooms in your child's diet.
Why shouldn't children eat mushrooms? A child transplantologist from the Children's Memorial He alth Institute, prof. Piotr Kaliciński
Source: x-news / Dzień Dobry TVN
How to prepare mushrooms in the he althiest way? The dietitian answers
- Mushrooms - dishes with fresh mushrooms
- How to make MUSHROOMS? Mushroom dishes and preserves
- MARINATED MUSHROOMS - RECIPES for marinated mushrooms
- Is it worth eating MUSHROOMS?
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