Decaffeinated coffee is actually decaffeinated coffee. It is not free from caffeine, but the content of this substance in decaffeinated coffee is 10-20 times lower than in natural ground coffee - it is at least 97% caffeine-free. Read whether decaffeinated coffee is he althy and find out how it is made!

Decaffeinated coffeeis available on the Polish market in several types. It differs from non-decaffeinated coffee in the intensity of taste, aroma and color. It is true that thecoffee aromais most influenced by the roasting process and it is the most important factor in the qualities of the drink, butdecaffeinated coffee is milder , less sour and bitter, and brighter than coffee with caffeine.

Decafis not completely caffeine free . The allowable amount is0.1 g / 100 g . Most decaffeinated coffees contain less caffeine than the norms allow. In a glass of natural ground coffee, brewed with 7-10 g of coffee, there is 120 to 200 mg of caffeine. In a glass of instant coffee prepared with 2.5 g of coffee extract - 65 mg of caffeine, and in a glass of decaffeinated coffee - 4 mg.

Decaffeinated coffee: how is it made?

Decaffeinated coffee is mainly obtained by three methods. Each uses green, unroasted coffee beans that are soaked in a suitable solvent or steamed until the pores of the coffee beans are opened and the caffeine is extracted. The coffee beans are roasted only after the decaffeination process. You can get decaffeinated coffee using the following method:

  • extraction with a mixture of solvents- methylene chloride, ethyl acetate and water in a proportion that leaches caffeine from the coffee beans. After the decaffeination process, the solvent is evaporated, so no residues of unwanted chemicals are found in the beans.
  • Swiss(Swiss Water Process) - which uses the osmosis process in an aqueous environment and carbon filters. It is an organic method and no chemicals are used to extract caffeine.
  • extraction with carbon dioxide- uses the passing of gaseous carbon dioxide in a supercritical state through the coffee beans to remove caffeine without affecting aromas and flavors. This is the most expensive method availabledecaffeination.

Decaf coffee: who should be drinking it?

For most people, drinking 1-2 glasses of coffee with caffeine a day (up to 400 mg of caffeine) is not a problem and may not even affect your well-being.

It should be remembered, however, thatcaffeine tolerance is an individual feature . Different people react differently to the concentration of this active substance. Caffeine:

  • has a stimulating effect
  • improves concentration and reflexes
  • increases the strength of heart contraction
  • accelerates metabolism

Long-term excessive caffeine consumption (over 500-600 mg) can lead to:

  • too excitable
  • feelings of anxiety
  • heart arrhythmia
  • insomnia
  • headaches

Replacing regular decaffeinated coffee is recommended:

  • pregnant and lactating
  • with insomnia
  • in anxiety states
  • for headaches
  • for irritability
  • for nausea

and especially people with hypertension and kidney diseases.

When taking medications, you also need to pay attention that they do not interactwith caffeine . There are suggestions in the literature that women of working age should drink less than 300 mg of caffeine per day. People with estrogen dominance should also be careful about caffeine, so replacing morning coffee with a decaffeinated version seems justified.

Caffeine content in decaffeinated coffee [g / 100 g] available on the Polish market

Coffee nameCaffeine concentration [g / 100 g]
Nescafe Classic (instant)0,10
Jacobs Night & Day (instant)0,14
Tesco instant coffee - decaffeinated (instant)0.06
Jacobs Night & Day (roasted)0.07
Prima Grand Aroma (roasted)0.09
Sati Cafe dekafeinet (roasted)0.26
Marcus (roasted)0.06
Onko (roasted)0.06
Melita (roasted)0.07
Prima DECAF ICA (Roasted)0.08
Prima DECAF ASG (roasted)0.09
Decaffeinated prima (roasted)0.09

Decaffeinated coffee: is it he althy?

For he althy people who do not have problems with hypertension, insomnia or excessive excitability, coffee drunk in moderate amounts (up to2 glasses a day) is not harmful. Drinking coffee has been demonized for decades. Today, however, it is known thatcoffee helps more than harms . And many people do not hurt at all.

The main difference between decaffeinated coffee and regular coffee is its caffeine content. The nutritional value is very similar. There may be slightly less active substances in decaffeinated coffee. You should not be concerned about the residual organic solvents in the coffee beans as they are eliminated in the manufacturing process.

Decaffeinated coffee is a very good source of antioxidants (mainly polyphenols and hydroxycinnamic acid), i.e. substances that inhibit the action of free radicals, cause low-intensity inflammatory processes, damage proteins and DNA and lead to many diseases.

When analyzing the Western diet, it was found that coffee is the main source of antioxidants in it. The antioxidant content of decaffeinated coffee can be up to 15% lower than that of non-decaffeinated coffee.

In decaffeinated coffee we can find small amounts of magnesium, potassium and niacin. One glass of the drink covers the body's needs for the individual ingredients listed in the amount of 2 to 5%. Based on scientific research (mainly observational), it has been found that drinking decaffeinated coffee helps to prevent conditions such as:

  • type 2 diabetes (a glass of decaffeinated or caffeinated coffee per day lowers the risk of developing the disease by 7%),
  • liver disease,
  • premature death as a result of a heart attack or stroke,
  • dementia, neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease,
  • anal cancer (one study found that drinking at least 2 cups of decaffeinated coffee lowers the risk of getting sick by 48%).

He alth benefits of coffee

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